- Comment on Math and Physics Majors 11 months ago:
Only if it’s a spherical frictionless cow, which all things are
- Comment on Math and Physics Majors 11 months ago:
Hey now. Us physics majors can just do less efficient engineering work.
*coming from a physics major
- Comment on This console generation seems skippable 1 year ago:
I’ll admit, since most games are playable on the ps4 instead, currently it does make some sense to skip ps5.
The only ones I can think of that I wouldn’t have missed are Returnal and Spiderman 2, but returnal is pretty difficult and not for everyone. I wouldn’t have missed Spider-man 2, but I loved the first one. It’s pretty short but amazing.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Yes. I was just gonna suggest Heavy Rain.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Finished up the God of War Valhalla DLC (which was awesome), and now I’m playing through Little Nightmares 2. Almost done with it. Short but really good!
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I completed this amazing game, but I’m still trying to complete all the ciphers in the last biome, and it’s taking forever.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
When I had one? Frequently. Especially when I traveled. My wireless earbuds would die but I had a pair of plug in earbuds I always brought as well. With my new phone, I don’t have that option, so when my wireless ones die, I’ll just sit there twiddling my thumbs.
- Comment on What were your top favorite video games as a kid? 1 year ago:
We need more Golden Sun in the world today
- Comment on What were your top favorite video games as a kid? 1 year ago:
Golden sun games are so good. I wish that series would get a revival
- Comment on What were your top favorite video games as a kid? 1 year ago:
Smash Bros N64. Every day at lunchtime, we would inhale our food as fast as possible so we had a chance to play a few rounds
- Comment on We don't judge here. :) 1 year ago:
So true, lol
- Comment on We don't judge here. :) 1 year ago:
As someone with a degree in physics who ended up in an engineering role, I approve of this meme.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You’re not wrong. My top games have evolved as technology has advanced and previous successes have been built upon. My original favorite was Ocarina of Time and then Windwaker, but I can’t deny that the newer games are better than these even though they were revolutionary for their time. I loved Half Life 2 and Halo and LOTR Return of the King. They were amazing epic games, but standing side-by-side with the games I’ve played recently, I’d have to give the edge to the newer games. Just my personal preference.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
God of War: Ragnarok
Horizon Zero Dawn
- Comment on Am I strange for not loving Everything Everywhere All At Once? 1 year ago:
What movie from last year did you think deserved to be “best picture”?
- Comment on What were some movies you had to look up explanations of after watching? 1 year ago:
Tenet. Especially what’s happening in the beginning. And I still found no explanation for one of my main questions: why doesn’t the person who created the algorithm just destroy it if they realized what it can be used for?
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
I mean, it’s radio but you pick every song they play on the station. Still an upgrade
- Comment on Microsoft Edge could use a win 1 year ago:
Better than Chrome for sure. Not better than Firefox
- Comment on Netflix is planning to raise prices... again 1 year ago:
Sucks for those still using it, I guess. This was always gonna be the case. Capitalism is infinite growth and they will do whatever they can show numbers going up to their shareholders, even as they’re hemorrhaging money. Short term gains that will lead to long term losses. Sustainable profit is not the goal; growth at all costs is. You reap what you sow Netflix, you big turd.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
I’m loving it. It’s honestly just better in every way than the first. I know a lot of people had performance issues when the game first came out, but I’m about halfway through it right now and haven’t had a single problem. So I personally would highly recommend.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023 1 year ago:
Finally playing through Jedi: Survivor. I’m loving it so far. It’s like dark souls but with a better story.
- Comment on Having trouble deciding what game to play next . which one of these games should i try 1 year ago:
All amazing. God of War has such a wonderful moving story and great combat. Horizon Zero Dawn is an expansive open world game with also a great story. It also has a lot of additional info in discoverable content, like logs to read and sound clips. So, it depends on how deep you want to dive, but I’d recommend both those games. God of war is more challenging on higher difficulties. I loved them both. Probably Horizon Zero Dawn just a little better than God of War, but then, I loved God of War Ragnarok more than Horizon Forbidden West.
- Comment on Wish | Official Trailer 1 year ago:
It’s Alan Tudyk. He only makes things better
- Comment on Streaming giants have banded together for lobbying power 1 year ago:
Netflix and others look for power in number$.
Welcome to the United $tate$ of America, people; Where money is the only thing that matters
- Comment on Really, ….. it's my fault they built a terrible system? 1 year ago:
I mean, is it really surprising that a generation full of Karens who have blamed other people their whole life for their problems are now blaming their posterity?