- Comment on *56k modem noises* 2 weeks ago:
I absolutely hate it when my language center segfaults and I feel like I have aphasia. I will go through periods where it happens a concerning amount, and then back to a sprinkle of dysfunction. Forgetting simple words or names of people you have known for years is unsettling. I sometimes get really scared and panic if it happens a lot. Trying to explain to your coworkers on a conference call that your brain isn’t functioning correctly isn’t the most comfortable experience.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 2 weeks ago:
That is my exact complaint. The phones are too tall! I am ok with it being wider, but the height is insanity. The whole balance of the phone is awkward and I would be ok with more of the weight on the bottom instead of the middle of a tall ass phone.
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 5 months ago:
It was the best custard ice cream I ever created. Made the base with a sous vide. Chef Steps has(?) the recipe, but I did some experiments with blueberries that was next level the best shit I ever made that I will unlikely ever be able to duplicate again.
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 5 months ago:
Do you have a
KitchenAidstand mixer or anything like that? Best thing I ever learned is making ice cream with dry ice. I just put the base in the mixer, start it with the paddle, and start putting in crushed up dry ice, one spoonful at a time. I managed to get dry ice in the little cubes or pellets, put it in a cloth sack, and then use a hammer or blunt object to break it up into small pieces. - Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
It works amazing if your throat or sinuses are infected. I have taken 800mg of pills and barely take the edge off. 100-200mg of children’s liquid ibuprofen is complete relief and it tastes good. Once in a while I will get a bad sinus infection that ends up in the back of my throat and the pain is so bad I can’t swallow water. I got the trifecta once that included my ears and I had to get some drops from the doctor.
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
I have to use hotdog. I have EOE and got a round one stuck in my esophagus for hours once. The hotdog ones break easy. I basically bite it into thirds and can safely take them that way. I could never break the round ones.
- Comment on Microsoft inks deal to restart Three Mile Island nuclear reactor to fuel its voracious AI ambitions 5 months ago:
It was the SCADA view right? A lot of SCADA software is basically running on top of windows, though you typically would never see the desktop. Ignition at least is cross platform, but that is because the server is Java and Jython. A big part of why things are running on windows is due to OPC, which was traditionally all DOM and .NET. It is basically a standard communications protocol and is what allows your HMI/SCADA to communicate with PLCs. Otherwise, you use proprietary drivers and native PLC specific protocols.
SCADA programming/design is kind of an art and is usually written by an either an overworked engineer or someone who had far too much time on their hands. You basically build screens using specialized software, hook up buttons and UI elements to PLC signals, and pass some signals from the UI to the PLC. They are all heading in the Edge/iot/cloud/web based/techno-babble direction these days…
Ignition, programming software is free!: inductiveautomation.com
Some other random ones I have seen or used in the past: www.siemens.com/global/en/…/wincc-unified.html www.aveva.com/en/products/intouch-hmi/ www.rockwellautomation.com/en-us/…/view.html
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
I think the highest speed limit I have seen in America is 85mph, which is around 135km/h. Typical highway speed limits though are 65mph, but everyone goes 5-10 over (105-120km/h).
The nice thing about mph is the whole mile a minute at 60mph. Makes it easy to mentally estimate time of arrival.
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
Not sure I understand what you are saying. I do a real big twist and then a slip knot. The twist doesn’t come undone. I am out of bread or I would take a picture.
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
I do the same. I don’t understand why it puzzles some people. They look at me like I put a padlock on it and I have to undo it for them, which is just pulling the end…
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
I tie a slip knot. That is stupidly easy to do/undo, but apparently I am hated for it.
- Comment on Why don't humans have paw feet? 6 months ago:
You have to walk… barefoot. My feet are messed up and I have some impressive callouses on the balls of my feet. They are a little better after surgery, but recovery sucked. Ultimately, your feet build up protection. Caking on mud probably helped. Animal skins, rudimentary sandals from various plants, and other natural resources could provide extra protection. Unfortunately, we have built an environment made for shoes and evolution is doing the rest. Walking on pavement is not great without shoes. Especially when it bakes. Walking on soil and grass feels a lot better.
- Comment on Average Amazon user intelligence 6 months ago:
That was the best day ever when it went down a few years ago while I was doing an install of an Amazon site. They have some “test” software that we have to run to validate the system and it was completely down. Still got some things done that day, but it was utterly hilarious to watch all of the Amazon personnel run around in a panic for a few hours. Fucking Prime trucks stuck on the side of the road with no instructions on what to do next. Utterly precious.
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
Crowdstrike took Debian and Rocky down earlier this year due to a bad update… Linux is not immune.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
I saw the picture first before reading your comment and thought it was from her channel. Bernadette is awesome.
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
Everything runs 24/7, but now I am thinking about theoretical power saving modes. Besides any built in power saving whatever (a little clueless), you could always throttle the CPU more. Not sure if it would be worth it without testing with a power meter.
- Comment on Z-Library admins on the lam ahead of US extradition; officials shocked 7 months ago:
We had a student run server for piracy at my University to get copied textbooks from, but even then we had to sometimes look elsewhere. I often couldn’t afford books and not all professors allowed the cheaper used previous editions.
Science textbooks were the worst with their stupid fucking online code bullshit so we could do homework. They even made it where you could buy just the code, which was something like $70. Still better than 300+, but JFC. Having to spend over $1000 for books that you are only going to use for 10 weeks was nuts.
The last saving grace we had is all textbooks were required to have at least one copy in the library that could not be checked out/removed. You could photocopy the homework pages that way. If your classmates were nice, they would let you borrow theirs to copy any pages too. You could also buy your textbook, copy what you needed, and return it within the return window.
