- Comment on No going back 8 months ago:
Manager “So all that you need is more strain to reduce the stress? Here are 10 more tasks which should strain you quite a bit”
- Comment on "Virgin" and "Fucker" are both used as insults. Damned if you "do it," damned if you don't "do it." 9 months ago:
Does that also mean that only virgins use fucker as a insult?
- Comment on Streaming is cable now | Seventeen years after Netflix and Hulu kicked off a streaming revolution, it’s looking more like cable than ever. 9 months ago:
That is also the reason everything reset to the status quo at the end of every episode.
- Comment on For what is a Recaptcha but another Captcha? 9 months ago:
- Comment on Rip Striker 2000-2024 😭 9 months ago:
Dear Striker,
May you find solace in knowing that your legacy will endure through the training of an AI bot on your data. Your influence will continue to shape the future, ensuring that your memory lives on in a unique and everlasting way.
Best wishes to your family and friends during this time.
Warm regards, random internet stranger.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
OK now they can go ahead with plan B where they allow you to link your PSN account to get some super cool cosmetic. I wonder what the reaction of the consumers will be then.
- Comment on Check mate, creationists 10 months ago:
Noah: “One of you is female, right?” The lions: “Some days we both are.” Noah: “Oh OK, go ahead then.”
- Comment on Smooth 10 months ago:
Hallowed be my balls.
- Comment on Warning 10 months ago:
“Depth” anyone?
- Comment on Guys will meet him and just say "hell yeah!" 10 months ago:
It’s better than linking to it.
- Comment on Microsoft reveals costs of Windows 10 end of life security update — and it might be more than you'd expect 10 months ago:
Seconded. Everyone who is not recommending Mint to new users is doing them and the community a disservice imo.
- Comment on X Is The Biggest Source Of Fake News And Disinformation, EU Warns 1 year ago:
55% packet loss. Could be worse though.
- Comment on X Is The Biggest Source Of Fake News And Disinformation, EU Warns 1 year ago:
They could always send carrier pigeons with new orders.
- Comment on Internet providers say the FCC should not investigate broadband prices 1 year ago:
49€ here, but yeah about 1/10 of the price in some US states is insane.
- Comment on Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ 1 year ago:
No idea so I googled x and videos and found porn. That’s probably it.
- Comment on When someone corrects your code 1 year ago:
I love that you used “should of” in a valid sentence.
- Comment on Black cats are the main predator of white sharks. That's right, you read it on the internet. 1 year ago:
Source: Everyone who has a black cat.
- Comment on I feel like are all stuck in a movie where all the rich people live on some kind of floating island or satellite with everything they need to live well, and all of us have zero chance of going there. 1 year ago:
They’re not building a cloud city though. They are trying to get away with rockets and space ships.
- Comment on X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called 1 year ago:
I already thought that that was the agreed update pronunciation.
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
The issues are way overblown. I just bought a new car and with brand new tires and a few thousand dollars of tweaks from a repair shop I can go a little over the speed limit now.
- Comment on ‘X’ didn’t pay severance. Now it’s facing 2,200 cases — and big fees 1 year ago:
So is is not going to deliver on their own?
- Comment on My self-hosted home setup 1 year ago:
I would never use an ISPs router for my home network. It just causes so many issues that you can easily avoid by either using your own router directly or if that is not possible putting the device into “bridge” mode and using your own router behind it.
What are some of the issues?
The devices the ISPs use are usually the cheapest hardware imaginable and therefore introduce substantial unnecessary latency.
Where I live some ISPs also used to use tools that genereted wifi passwords based on the devices MAC address. While this is apparently fixed now, a lot of non tech savvy users still use these old devices that are basically open to anyone now.
To save even more money, they sometimes deliberately send out faulty devices (as in devices that drop connection frequently, restart for no reason, etc) which is just horrible.
I know these issues because I worked in that field and there are a lot more unfortunately…
- Comment on Scammers vs Impossible Password Game 1 year ago:
The best past is when he uses his little device to record sentences that he then replays to create the illusion of two people talking over each other!
- Comment on Microsoft now has implemented "compare with Bing chat" button when you visit Google Bard in Edge 1 year ago:
So does Google imo.