- Comment on Where Does [the] Australia[n continent] End? 1 month ago:
Tree Kangaroos! I’ve never heard of them before. They look awesome.
- Comment on Two Brisbanes? 2 months ago:
Might be a UI bug. I am getting 2 Brisbane entries show up as well. Maybe you were able to select both Brisbane entries at the same time which created both posts. However I wasn’t able to replicate this.
- Comment on Australian bosses on notice as 'deliberate' wage theft becomes a crime 2 months ago:
Yeah, seems a bit hard to prove if the wage theft is “deliberate” or a mistake.
- Comment on Isekai MC 2 months ago:
I don’t hate it. This artist is one of my favourites.
- Comment on David Crisafulli vows to repeal ban on developer donations and ditch ‘corrupt’ full preferential voting system 4 months ago:
The same thing we have for council elections, optional preferential I am pretty sure.
What ever he is trying, looks to me he wants QLD to be like the USA, in more ways than one…
- Comment on Australia's youth crime rates have plummeted despite what politicians would have you believe 4 months ago:
I am going to be rather annoyed if this is the reason LNP win this coming election in Queensland.
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 6 comments
- Two Australians charged with spying offences for allegedly conspiring to share ADF secrets with ↗Submitted 7 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on Petition to establish and enforce consumer protections for digital software. 9 months ago:
- Comment on Budget Night Thread 9 months ago:
As he should, like all the critics are saying, how they hell is this not being means tested!
- Comment on Budget Night Thread 9 months ago:
Very much reeks of vote buying. “Hey Australia, look at all this free money we are passing on to you.”
I mean, thanks I guess, but I am already getting a massive benefit from the stage 3 tax cuts. Why not take that $3 BILLION and invest it in something that will keep energy prices down for ever, rather than band-aid over it for 12 months. By all means, give the rebate to low income earners and those in real need of it, but people who are not struggling in the slightest should not be getting the rebate.
I guess the government have to play to the lowest common denominator in the voting base. Not all Australians understand that this money isn’t actually free and it will cost us in the long run (every subsequent budget for the next decade is predicted to be in deficit rather than surplus).
- Comment on Budget Night Thread 9 months ago:
Queenslanders are also getting a $1000 rebate from the state government. So in total, $1300 off our energy bills in the next financial year.
Kind of shocked the federal government are giving $300 to every household.
- Comment on Stop Killing Games Australian Petition - Open for Signature Until **20 May 2024** 9 months ago:
Same one
- Comment on Stop Killing Games Australian Petition - Open for Signature Until **20 May 2024** 9 months ago:
Over 5500 signatures, looking good 👍🏻
- Comment on Recommend me a music streaming service? 10 months ago:
You can also buy the music directly, if you don’t want the subscription, and then self-host it on Plex or Jellyfin, etc.
- Comment on The budget reveals what Australia's governments actually care about. And Labor has chosen to keep jobseekers in poverty | Greg Jericho 10 months ago:
“Everything is affordable if we choose to care about it”.
That’s a fantastic quote right there.
- Comment on Stop Killing Games: Petition EN6080 - Define & enforce consumers' ownership rights for digital software 10 months ago:
It would be nice if “smart” home devices fell under this category. If the devices software is the reason that the device fails to continue to work, then they should be held responsible, and made to remedy a fix…or full refund.
- Comment on Stop Killing Games: Petition EN6080 - Define & enforce consumers' ownership rights for digital software 10 months ago:
Oh yes, make sure to verify via the email sent.
- Stop Killing Games: Petition EN6080 - Define & enforce consumers' ownership rights for digital ↗Submitted 10 months ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on Australia's most painful creatures 11 months ago:
That Redback section got me good. Was browsing this article on my phone. Didn’t mind the spiders crawling on the screen, until the one in the bottom right looked like it crawled out from under my hand. Nearly threw my phone away 😮💨
- Comment on "Demon Slayer: Hashira Training Arc" New Key Visual, PV 11 months ago:
I mean, it’s a good story and all, but the last season was kinda boring so can’t see how this would be enjoyable to watch…and this is coming from someone who has read the manga and loved it.
Can’t stop the hype train though…
- Comment on [News] Call of the Night Season 2 Announced 11 months ago:
I read and caught up with the manga after season 1, and I can tell you I am hyped for this. Such a good story!
- Comment on Electric car sales are booming in Australia, but it's not where you think it is 11 months ago:
Yes, from my understanding EVs have way less maintenance than ICEs, so would be better considering the lack of travel.
- Comment on Electric car sales are booming in Australia, but it's not where you think it is 11 months ago:
Interesting, does that lead to a significant less uptake to personal vehicles all up for inner suburbs then?
- Comment on Electric car sales are booming in Australia, but it's not where you think it is 11 months ago:
Makes sense, if you live in an apartment, where do you charge your car?
- Comment on We Snuck Into a CIA Base In The Aussie Outback 11 months ago:
The optimist in me reckons everytime the AFP interacted with them was for the return of the missing soccer ball.
Scenario 1: “Hey mate, can you come down to the sati-” call ends “Crap, how are we gonna return the ball now?” 😮
Scenario 2: “Hey mate, we got you off the plane for-” “Sorry, can’t talk without our lawyer.” walks away “B-but, we just wanted to return your ball…” 😥
- Comment on We Snuck Into a CIA Base In The Aussie Outback 11 months ago:
Yes, scary stuff. Americans running around rent free here, I reckon they could get away with that BS and we would be none the wiser.
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 5 comments
- Comment on Is anyone else seeing more insects? 1 year ago:
Yes. I have a lot of grass hoppers, crickets and praying mantises in my garden in the last couple months. And they are not small, very big buggers.
Also heaps of ants, but I think that’s normal.
- Comment on What were some of your favourite Australian TV shos?w 1 year ago:
I vaguely remember watching and liking the first couple of seasons of Underbelly.
Looking at IMDB, there were 6 seasons all up, so I missed the last 3 to 4 seasons of the show.