- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 6 months ago:
You must be young. Because Republicans will vote for a criminal before they vote for “communism”. Because the Republicans attempt to destroy the educational system to keep people dumb enough to vote for them has worked. Because dispite the corporate media pandering and acting like they want Harris Because that’s what their viewers want, their billionaire owners don’t. They want the republican led centrist enabled tax breaks on their money. Harris has also brought in the progressives which have zero tolerance for the centrist mindset. She is in a situation where she has to dance a dance of trying to reel in the progressives even though they are going to throw a fit when she panders to the centrists and the corporate overlords.
The system is made and controlled by the billionaires. No hard progressive that doesn’t play the game a little is going to get elected… right now. They will destroy anyone that threatens their billions. Everytime she goes a little too hard left they throw a fit.
Welcome to end stage capitalism.
- Comment on Arrowhead emerge with a bullet-pointed peace offering to pacify mutinous Helldivers 2 players 6 months ago:
I fired that game up for for the first time in probably 4 months yesterday. I played every day since released then got busy and distracted. Holy shit I forgot how intense that game is and I had no clue how to kill the giant tentacles. Suicide mission may have been too much out of the gate. Only died once but was running for my life most the game. I was expecting there to be massive changes to it, maybe a new faction, but it mostly seemed like the same old shit with a few extra strategems and ship mods.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
I guess I work in the medical field and I know a lot of doctors are overwhelmed and are really only looking for the quickest way to get you back out the door. They aren’t “lazy” … I guess, just overworked. But also lazy. I live in a rural town, good doctors don’t come here.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
I do agree that if you are obese and have unrelated medical issues the doctors will very much say “you need to lose weight”, and call it done. And that is x10 if you are a woman, for some reason. Yeah, these problems may not be so bad if I was not obese, and they may not have existed is I wasn’t (bulging disks my your back, etc.), but the truth is, I am fat, I still need my problems fixed, go ahead and do the surgery to trim the disk that is pinching my nerves to fix my back because otherwise I can’t move and I will just get fatter and my back will just get worse. Perpetually.
It is just laziness and they have a blanket scapegoat to use to get out of doing their job if you walk in and are overweight.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
It’s quite literally the medical term… i… I am an obese man, I am an obese man mostly of my own doing, their might be some psychological or socioeconomic reasons, but it’s mostly the fact that food is good, exercise sucks, and impulse control. I wasn’t born this way, I wasn’t treated as nonhuman for something beyond my control, and obese is not used for the sole purpose of being derogatory.
Those two words are very, very different. Even if you are obese because of a thyroid, or injury, or whatever, a doctor can, and will call you obese in your medical reports. And if you can’t handle that because you can’t handle that slight uncomfortability, no wonder you are still obese.
- Comment on YSK the full scope of the recent US presidential immunity decision 8 months ago:
He shouldn’t kill him, that’s too devisive. Maybe strap him to the top of a rocket and send him to low earth orbit? And leave him there?
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I agree, the main handle you use on the interior and exterior of the vehicle should be PHYSICALLY connected to the latch. Seems like a pretty simple rule to make and enforce and seems pretty common sense.
I have a 61 f100 with shaved doors that only opens electronically from the outside with a fob, but I didn’t build it to be a grocery getter with my wife and kids in it. I know the risks. And the hood opens without having to get into the cab so I can easily access the battery if it’s dead.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:…/testing-tesla-laminated-glass-vs-…
They have laminated glass on the doors. Yes, it can break, but it takes saws to actually open. Having to get through a window to open a door because a battery died is very much a safety issue. Especially with how prone they are to having their batteries catch on fire. Relying in the electrical system or a super secret back up plan on the interior of the care in an emergency is stupid.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I can understand why. I’m guessing it’s for a couple reasons, maybe fluctuations in the voltage depending on driving conditions ( if you’re stomping on the throttle allowing everything to flow through the motors it may provide inconsistent voltage to the sensitive computers and electronics, I would imagine there is a step-down converter somewhere that charges that 12v battery, essentially that battery is used as a buffer. But the link between the big batt. and little batt. isn’t active unless the vehicle is on. And “On” requires the 12v system to turn on computers and close a relay.
Doors relying on ANY electronics is a bad idea. Even most cars with keyless entry have a hidden key somewhere to physically get in the vehicle if the battery dies. If the main battery in a tesla is toast you have bigger problems than a locked door. But anyone who has been driving for more than a few years has likely dealt with an OG battery decides to stop taking a charge. And you probably won’t get much of a warning in an EV that doesn’t have an engine that starts turning over slower and slower.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
The ducking DOORS require a charged battery. Fuck that. That decision will age great in the next ten years.
