- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
To this point: for those who think that, do they think anyone else realistically could, at this point, other than Biden?
Literally anyone born after 1975.
Look, 45% of people are going to vote for the name on the D line no matter who it is. 45% of people are going to vote for the name on the R line no matter what. That last 10% is who you want to win over. And like, they’re tired of both of them. But Biden is the dude in office right now, so they’re gonna vote for the other one.
All Biden has to do is say “after some reflection, you’re right. I cannot serve at my best capacity. I’m going to step aside for the good of party and country,” and then they nominate literally anyone under 50. Hardcore democrats are going to vote for whoever is on that line, and middle America is going to see that and be like “that’s the honorable thing to do. I respect that. And I may not know who this new person is, but they’re not Trump” so democrats still have that tired platform without any of the baggage. They would cruise to retaining the presidency.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Tech bros reinvent broadcast TV.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Have we gotten that stupid?
Something something “these regulations are written in blood” anecdote something something.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
I once read an article that basically called the military a billion dollar vocational school program and it really shifted my perspective. Like I kinda don’t give a shit about most people or why they join - maybe it’s that chance at upward mobility, maybe it’s the desire to serve a cause, maybe it’s a desire to feel a part of something bigger, all of which are legit human needs and desires. As an idea, I’m kind of neutral leaning towards negative in the military. It’s when I start looking at it in the broader context thag I get angry, and it’s not necessarily at the rank and file, and sometimes not even the mid to high leadership. It’s the presidents and the politicians and business people who lead the whole thing and play games with people’s lives. I even have sympathy for the angry knuckle dragging meatheads because they just got duped, again, by the ruling class.
- Comment on inches plus coins equals metric system 1 year ago:
Base 12 crew represent.
- Comment on inches plus coins equals metric system 1 year ago:
10 isn’t the best base and I’m suck of pretending it is.
- Comment on Directed by JJ Abrams 1 year ago:
I mean, the first one was a fun popcorn flick. Into Darkness was… Eh, not the worst movie I’ve ever seen. I can’t adequately judge Beyond because it came out about three months after my dad died (who introduced me to Trek and sci-fi in general) and he would have loved the ending.
- Comment on I'll just be a quick 3h 1 year ago:
Welcome to the professional world where everything is iterative and and 95% of your clients (internal or external) are data illiterate and don’t want to learn whatever self service tools you build.
- Comment on Scientists are hoping to redefine the second – here's why 1 year ago:
Not everything needs to be base 10.
- Comment on I accidentally removed the WHERE clause from my SQL query in a personal tool. Every row is now the same. I lost everything, have no backup, and I'm stupid. 1 year ago:
I once dropped a table in a production database.
I never should have had write permissions on that database. You can bet they changed that when clinicians had to redo four days of work because the hosting company or whatever only had weekly backups, not daily.
So, I feel your pain.
- Comment on The proletarianization of tech workers 1 year ago:
I was listening to a podcast about AI. I think it was one of Ezra Kleins. And he was telling a story that he heard, bout those weird virtual reality games from the 90s or early Aughts. And people shat on those games because they were awful and clunky and not very good so that shitting was well deserved. But one guy was like “yeah, that’s all true. But this is the worst it’s going to be. The next iteration isn’t going to be worse than this.”
And that’s where AI is now. Like, it’s powerful and already a threat to certain jobs. GPT 3/4 may be useless to software engineering jobs now (I’d argue that it’s not - I work in a related field and I use it about daily) but what about GPT 5? 6? 10?
Im not as doom and gloom on AI as I was six months ago, but I think it’s a bit silly to think that AI isn’t going to cause massive upheaval across all industries in the medium to long term.
But also, for the record, I’m less worried about AI than I am about AI in the hands of Capitalism.