- Comment on A face only a mother could love 11 months ago:
Hint: The top ear is not
- Comment on What are y'all buying on the steam sale? 11 months ago:
Heck yeah, it feels very meh for the first couple hours, if you’re doing all the side quests and stuff.
I recommend either sticking with it, or skimming through till you get to the main city (Grand Soren) and then see if you like it from there.
I know that’s like telling someone the show gets good after the first 4 hour long episodes, but it’s actually really good and nothing has really matched it since.
Man I’m hyped for the new game.
- Comment on Obscure games talk 1 year ago:
Hahaha that’s a great achievement. No matter how my characters die I never feel mad about it or like it was unfair or unwarranted which is usually what puts me off of roguelike games.
Someone else mentioned they are putting out a 1.0 release pretty soon! Maybe they will shift from feature development to porting it to consoles, I would love to get it for the switch
- Comment on Obscure games talk 1 year ago:
Oh sweet! I really love these visually low fidelity games that have a lot of dev time behind them, so much to explore!
I hope their 1.0 brings in a bunch of people like the dwarf fortress steam release did for them
- Comment on Obscure games talk 1 year ago:
Check out Caves Of Qud. Is a super well developed rogue like(lite?), kinda feels like a crazy mix of dwarf fortress, dark souls, and morrowind.
Takes a bit to figure out what the heck is going on, what it wants from you, and how to stop dying brutally to the most simple things, but once you get your toes into it it feels like it has massive potential for exploration and story building.
It has some modes that are more forgiving, but dying in this game is weirdly satisfying in a way I can’t describe, I’m not even usually interested in rogue lites but this one is amazing.
It will also run on a potato which is fantastic