- Comment on Why isn't everything mouldy? 6 months ago:
Springtails and certain mites also love to eat fungus. I use them to keep mold under control in my terrariums
- Comment on Telegram repeatedly refused to join child protection schemes 6 months ago:
Huh, it’s maybe as if, nooooo… it couldn’t be, the Zuck and Elon are my trusted friends, my confidants, they wouldn’t. They couldn’t. No way in hell they’d sell or otherwise compromise my personal data
- Comment on 16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs 6 months ago:
Oh totally, Linux is in the same ballpark, if not better, as Macs when it comes to RAM usage. Windows is just a hog
- Comment on 16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs 6 months ago:
I own a 8GB MacBook Pro for work, it’s definitely better than a PC with 8GB of RAM, but not better or even close to a PC with 16GB. Just the amount of stutters/freezes while the swap file goes is insane
- Comment on 16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs 6 months ago:
That’s just an APU, see consoles and laptops. The unified memory is basically just the above, but Apple also claims that due to Apple Silicon having the storage controller on board, the swap is magically faster 🤷
Also Mac OS/Linux use less RAM than Windows which certainly helps.
8GB is “fine™” on a MacBook Air, but it’s criminal for a Pro machine, and it certainly should not cost £200 for an extra 8GB. That’s genuinely insane pricing
- Comment on 16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs 6 months ago:
It is 100% a joke. Literally other than Windows being slightly more RAM hungry, there’s no difference between it and Mac’s RAM
- Comment on 16GB of RAM Could Be the New Minimum in Apple's Upcoming M4 Macs 6 months ago:
Whoa, that’s like 32GB of Windows RAM. Seems excessive to me tbh
- Comment on How to treat a man 6 months ago:
Women can experience internalised misogyny, you can also intensive your misandry
- Comment on How to treat a man 6 months ago:
I know you peeps probably didn’t mean it this way, but men fall victim to the same psychological traps women do. It’s not that easy to just leave a bad relationship, especially if you don’t have the expectations and tools required to identify what’s not normal
- Comment on ‘Sinkclose’ Flaw in Hundreds of Millions of AMD Chips Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections 6 months ago:
MostAll antivirus software runs at kernel level - Comment on US claims TikTok collected user views on issues like abortion, gun control. 7 months ago:
Like literally every American company does. I’m not a tankie and I’m definitely not a fan of China, but this is one of those situations where the US government doesn’t actually care about the issue, just that they’re not the one doing it
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I’m fairly sure the vouchers are sponsored, they’re so low it’s essentially free advertising for Uber Eats
- Comment on Windows 11 7 months ago:
So CrowdStrike shouldn’t allow real time threat protection? That’s what caused the issue. It needs to update its threat library to do deal with any day 1 attacks. It’s one of the main reasons it’s used
- Comment on Windows 11 7 months ago:
Forced updates of an optional corporate anti-virus designed to immediately detect and distribute information on threats should be illegal?
- Comment on Windows 11 7 months ago:
I don’t understand how so many people are taking “Program with level 0 access shipped faulty code that caused the OS to refuse to boot until a single file is removed” as “Windows bad lmao”. Not that I disagree with Windows bad, just the over liberal application and acting like this is some sort of Linux win.
Give me kernel level access and I can make anything refuse to boot
- Comment on There is only one type of job. Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. 7 months ago:
You have truly made me look a fool 🥲
- Comment on There is only one type of job. Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. 7 months ago:
I can love what I do as much as I want. But I’m going to become homeless and die if I don’t get paid.
Lots of businesses use your logic to underpay people, like in the games industry and with Zoo Keepers, but at the end of the day they need something to stop them from dying
- Comment on There is only one type of job. Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. 7 months ago:
If all 50 people want to clean 1 toilet, 49 people are shit out of luck
- Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees 7 months ago:
You can look it up yourself, I was just giving a worst case scenario
- Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees 7 months ago:
$0.025 per GB is the most expensive option on S3 I could find rounded up. It would be absolutely insane if Steam were paying those prices when they have their own servers. I also used 100GB game size as a large number, and $30 as a small price tag (for an 100GB game).
I was trying to be charitable with the numbers and it still came out pretty positive
- Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees 7 months ago:
Download. It’s also rounded up
- Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees 7 months ago:
No harm meant. I do think Steam is the golden example of a big business done right. All I’m saying is that there’s room for improvement.
However do we know their full PNL/balance sheet?
We can make an educated guess. Amazon’s S3 charges roughly $0.025 per GB, so an 100GB game would cost $2.50 for Steam to upload to a user. For a $30 game, that’s around ~8.5% or just over 3 downloads before it’s unprofitable.
Obviously Valve isn’t paying consumer level S3 prices, and obviously users can download multiple times. But I would be extremely surprised if they didn’t make a rather large margin on each sale
- Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees 7 months ago:
I agree with you, but justifying anything by saying they’re successful in a free market is really iffy. There are plenty of large evil companies that are incredibly successful. That said I agree with everything else you’ve said.
