- Comment on Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 10 months ago:
If it has the word auto in it i tend to disable, remove or uninstall it. I get frustrated by every half baked implemenation to predict, correct or actson my behalf.
The only thing i mostly tolerate is auto suggest in programming IDEs. But that is on thin ice. The second it hijacks the input system its done.
- Comment on What's your favorite note-taking application? 1 year ago:
Siyuan. Ive been using it for a while now and find it very effective for my needs. Its gone through quite a few updates since i started using it and became open source in that time. It even has an android version as well which i do have installed on my phone but admittingly rarely use. I prefer writing information on a keyboard generally.
- Comment on Researchers warn that Windows 11 restrictions could send 240 million computers to landfills 1 year ago:
At the end of the day, consumers enable this behaviour by majoratively buying into their bullshit. If people just stopped supporting the bearers of bad practices, companies like Microsoft would change tack in a nano second to remain commercially viable.