- Comment on The stats don't lie 8 months ago:
By ripping someone’s head off
- Comment on This is going to set back medical trust for years 8 months ago:
Terrorist-a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aim
Hmmm… that DOES sound a bit familiar…
- Comment on Maybe those 20 seconds were because of the lack of getting raises? 9 months ago:
A security camera: $100
$1/hr for 15 people: $31k A YEAR. Those two things are not even in the same realm.
- Comment on Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two 9 months ago:
Yes, varying people have different opinions on subjects. It is easy to think a comment with upvotes is the way the hivemind goes, but the hivemind has multiple factions.
I, personally, hace no opinion on the matter. The dude was septic and had a stroke. While it seems unlikely that was murder, I guess it is possible if you have infinite resources to make it look natural. But that is one HELL of a coincidence to have two whistle-blowers die . … like. … pretty fucking insane. Watch these next ten all die and no one important bats an eye.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account 10 months ago:
Annoying maybe, but not on par with the $70 games with micro transactions that make the game pay to win when the games are just rehashed battle Royale games. It’s the same game OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Signing in to a PSN account might be annoying, but my God it is small potatoes with everything else going on these days and it is something beyond the DEVs control. I feel like that perspective is lost. This game is a diamond in a giant pile of turds. The devs have done everything in their control to keep it clean, but some things are beyond their control.
As far as the people in countries without PSN, if they don’t make it right (either by removing the requirement for them or refunding), then that is bullshit. But I don’t think Arrowhead is out to screw anyone.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account 10 months ago:
Crazy, I couldn’t play with any of my PS friends until I linked. Hmmm I guess I am wrong, internet man says so 🤷♂️
- Comment on Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account 10 months ago:
Sony published the game. You already need a PSN account for cross play, but it wasn’t required, you just didn’tget crossplay. Niw you need it to play. A PSN account is free. I’ve had one for a decade+ and have never even owned a Playstation. Not that big of a deal in my opinion. You will just have to sign in. It is less invasive than a CDPR account for Cyberpunk and Witcher or ubisoft for farcry, or EA for all the others. PSN doesn’t even require an additional piece of software launcher like the rest. You literally sign in, in game, and never think about it again. Not that big of a deal.
- Comment on The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake 10 months ago:
Yeah, this would be a novelty and it was SOLID for it’s time. But we have come a long way, pretty sure my light switches have more processing power than these phones did. This isn’t your favorite band rebooting, it is a peice of technology that is no longer relevant or even capable of operating on modern networks. The entire hardware will be completely different or it will be a paperweight immediately.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 10 months ago:
I guess my initial comment, for me, was the perspective that it is common enough to have this many people openly talking about it in this thread very nonchalant, like that is the norm. There are a thousand reasons not to own a gun, that reason seemed a little specific, then others chimed in that were on the same page. It just surprised me. I am glad you are doing better and I hope you remember how temporary those feelings are if they ever come back.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 10 months ago:
I don’t know if it’s a people who already have issues and have guns are more likely to use the gun instead of other means kind of statistic you have there, but owning a gun does not want to make you want to kill yourself purely by existing. It is a problem that exists regardless of the gun. And people who just… don’t have a gun have a thousand different ways to accomplish the task. You aren’t like, a healthy individual then get a gun and suddenly have … urges.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 10 months ago:
Jesus, there is a non-zero number people, in this thread, that don’t get guns because they are afraid they might suicide? I hope you get the help you need, keeping a gun out of your house is a good thing but it is just the tip of an iceberg.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Just in case you didn’t have enough apps installed from the factory.
- Comment on Homeowner baffled after washing machine uses 3.6GB of internet data a day 11 months ago:
Idk, in my particular situation I would like a smart washing machine. I have a smart fridge, that is essentially useless, but a smart washing machine omwould tell me when my laundry was done so I can switch it into the dryer. That actually seems useful in my particular situation.
- Comment on Peak technology 11 months ago:
Epson with the eco tank. It’s like 12 bucks for several years of ink and the thing just works.
- Comment on God of War (PC) is now available on GOG 11 months ago:
Me want Ragnarock on PC
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Twitter is called “X” now, so xbox still works.
- Comment on But should you? 1 year ago:
There it is…
- Comment on Please Joe... 1 year ago:
Small business are scraping by too. All the money in this booming economy is funneled up top. You demand a raise and they will just get the next hungry/broke sucker to take your spot.
- Comment on Please Joe... 1 year ago:
Trump begs to different. Why did the right get all the dictators?
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
It is getting to the point that is the only option. Voting doesn’t matter, protesting doesn’t matter, complaining doesn’t matter. Millennials were raised that those are the processes, we have come to realize they don’t work and our kids are being raised with the understanding that that doesn’t work. If they want things to change, and it literally HAS to, that is what needs to happen. Either accept the status quo or forcefully change it. If I understand history, that is the most American thing you can do.