- Comment on You hear him howling around your kitchen door You better not let him in… 3 months ago:
This worked!
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
Yes, indeed, you said the funny part aloud.
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
There’s a big difference between this and getting snipped. The difference is, like, vast. It’s a vast difference.
- Comment on Help! Help! I'm being assimilated! 8 months ago:
Help Help I’m being assimilated!
- Comment on Now that Deus Ex has been cancelled, what other games scratch the Deus Ex itch? 1 year ago:
Man, System Shock 2 was so good
- Comment on Inspired by Swift Memes 1 year ago:
…but otherwise accurate
- Comment on Inspired by Swift Memes 1 year ago:
Not enough Ranch or BBQ sauce
- Comment on It's not DNS 1 year ago:
Me last week when my pi-hole was down
- Comment on the best time to find another job is when you already have one. How does it look like in your case? 1 year ago:
Fifteen years ago when I was looking, I took vacation or sick days off in order to focus on the search. For in-person interviews, I would take “doctor’s appointment” for the morning or afternoon as that office was pretty lenient on that excuse.
Yes, it is tiring and time-consuming; some things have to get sacrificed - I just chose to sacrifice the tasks at my current job.
As for transferring within the same company, if you are a good employee then “the company” is usually happy to have you stay internal even if it disappoints your current team. There is a much lower cost of an internal hire than external, and since you are still an employee your old team can still reach out for support if needed. In other words: talk to HR and see what their policies are. Your new boss will most surely talk to your current boss so it’s not going to be a secret.
- Comment on Can I build a NAS out of a desktop? [Request] 1 year ago:
Unraid as I understand it will do that
- Comment on [Steam] Which lesser known games have you bought or are planning to buy in this sale? 1 year ago:
I just started it yesterday- got my first 9 completed!
- Comment on HP raising Instant Ink subscription pricing significantly 1 year ago:
I fortunately only did a inkjets for 3-4 years before I went laser. I even bought a second toner cartridge at the same time! 15 years later, I actually used the 2nd cartridge-the printer is still going (albeit it seems it may only last another 5-10 years).
- Comment on Why does the for loop repeat in this recursion? 1 year ago:
No, the moment that draw(9) is called, draw(10) goes on pause while draw(9) finishes… which repeats (or recurses) until draw(0) gets called. Then it _return_s which returns to draw(1). The draw(1) un-pauses and does the #\n bit and returns to draw(2), which un-pauses and does ##\n and so forth until draw(10) does ##########\n
- Comment on Should I move to Docker? 1 year ago:
As someone who is not a former sysadmin and only vaguely familiar with *nix, I’ve been able to turn my home NAS (bought strictly to hold photos and videos backed up from our phones) into a home media sever by installing Docker and learning home the yml files work and it’s been awesome
- Comment on The Day Before is finally out, and according to its Steam reviews, it absolutely honks 1 year ago:
Is “honks” good or bad!?
- Comment on I think trump might win, and it's due to shitty memory and DND 1 year ago:
Public Education has failed us. Either that or autocorrect.
- Comment on Boffins convert typing sounds into text with 95% accuracy 1 year ago:
I was thinking the same, but it would be trivial for software to realize that “fnj xlg” maps to “the dog” with Colemak or Dvorak.
- Comment on Cutting Back on One Amino Acid Increases Lifespan of Middle-Aged Mice Up to 33% 1 year ago:
You da real hero
- Comment on Truth horn. 1 year ago:
Now I have Tool stuck in my head. Happy Thanksgiving!
- Comment on Temporal violation a go-go. 1 year ago:
🎼I…Am…your singing telegram!🎼
- Comment on Black Friday not the cheapest time to shop, says consumer group 1 year ago:
When will fediverse allow more than one upvote!? Until then, I can only give you this one
- Comment on Need help: accessing all my containers by name 1 year ago:
Thanks to everyone who replied, but I gave up on this. Turns out that Synology’s DSM has nginx as part of it, without exposing it as configurable, that commandeers ports 443 and 5000, and any other port seems to direct to 5001(?) which is the desktop manager login. I’ll just remember all the ports or maybe get Heimdall spun up!
- Comment on Need help: accessing all my containers by name 1 year ago:
I looked at Heimdall and came to the same conclusion, I could just whip up a static html page of links, or make bookmarks, easier than maintaining another docker.
- Submitted 1 year ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 28 comments
- Comment on Programming questions for beginners 1 year ago:
Ask ChatGPT. It won’t always be correct, but is patient with a new learner, so to speak. You can ask it to explain in more detail, or “is there another way to do that?” and get a different perspective on a solution.
- Comment on As a beginner, how should I go about learning difficult concepts? 1 year ago:
Write it down when you figure something out. Draw arrows to it from some other part you figured out. Scratch it out when you realize you had it wrong and then put the arrows to a new place where you doodle how it actually works. Never look at the notes again.
- Comment on Do scrota have the same wrinkle pattern every time they get cold? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Even the computer has no idea. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Even the computer has no idea. 1 year ago:
Damn it feels good to be a gangster
- Submitted 1 year ago to risa@startrek.website | 3 comments