- Comment on First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip? 7 months ago:
Wish I could claim credit, but in the immortal words of Shaggy, “It wasn’t me.”
This is just something my mom drilled into us when I was younger, and I still do it to this day
- Comment on First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip? 7 months ago:
Others have already said to let go about everything being perfect, because there will be things outside of your control that you cannot account for, so I won’t harp on about that.
Instead, I recommend a little pre-trip prep at home to make the end of your trip a dream as well. Take some time to clean the house/apartment, do the dishes and laundry, make the bed.
There is nothing like coming home after a long trip, but coming home to a mess or chores after a (hopefully) amazing time is a terrible way to cap off your vacation, so do yourselves a favor and spend a couple hours on making home perfect before you leave.