- Comment on Why there is no photos of earth from space? 2 weeks ago:
BuT tHeY aRe aLL fAkE ObViOuSlY! ThErE iSn’T EvEn A dEbAtE aBoUt It!
- Comment on Strava closes the gates to sharing fitness data with other apps 3 months ago:
Yep, was thinking the same. And all the other brands of fitness devices…
- Comment on EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones 8 months ago:
Wow, did you just really confess as an child porn distributor/consumer? Who else would need such an communication alternative?
- Comment on How Packers and Movers Can Make Your Relocation Stress-Free 9 months ago:
I see so many ad posts on lemmy now… They have to do something about it. This one is particular bad tho…
- Comment on HMD Pulse trio unveiled: affordable phones with 'Gen 1 repairability' 10 months ago:
3 years of security updates is unfortunately very little…
- Comment on Tesla Owner Calls Police on Rivian Driver Using Supercharger 10 months ago:
Statistically speaking: no.
- Comment on PrusaSlicer - Need some quick help with prototype printing 1 year ago:
Sorry I am short of time, but hopefully I can help:
Instead of using negative modifiers, just load the full part as it is. Then rotate it (Usually ±90 degrees) around the x or y axis and use the z cut tool to cut the part in half. Only keep the part you want. Reverse the initial rotation and the object is now cut on one side.
Redo the steps for all 4 sides.
- Comment on European Parliament rejects mass scanning of private messages 1 year ago:
Although in this case, it was the EU who wanted to put a backdoor in every encrypted messenger… Thank god it looks like as if it won’t happen!
- Comment on When someone starts with I'm not racist it usually means they are. 1 year ago:
I’m not a racist because as a boy I was too slow when I was gokarting…
- Comment on Second SpaceX Starship launch ends with explosion. What happens next? 1 year ago:
That’s exactly why testing is needed. You can calculate a ton of things but you only know through testing, when and where things fail. Then you iterate and test again.
- Comment on This took me 4 months 1 year ago:
Am i stupid or is there an example of an ascii image somewhere?
- Comment on Wyze security camera owners reported that they could briefly see feeds from cameras they didn’t own 1 year ago: is still alive!
- Comment on Just finished wiring the garage to the house - and find that the wire is damaged! Now what? 1 year ago:
The actual unit is lower case, the multiplier is uppercase.
Wouldn’t agree with that… There are many different units and multipliers. the letter being uppercase or lowercase has nothing to do with it.
letters for prefixes/multipliers being uppercase and lowercase: P, T, G, M, k, h, da, d, c, m, u, n (trillion, billion, million, thousand, hundred, ten, one tenth, one hundredth, one thousandth, one millionth, one billionth)
Letters for units being uppercase and lowercase: s, m, g, N, W, J, A, K, V, h, Hz (seconds, meter, gram, Newton, Watt, Joule, Ampere, Kelvin, Volt, hour, Hertz) (just recognised, that most units, which are named after scientists, are written with capital letters…)
km = thousand meters/kilometer K = Kelvin (unit for temperature) M = Mega (prefix for one million) kJ = thousand joules s = second ms = millisecond (one thousandth) S = siemens (electrical conductivity) mS = milli siemens mm = millimeter (one thousandth of a meter) Mm = megameter (one million meters or thousand kilometers)
- Comment on What comes before a quarter final? 1 year ago:
I remember it like this:
Finals - 1 match - 2 participants
Semifinals - 2 matches - 4 participants
Quarterfinals - 4 matches - 8 participants
Round of 16 - 8 matches - 16 participants
Round of 32 - 16 matches - **32 participants **
In every round, half of the participants are eliminated and the other half moves on.