- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
Yes, we get it, your dad has a good job.
- Comment on World's largest sodium-ion battery goes into operation - Energy Storage 8 months ago:
- Comment on World's largest sodium-ion battery goes into operation - Energy Storage 8 months ago:
Economy of scale matters, so does practicality. Which one is generally lasting longer per number of charges and what’s the long term viability of both given the time they were build and the available tech at that time? I totally understand the greater availability of sodium vs lithium. However, will it last? Last time I read much about it, reliability was weak, charge capacity over time dropped drastically, and failures were high. (It has been a couple of years, so things may be changing. )
Something new and shiney can be nifty, but past that, what is this? It seems like an expensive hood ornament that will rust in the rain. Lithium is expensive and toxic to mine, but so are all metals to some extent, and this has plenty.
It seems like it’s buying something 25% off on a $100 thing that won’t last well. Sure, you saved $25 once, but you’re buying 3 of them in the same time frame.
- Comment on World's largest sodium-ion battery goes into operation - Energy Storage 8 months ago:
Doesn’t California have some insane battery too?
- Comment on What do you mean there was a coup in Bolivia? 8 months ago:
I’m sure it means something to someone. I’m just not that someone.
- Comment on Just $99? 8 months ago:
Carpet for your only whole $99.
- Comment on BlizzCon won't happen in 2024 10 months ago:
This is probably the right call. I miss the old Blizzard too, but this isn’t them anymore.
- Comment on vengance 10 months ago:
I had to l look this up. Amazing……/extinct-bird-re-evolved-itself-back-…
- Comment on If hot air rises, why is it colder at the top of a mountain? 11 months ago:
Not always, Fairbanks Alaska can see the 90’s.
- Comment on My most memorable NES games 1 year ago:
I never said I was good at them. LOL. I enjoyed them all. For the time they came out, they were amazing to me.
I think the part I liked about TMNT was that it had multiple play styles in one game, so it felt like more.
Paperboy was a racing game with a timing mechanism. You ride a bike along a set course, dodging obstacles like the racing games of the time. However, you have to time throwing papers at or in mailboxes to get points to pass stages.
- Comment on My most memorable NES games 1 year ago:
My favorites were Ninja Turtles, Final Fantasy, Paperboy, Zelda, Rygar, Castlevania 3, or Kid Icarus. At least those ones got massive amounts of play time.
- Comment on My most memorable NES games 1 year ago:
Not anything worth apologizing for.
This is your list. That I think some things may be missing is irrelevant, but it can be a conversation starter.
That you have a duplicate means you can cram more of your favorites in, if you like.
Which was your favorite?
- Comment on My most memorable NES games 1 year ago:
Skipping some and having one in twice
- Comment on Recycling 4-year-old 737 memes (Part 3) 1 year ago:
- Comment on Recycling 4-year-old 737 memes (Part 3) 1 year ago:
I feel like you could’ve made the meme more awkward in one of those squares
- Comment on Very basic expectations 1 year ago:
But that’s a can
- Comment on Tradition 1 year ago:
You should travel, my friend. The US is generally a lightweight on this front.
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
I will make 10’s to 100’s of thousands paving roads with gravel and be more than willing to pave roads for people who can’t maybe afford it without consequence.
Empty containers may be profitable as well since I could verify which shipping containers could be skipped for further processing, saving hundreds to thousands of hours of time, over time.
- Comment on Microsoft now pops up a poll asking why you'd want to use another browser when you download Chrome 1 year ago:
I.e. Microsoft is looking to build an antitrust suit against Google.
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
How is non-premium different from normal radio?