- Comment on Good ear protection for concerts. 2 months ago:
I own a pair of Etymotic ER20XS ear plugs and I like them. I haven’t had the chance yet to try them out at a concert, but I have worn them on other occassions. I think they’re reasonably comfortable and the sound quality is still good while wearing them.
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 5 months ago:
DOOM (2016). I originally got it when it came out, I wasn’t very patient then, but largely played multiplayer. I’ve been playing the campaign this time around and I’m enjoying it quite a bit.
- Comment on Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha 6 months ago:
!themusicman out here doing the Lord’s work. I would love an invite as well!
- Comment on Why are weather apps so bad at telling you the current weather? 7 months ago:
Weather prediction at point locations is extremely challenging to get right because we simply can’t observe and make predictions for every single square inch of the earth. Many weather models are run on grids with boxes about the size of a few kilometers at the smallest scale, which means that any physical process in the atmosphere that is the size of that box or smaller won’t be represented well by the model.
Specifically on your point about clouds passing over your location, cloud and precipitation formation is even more challenging. Clouds and precipitation form due to atmospheric processes ranging from hundreds of kilometers all the way down to micrometers, which practically means the weather models are making an educated guess (albeit a very good one that is informed by scientific research) about when and where clouds will form. And when a model does predict a cloud, it will cover an entire grid box.
Finally, I saw you made a comment about how machine learning should improve forecasts, and in fact it does! But the weather community is still working on data driven models (as opposed to models that solve physical atmospheric equations), and most of them are run by private companies so their output is not free. As these data driven models get better, it may be possible that they will be able to make predictions at scales less than a kilometer.
- Comment on I'm bringing chili 8 months ago:
I’m bringing chilli
- Comment on What’s Your Oldest System? 8 months ago:
Atari 7800. I bought it from someone on craigslist about 3 years ago. The video was pretty fuzzy and audio wasn’t consistent, so I talked them down to a good price. I ended up modding it for composite video and audio, but I rarely play it. I didn’t grow up with an Atari, so I don’t have the nostalgia for the games, but I still think it’s pretty neat.
- Comment on [Meta] Did we drop the "what are you playing" monthly thread? Also, mods haven't been active for a while, should someone take over? 8 months ago:
I’ve been playing Metroid Prime 3 and largely enjoying it. The most recent boss fight was incredibly fun and refreshing, easily the best in the game and high in the rankings for best boss fight period.
- Comment on Should I get an NES, Master System; or an Atari 7800? 11 months ago:
Looks like a couple people mentioned this, but you will likely want/need to mod whatever system you get. I have a modded NES and Atari 7800, so I can comment on those.
There used to be a NES mod that fixed the pin connector issue, called “Blinking Light Win” www.arcadeworks.net/products/blw?variant=36483581…. They’ve been sold out for at least a couple years (I’ve sporadically checked out of curiosity since I bought mine). But if you can get your hands on one I strongly recommend it. It has made my NES incredibly reliable and it’s very easy to install. No soldering, just open the console, remove the 72 pin connector, and pop in the BLW. Done.
For the Atari 7800, there’s a composite video/s-video board mod you can pick up. I’m forgetting what the name of it is, and I don’t have the manual handy at the moment, but I will try to update later with the name and link. Anyway, this one is more involved and requires some soldering. It’s not too difficult, just requires some patience, and it’s very worth it. Composite audio is a separate solution, but doesn’t require extra hardware, just a little more soldering.
I hope that helps! Feel free to reach out about these mods and I can explain further.
- Comment on How Quickly Do Large Language Models Learn Unexpected Skills? 11 months ago:
Natural language processing falls under AI though, and so do large language models (see chapters 23 and 24 of Russell and Norvig, 2021 aima.cs.berkeley.edu).
- Comment on Cruelty 1 year ago:
From stinks to skinks
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
There it is! I was looking for this one
- Comment on Xbox Player Gets Banned for 1 Year After Recording Baldur's Gate 3 Scenes 1 year ago:
Sorry mate, that’s just not true.
- Comment on Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week 1 year ago:
I’m really enjoying Valheim lately. It’s similar to Minecraft in a lot of ways, but leans a little more into RPG elements with leveled skills. There’s a bit more of a story, heavier focus on combat, and NPCs to interact with (though I haven’t reached that point myself).
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
Valheim with a buddy. I fucking love it
- Comment on FTC files “the big one,” a lawsuit alleging Amazon illegally maintains monopoly 1 year ago:
I had this happen to me on eBay as well. I paid a few extra bucks to avoid buying from Amazon and instead got the item mailed to me directly from Amazon. This is against eBay’s policies (you need to have the described item on hand) and may be against Etsy’s policies too
- Comment on What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? 1 year ago:
Figment. I’m not sure how much attention this one got, but I hadn’t heard about it until I was searching the Nintendo store for deals. It’s a short puzzle/action game with a good story that felt compelling.
- Comment on Microsoft Next Console Coming 2028 1 year ago: