- Comment on They used to be all metal too. Its time for a revolution 3 months ago:
They still make them. Still metal too. My 3 year old has a few and loves them. I have some old ones and they still work, albeit not as fast as they used to.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
I’m in the UK. We drive on the opposite side, freckle in the exact spot on my left arm, nothing on my right.
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
Also I imagine the ads will be silent but animated, like a regular website ad but full screen, essentially turning whatever you’re watching it on into a giant billboard.
It’s just another thing to block I guess.
- Comment on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be 5 months ago:
Man renowned for over promising over promises. More at 10.
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
I’ve not looked into it much other than seeing it in this video by Jeff Geerling and making a mental note for next time I’m in the market for a TV but it may be of interest to you.
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
Get a non-consumer TV if you can. They’re more expensive but are actually but to last, have way more features and you can swap in whatever compute board you want so you’re not stuck with an underpowered Android TV board.
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
It’s not just large amounts of money. It’s chasing more and more money each quarter, and when it starts slowing down panic sets in and they start trying to find any and every possible avenue to keep profits up. It’s how we’ve ended up in subscription based hell and it’ll only get worse.
- Comment on 85% off Battlefield V, let's gooo 6 months ago:
Titan mode was my absolute favourite and nothing since has filled that gap
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
It might even be a bit simpler than that, as YouTube’s going to have to mark segments as adverts somehow so you can’t just skip past them.
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
I don’t think you need a netrunner to plug a mouse into the pc behind the monitor and hit “Leave” on the (I assume) Teams call
- Comment on Cheap, but reliable SSDs? 10 months ago:
They did. Cheap and reliable
- Comment on Meta spent $4.3 billion on its VR division in three months, and made *checks figures* $440 million in return 10 months ago:
The index is better overall and I love mine, but I can’t help but feel jealous that someone can just grab their quest, put it on and get into VR immediately. I have to cart my PC downstairs, turn the base stations on, find the index and wire it all up, troubleshoot why Windows has decided to mess up the drivers and now nothing works, and maybe half an hour later finally get into a game or completely give up and try again another time.
The quest gains a lot in portability and ease of setup, and that does result in a lot of other features being sacrificed but to most people the downsides don’t matter as much.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
You can, but MS disables automatic updates without telling you. I have TPM but my CPU is one generation too old apparently, so they silently disabled updates on my machine and I didn’t realise I was still on 21H2 until a couple of weeks ago and had to manually update it.
The manual update worked and it didn’t warn me about anything or encounter any issues, but that was a massive pain.
- Comment on Accessible data 1 year ago:
Low is red, middle is orange and high has a pinkish hue to it. It’s easier to see on the map itself but you can sort of tell on the key.
- Comment on PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For 1 year ago:
Give Jellyfin a try too. I switched to that from Plex after I realised they were trying to charge me money to use hardware transcoding on my own hardware.
- Comment on When a Programmer Holds the Code Hostage: The costs of a policy of appeasement 1 year ago:
That entirely depends on how well code reviews are managed. I’ve worked with a “Martin” in the past and we did manage to move to a system where 2+ reviewers were required but it simply got to the point where no one would “rock the boat” because he’d simply brush off every comment made, or call you up to have a long rambling conversation as to why he made the decision he did and how you’re wrong and he’s right, and given his position in the company you couldn’t complain to anyone else about him because he was more valuable to them than you were.
We tried to put more and more blockers in front of him to attempt to encourage him to play nicer, but these were only temporary solutions to the bigger problem of “Martin” himself.