I personally think 30% cut is too much for any app/software store. But if anyone deserves it Steam does
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
You’re welcome <3 You seem like a kind person, and those people are easily taken advantage of. I don’t like seeing people lose that kindness because they forget to put themselves first.
This person you’re dealing with could have any number of good and valid excuses for their behaviour. But it’s still straight up abusive, and could equally stem from a harmful and malicious place. Unless you know for sure the best you can do is not antagonise them.
An official report would be valid in your situation. But I wouldn’t get involved any further. Just save her messages and any evidence you have of her behaviour, on the off chance it does escalate and you or another coworker need it to protect yourselves
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
Whilst I agree with the above, remember to look out for number one. It’s important that you prioritise your own mental, physical, social, and financial wellbeing over that of a coworker you don’t seem to know all that well.
It’s important to give the benefit of the doubt and be charitable when you can, but not at any significant expense to yourself
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 7 months ago:
You pay less because you get less. I’m selling a product. The last thing I’m going to cheap out in is sales. I’m not going to see great sales from the EGS because A)Nobody uses it
That’s exactly it, Devs have to accept Steam’s cut because it’s essentially the only place you can sell things. It makes logical sense, but do you not see why this is a disadvantageous position for the Devs to be put in?
It’s like trying to sell your hand made Combs. The gas station on the corner is happy to take only 20% of the profit. They’re all over the place and accessible. But you really want to sell it at the boutique shops because they have more comb-seeking customers.
This would be a fine analogy, if there weren’t a single digit amount of storefronts. Steam and EGS are more equivalent to supermarkets. Sure the odd person is going to go to speciality stores on occasion, but the vast majority of sales are done through supermarkets. Steam is a supermarket competing against speciality stores. The only other real supermarket in town is EGS and as you’ve discussed, it’s such a dumpster fire no one shops there.
I’m not disagreeing that Steam deserves its position, it does for sure. But we live in a world where it has no meaningful competition, and one of the ways it exercises its position is by maintaining their 30% cut. A cut which was established by stores that had to manage the logistics for real physical copies of the games.
My point is that there isn’t a reason that Steam has such a high cut, other than it wants more money, and has the market saturation to command more money
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 7 months ago:
Taking a different and hopefully more productive stance than the other guy, I just want to explore people’s thoughts.
People already have built these alternatives. Itch.io, EGS, Humble Store, Microsoft Store, GOG. These platforms exist, but they struggle to achieve the full market dominance that Steam has as the “default” platform, meaning Devs are borderline forced to accept the 30% cut if they have any hope of making sales.
As shown by Steam’s huge profits, they certainly take a higher cut than they have to, and they can definitely stomach a smaller cut
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 8 months ago:
Thank you for the response.
The problem is that the accommodation and special treatment is in part separating these women from men and perceived masculinity. We would have to start chopping up support groups into trans-inclusive and trans-exclusive. And I don’t think sending them to a male/trans therapist is going to be very helpful.
Transphobic (I’m not sure of a better word) trauma victims would want some sort of system in place to ensure these extremely unlikely things don’t occur. Trauma can really fuck with your rational thinking like that. I still can’t really cope in certain places and environments.
Once again, I’m aware this is an extreme edge case, and basically never going to happen irl
- Comment on Apple Rumored to Be Working on AirPods With Built-in Cameras 8 months ago:
Only because everyone’s on edge, give it a few years and they’ll need “anonymised” data collection to “help improve their service”
- Comment on J.K. Rowling Blasts “Gender Taliban” David Tennant After ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Said “Whinging” Trans Critics Are On “Wrong Side Of History” 8 months ago:
I 100% agree with your post. The issues she raises are nonexistent or extremely rare. In my personal life I believe and practice “trans-women are women” as for all intents and purposes it’s true.
I am however concerned that I don’t really have a response to anyone who doesn’t believe that, particularly women with some sort of past trauma that gives them an instinctual fear response. It feels insensitive to tell them to get over it or go to therapy. Particularly if they’ve been exposed to one of the extremely rare examples Rowling has presented. But I think going to therapy is probably what needs to happen.
My other conflicting thought is that therapy or condemnation it is what we would say to people being racist, but there seems to be a societal agreement that we need women only spaces. And we don’t say “get over it” in regards to men trying to enter a women’s shelter, we offer an amount of sympathy and understanding to the women and allow them that space. Which means there is some amount of gender discrimination is desired/needed. This also indicates there there should be a line or set of fuzzy criteria that determines if we treat trans-women as women or not. But this obviously also feels wrong, and I hate it.
Sorry if this was insensitive, I mostly just want to gather thoughts as I’m not confident in my thinking. I don’t think these issues deserve the amount of attention transphobes are giving them, but we’re here now, so I want to try and figure out a solution or response to more “reasonable” transphobes that I could potentially change the minds of