- Comment on Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests 11 months ago:
X seems to have stopped fighting against bots. So there are less people, more bots and those bots won’t be banned as quickly as before.
- Comment on Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests 11 months ago:
This should be human usage - the user survey was done by phone.
- Comment on What's wrong with Nextcloud, and why is it slow/clunky? 11 months ago:
Yeah, and don’t pretend that comparable software like Google Drive, Sharepoint or Dropbox is faster.
- Comment on Weird idea continues connecting fediverse and email 11 months ago:
RSS is not gone - you can read RSS by mail and it’s quite awesome. Check RSS2Email or Nachrichtensortiermaschine
- Comment on Please tell me does this make any sense? i can not sleep, is capitalism inherently designed to be invasive? 1 year ago:
TBH: You shoudn’t base such broad historical theories on 7 lines of Reddit comments without sources. There is a broad literature about the fall of the roman empire and its causes and a lot of research into the british empire and also capitalism, so maybe read a few books on the topic before jumping to such far fetched conclusions?
- Comment on Who else has booked time off work to play Starfield when it releases? 1 year ago:
It is a Bethesda game and we know how buggy they are on launch. I’m waiting a while until the worst bugs are resolved and maybe for the first sale hopefully around christmas time