- Comment on How the hell is there not a Green Arrow video game? 1 day ago:
Because Warner Brothers owns the rights to all DC games right now and nobody at Warner has any idea how to actually produce good video games. The Arkham games were good because they came out before loot boxes and online-only games were a thing. Now if a game doesn’t earn a billion dollars in the first year, the game is considered a failure.
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 4 days ago:
Most Americans do not live in or near a big city. We tend to live in towns that have a majority of only one or two ethnic groups. My town has whites and latinos but very few black people. I personally know only two black people and neither one lives near me. The only Chinese people I know are the ones who operate the Chinese restaurant in town. My experience is not unique.
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
Here are a few suggestions:
Volunteer at a soup kitchen
Sign up for a church email newsletter and go there when they are doing pot-luck meals (bring a dish to pass)
If you are into sports, sign up to volunteer as a coach.
Don’t buy all of your groceries all at one time. Buy a few things each time and go more often. Even if you don’t meet or talk to anyone but the workers, you will be around other people. - Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
Fun fact: a small amount of vinegar in the cooking water helps to keep potatoes to keep from getting mushy.
- Comment on Elon Musk's Neuralink forced a pregnant employee to work with herpes-infected monkeys that scratched her, lawsuit says 8 months ago:
Workers should never feel like they need to take unnecessary risks. This is especially true for pregnant women.
Also, why did the monkeys have herpes? Was that part of the research or something that is common with these monkeys?
- Comment on Cheap, but reliable SSDs? 10 months ago:
I buy Samsung SSDs when I can afford them, Kingston when money is tight. Samsung is faster, especially their NVME drives. Both have been very reliable for me.
- Comment on There's a baby drought in Australia. Maybe we should fund IVF? 10 months ago:
Maybe I’m weird, and I am open to that as a possibility, but I don’t see low birthrates as a problem. I feel like the human race could actually benefit from a reduced population. If the population was to reduce by half or more because people did not want to procreate and did so voluntarily and of their own free will, many of our climate change issues would be reduced and might even reverse without changing anything else.
Unless and until the human population gets down to two billion or less, there is little to no danger of a non-man made disaster wiping us out.
- Comment on 12TB for $80 - 10 months ago:
These are used drives that have about 35K hours (4 years) of power on time. Good quality drives to be sure, but maybe not as reliable now as they once were.