- Comment on Z-Library admins on the lam ahead of US extradition; officials shocked 7 months ago:
Me too!
- Comment on Elden Ring is "the limit" for From Software project scale, says Miyazaki - multiple, "smaller" games may be the "next stage" 8 months ago:
I attempted a maiden less run, and it made the game world a lot more enjoyable. Even on a normal playthrough I forget about Torrent half the time. I like running around exploring. I suck at fighting on a mount anyways. I rarely remembered to ride a horse in Breath of the Wild too.
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
I at least got one of those little cheap half size ironing boards that I can hide by the dryer. I iron special occasion clothes and that one silk shirt I love to straighten the button strip whatever if it is egregious… Otherwise it sits unused 99.5% of the year.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
I know right? I have seen seen vision systems do some impressive things, but they are carefully calibrated to work in a specific way under certain conditions. Some of the ones my company works with get fed CAD in real time so the robot knows what to look for.
- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago:
Wait, is that actually Garbage? That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the picture. That Bond music video she did was awesome. World is Not Enough.
- Comment on Microsoft announces the Proteus Controller, a gamepad for Xbox gamers with disabilities 9 months ago:
It looks like with multiple power cubes you can break it up. My favorite thing about the switch is the separate joy cons. This is far far far less painful for me to hold than traditional controllers. If this worked on Linux, Mac, PlayStation, and my Steamdeck, I might try it, as long as I could return it if it doesn’t work out.
I struggle with buttons in general. My palms are too small so I can’t wrap my hand around them very well. I have to death grip with my palm or I drop it, but I am constantly shifting around as my fingers can’t reach certain things easily either. The off-axis joysticks on an Xbox controller is a no go as I have to hold the controller rotated a bit which means that up isn’t up. I do much better with PS5 controllers, but still get a lot of pain in my hands if I play too much.
- Comment on Dell warns of data breach, 49 million customers allegedly affected 9 months ago:
Sames. They make sweet monitors.
- Comment on Apple argues in favor of selling Macs with only 8GB of RAM 10 months ago:
I do a lot on my M1 air and I haven’t even considered I would have RAM issues with 16GB. Windows, I would be getting 64GB to not be miserable. I don’t run as much as you all the time, but having a container or two going, far too many browser tabs, PDFs, 3-4 intellij projects, discord, teams, and probably other things I am forgetting about is the norm. I even have AutoCAD open sometimes.
The biggest difference is Mx is arm based, which goes a long way into getting better performance and battery life. I really need to look up again how Apple manages memory, swap, and performance in general. I just checked Activity Monitor and even with most of the memory showing as used, I don’t even notice. If my laptop were to die tomorrow due to my clumsy fumbling, I am getting another Mac. My only wish is getting Vulkan support. That would be amazing. Not going to hold my breath on that though.
Now, 8GB is a crime and it is not something I would recommend for any laptop/desktop, no matter what it is running. Not saying it wouldn’t work ok on a Mac for someone who only uses it for web browsing, but it is utterly ridiculous that 8GB is even an option these days. This is a dumb hill for Apple to die on and 16 should be the absolute minimum.
I have a debloated W11 VM on my proxmox server that I have used only once and is only there for some unknown emergency. With a little fiddling, I got it to idle under 4GB. I don’t plan to run servers on my laptop and invested enough on a little server rack to give me things like file servers, VMs, more permanent containers, and somehow got talked into making a gaming VM that I use at LAN parties. The 3U case for the main server travels very well.
Personally, I would try and get some of your server stuff off your machine. You can even take a look at some docker swarm or similar k8 concepts to reduce your container load. RPis are another good choice for some lower load server operations. I have a little RPi swarm that is powered by PoE+, though I plan on trying k8 on them soon to get some experience. RPis are also small enough that you could throw one in your bag if you needed something portable and are fairly inexpensive. Just a thought and may not be possible with your server applications.
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
Ah yes, the head size follows their iso standard for it. The threads, however, can be metric or SAE. You can put a different screw/bolt with whatever head in the same hole, but the threads/diameter can be metric or SAE/imperial.
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
No thanks. I will stick to my torx and hex, and they better be in metric.
- Don’t use over or undersized screwdrivers, especially on smaller electronics.
- Stop torquing while you are still ahead.
- Be especially careful if the metals are soft.
- Keep your driver perpendicular. Better drivers can make this easier.
- Better to back out the screw and try again if it isn’t going in smooth on something threaded. Check for debris and burrs. If you need to apply more pressure, do so carefully.
- I have found that for small stuff, getting nicer drivers makes a huge difference.
Penta-lobes for some of the small electronics are funny I guess, but they don’t bother me as long as I have a bit for it. Main thing is to understand why some of these different shapes exist.
- Comment on [Gamers Nexus] Fixing Intel's Arc Drivers: "Optimization" & How GPU Drivers Actually Work | Engineering Discussion 11 months ago:
Thank you! I didn’t really understand what drivers did in the whole scheme of things and it makes me appreciate what these engineers do. Now to go down another rabbit hole of videos.
I just got an Arc recently after not having any kind of PC build for over a decade. Still figuring out all of the things I want to do with it, but I haven’t had any complaints with performance on the couple things I tried. Looking forward to spending more time with the hardware and watching more videos!
- Comment on Fucking finally! 11 months ago:
I feel so heard. I refused to change mine last time, so now they are all “officially” correct.
- Comment on Microsoft Ending Support For Windows Subsystem For Android 11 months ago:
I almost panicked and thought it was WSL until I got to the Android part. Never knew it was a thing. Still sucks for developers who depended on it.