- Comment on Is this discoloration a problem? 9 months ago:
Hejsan! Jag är amerikan men bodde jag i Sverige några år sedan. Tack så mycket för dina råd. Det kan var lättare i Sverige för sådana saker, tror jag.
- Comment on Is this discoloration a problem? 9 months ago:
I mean I could just spray a hose up there, couldn’t I?
- Comment on Is this discoloration a problem? 9 months ago:
We had the roof replaced two years ago. I believe they redid all the flashing at that point. So there’s a chance this could be old? If the leak is resolved, which I’ll verify, do we have to do anything to the wood or are we good?
- Submitted 9 months ago to [deleted] | 14 comments
- Comment on Listen, Susan. It's a valid theory, just look at the damn thing. 1 year ago:
That’s fun.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I’m so square I didn’t even know that 196 went back to Reddit.
Thank you.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Months after joining I still cannot decipher the rule thing. Can you please tell me?
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on What's the Best Non-Alcoholic Alternative to an Ice Cold Beer at the End of the Day? 1 year ago:
I switched from from beer to flavored carbonated water. This was 18 years ago though and the options were pretty limited back then. Mostly it was just artificially sweetened garbage. I’d rather just have a club soda and add my own fruit or juice to taste. But these days it’s just easier to buy Polar or whatever.