- Comment on If anything happen to Linux today, like what happened to Windows, most of the internet would be dead. 7 months ago:
As a Windows engineer, the number of times I’ve seen other “engineers” open a case with Microsoft is insane. It seems to be a lot of their first reactions. No logs, no trying anything, just “this broke, why no work”. I think it’s that the Linux guys are mostly self taught, and the windows guys aren’t.
- Comment on How working for Big Tech lost 'dream job' status 10 months ago:
The big difference between IT and Devops is that IT fixes a problem, Devops solves it. In IT roles, I’m usually stuck pissing on the same fires over and over. In Devops roles, I’m given the time to go get a hose and put the fire out.
- Comment on Tesla charging stations become ‘car graveyards’ as batteries die in subzero temperatures, abandoned cars left in the lot after cars wouldn’t charge 1 year ago:
Fahrenheit is a shit system for science. It is a great system for humans. It’s basically the percent of heat humans can maintain. 0% or below is too fucking cold. 100% or above is too fucking hot. 72% hot is about room temperature. Fahrenheit degrees are about the smallest change humans can detect.
- Comment on eReaders for Selfhosted book collections 1 year ago:
I’ve owned nearly every version of the nook, and haven’t had a problem getting stuff onto it.
For hosting my collection, I use vaemendis.net/ubooquity/ it has a built in reader that saves states, but I primarily download to my nook and read with moon reader +.
There’s a docker compose and env file in github.com/zedd00/…/docker-compose.yml that have my entire setup.