- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 3 weeks ago:
“The government” is multiple agencies and departments. There is no single computer system, database, mainframe, or file store that the entire US goverment uses. There is no standard programming language used. There is no standard server configuration. Each agency is different. Each software project is different.
When someone says the government doesn’t use sql, they don’t know what they are talking about. It could be refering to the fact that many government systems are ancient mainframe applications that store everything in vsam. But it is patently false that the government doesn’t use sql. I’ve been on a number of government contracts over the years, spanning multiple agencies. MsSQL was used in all but one.
Furthermore, some people share SSNs, they are not unique. It’s a common misconception that they are, but anyone working on a government software learns this pretty quickly. The fact that it seems to be a big shock goes to show that he doesn’t know what he is doing and neither do the people reporting to him.
Not only is he failing to understand the technology, he is failing to understand the underlying data he is looking at.
- Comment on Installing J-channel under existing siding? 7 months ago:
If you’re getting water inside, Jchannel is probably the least of your concerns. Something isn’t sealed correctly. Unfortunately, if you have water getting in, you have water in your wall. Even if you seal the window, you could end up with a mold issue.
If it was me, I’d pull the window, ensure all flashing and housewrap is in place, the reseat the window in a thick bead of silicone. Assuming the window is still in good shape. Otherwise, a new window is needed. Once the window is in place, trim, jchannel, and siding would be put back.
Once the window is properly installed, I’d focus on the inside. Pull the trim and drywall around the window, letting it air out for a day then coat the inside sheeting with mold killing primer. New insulation would be added before new drywall is put in. Then mud, sand, paint, and reinstall the trim.
It’s a decent amount of work, but not insurmountable. My concern is, if it was installed incorrectly, chances are, your other windows were too. I’m not trying to be doom and gloom here, just trying to forewarn you. It’s something to keep an eye on.
- Comment on Drawer Slides 7 months ago:
Thanks Sata . . . What the fuck is wrong with you? Who hurt you? You will live rent free in my head for a long time. Just so you know, I hate you for that. You magnificent bastard, you. Bravo. Bra fucking vo. 👏👏
- Comment on Drawer Slides 8 months ago:
The silver things are runners with ball bearings that drawer slides on. The slides that attach to the drawer will snap into these silver runners.
Usually, you just need to align the slides on the drawer with the runners and push. They should snap in. The runners tend to slide around while connecting them. If they slide to the back, it’s ok, they will still connect once you get them lined up and push the drawer into them. If you can reach from underneath, you can hold the runner in place while attaching the drawer. Do one side at a time.
If you’re struggling to get it to connect, I recommend removing the slide from the side of the drawer and seeing if you can get a single slide to attach to the runner. It will click when it attaches. By doing just one, you might have an easier time seeing how it connects.
Once you figure it out, you’ll need to disconnect it. There should be a little plastic lever that you hold down (or up, depending on the side) while you pull out the slide. Put it back on the drawer and see if you can connect it once it’s back on the drawer.
They are a little complicated, but once you see how it goes together, it should make sense. If what I said is still confusing or if you are still struggling, reply and I’ll see if I can get some pictures to explain it better.
- Comment on When investing your money, what is considered a good rate of return? 10 months ago:
Over a lifetime, 7% to 8% is a good return. If you are safely building a portfolio, and looking at year over year, then anything between 8% and 12% is pretty good. If you are closer to retirement or just more risk averse, then around 5% to 7%. Really, anything above inflation means you are making money.
Everyone is going to have different definitions of “good.” It all depends on your goals, risk aversion, and stage of life. Your best bet is to find a financial advisor who can tailor a plan to your needs.
- Comment on How to repair peeling on cabinets 10 months ago:
Good luck to you. Post the results when you finish. I’m sure more than just me would like to see it
- Comment on How to repair peeling on cabinets 10 months ago:
Shellac is not the same as oil based. Oil based is made from, well, oil. Shelllac is made by crushing the shells of the lac bug. It is an insect that is cultivated specifically for the purpose. Shellac is typically used as a final coat for protection. Shellac primer is basically that mixed with a white pigment. It is great for sealing. Fairly pricy though.
- Comment on How to repair peeling on cabinets 10 months ago:
I will echo the Bondo route that others suggested. The big box hardware stores sell quart cans of general purpose Bondo in the paint aisle.
Cut out the vaneer over the bad area with a razor blade or box cutter.
Sand with 80 or 120 grit to remove any loose bits of the board. The particle board will crumble a little, but it will be fine. Just dont go overboard. Vacuum it to remove most dust.
Using a flexible putty knife, get one to two globs of Bondo on a clean piece of cardboard. Don’t do too much as you will have about 5 minutes of working time once the hardener is added. Follow the instructions on how much hardener to add, you wont need much. Fold the hardener into the Bondo with the putty knife until it is a uniform color.
Spread the bondo over the area you cut out. Try to get it smooth, but dont overwork it. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
Using 60 or 80 grit paper, sand it as it starts to dry. If it is gumming up the paper, it is still too wet to sand, give it another minute or two and try again. You are shaping it with this step. If you let it completely dry, it is hard as a rock and more difficult to sand.
Once it is in a good shape, switch to the next step up for sanding and repeat (60 to 80 to 120 to 180 to 220). Do not skip gits or you will just make work for yourself. You can probably stop at 180, but since it is next to vaneer, i’d go to 220. Again, if it is gumming the paper, wait a few minutes. Once you are at 220, use it to sand the entire cabinet to rough up the surface and accept primer better.
Once sanded, wipe the entire cabinet down with a tac cloth. I also recommend wiping the cabinets with a wax and greese remover so everything will stick better.
Now it is time for primer and paint. For a smooth finish, use a good quality foam mini-roller and foam brush for tighter areas.
Prime the cabinet using any water-based primer; killz is pretty good. They make an oil based that would be better, but will smell up your whole house, so I don’t recommend it unless you have excellent ventilation.
Lightly sand the peimer once it is fully dried with 220. If any spot is too light, do a second coat. Wipe up the dust.
Paint with an alkyd paint. Do at least 2 coats.
Not necessary, but if you want extra protection, you could use a foam brush (not a roller here) and do 3 to 4 coats of a water-based polyurethane on top of the paint. It might be overkill for what you want though.
This might seem like a lot, but you will have a great finish when done. Also, fair warning, Bondo has a strong smell. Open a window.
- Comment on How do I fix this? Is it the spring or something else? 1 year ago:
There isn’t enough in the picture to be 100% certain. In no particular order, these are the three things that I would check first:
- The cable could be too short on that side
- The track could be slightly too high on that side
- The floor is angled and has a natural gap
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
“Would have liked to run tests on the sea shells.” ~Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 3)
- Comment on How would you seal this gap under central boiler hydronic baseboard heaters that only get warm, not hot. 1 year ago:
My misunderstanding. I thought you meant from the heater to the floor.
To fix the gap you were talking about, you could do some acrylic caulking. You could do high heat silicone if you were worried about the heat, but the acrylic should be fine. Check the tube for the allowed heat range. The silicone will do vetter against the expansion and contraction, but you’d never be able to paint it. The acrylic would be paintable. But had a high chance of cracking.
- Comment on How would you seal this gap under central boiler hydronic baseboard heaters that only get warm, not hot. 1 year ago:
You need the gap. Baseboard heaters work by heating the air around it, causing it to rise. This rising air is replaced by the cool air being displaced. By having a gap under the heater, the cool air has a place to go and be heated. This causes a draft that allows the full room to be heated, not just the area around the baseboards. In essence, the gap allows the heater to be more efficient.
If you insist on covering it, use a sheet of decorative metal that is at least partially open to allow airflow through it. Even that will reduce efficiency, but it wont be as bad as blocking it.
- Comment on The CEO of Dropbox has a 90/10 rule for remote work 1 year ago:
A quarter has 13 weeks, so if you do 2 week sprints and align them to start with a quarter, there is 1 week per quarter that is not accounted for. That week can be used for stuff outside of daily activities. It can be used for training, offsites, working on a pet project, etc. Its a good way to build time in the schedule for this type of thing. These types of breaks have tremendous long term value.
- Comment on Sealing gaps in duct work letting out air 1 year ago:
I’ll echo what others said about the aluminum tape. Make sure it is a good one, not a cheap one. You might want to take a damp rag to the area first. Any dust will stop it from sticking. Make sure to let it dry too.
Mastic could work as well. Get a tub of it and a chip brush or two… and don’t forget gloves. It sticks to everything and is rubberized, so it holds up very well. The only downside is that it makes a mess very easily.
- Comment on Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis if the mayor signs a minimum wage bill for drivers 1 year ago:
Then why would the company be against paying minimum wage?
- Comment on Money does not make any sense !! 1 year ago:
More of a physical representation of a debt, but in essence, yes.
I buy a rock from you with $5, that $5 represents the debt I incurred by taking the rock. You have the $5 that you can use to barter for something else. At the end of the day, the government is backing my debt for the rock with a physical piece of paper. Except it isn’t physical anymore now that everything is digital. So, I suppose its more like the bits of data that represent the physical money that represents the debt for the rock is backed by the government. Although that money is actually physical at the bank that conducted the electronic transaction, and they borrowed that physical money from the fed. But even then, it is inflated since not every dollar a bank transacts with, is backed by something physical since the reserve ratio is not 100%. And that is when it starts becoming confusing.
- Comment on The Fall of Stack Overflow 1 year ago:
I agree that it isn’t as good as it was. The last two updates have definitely decreased its effectiveness for multiple things, not just dev. It is still my starting point when looking for something. It is just not as good as it used to be.
Obviously, you can’t take what it gives at face value, but you shouldn’t do that from SO either. In general, I see faster results using GPT than I do with Google and SO. You can also extend the responses with any customization or changes specific to what you are trying to do, where you can’t with SO.
I’m not saying SO is bad. Not by any stretch. I still use it a lot. It just isn’t my starting point anymore.