- Comment on Backdoor slipped into multiple WordPress plugins in ongoing supply-chain attack 8 months ago:
It’s the only CMS that runs on a classic AMP stack which is still the standard with cheap web hosters. And since everyone and their dog is using it, you can easily find support and ready-to-use plugins for almost anything.
In the car world, WordPress is your plain old petrol car that just runs, can easily be refuelled and you can get anything repaired at every other street corner. That’s why it is still so widespread.
- Comment on Backdoor slipped into multiple WordPress plugins in ongoing supply-chain attack 8 months ago:
Ghost runs on NodeJS which isn’t available at most cheap webhosters. Also it doesn’t do traditional blog things like pingbacks, trackbacks or webmentions.
BearBlog can’t be self-hosted at all - it says so right on their GitHub’s README.
WriteFreely is a Go binary that - again - isn’t supported on most cheap hosters. Also I can’t seem to find anything about it supporting pingbacks, trackbacks or webmentions. It seems to be more like a one-user Mastodon instance.
- Comment on People want 'dumbphones'. Will companies make them? 9 months ago:
I miss my SonyEricsson P910i
- Comment on Online Content Is Disappearing 9 months ago:
I believe it’s often because nobody does their own website anymore but instead uses managed services, e.g. Medium. Or bits of information, that would’ve been worth a blog post some while ago, end up on sites like StackOverflow, Reddit, etc… And once these services want to monetise these contents, they usually start with limiting public access.
And OTOH TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are doing everything they can to further limit people’s attention spans and get them addicted to those services. So the people capable of and/or interested in producing proper “content” are dwindling, too.
- Comment on Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower 9 months ago:
Especially gas-powered as they can then rev them all the time, raising the annoyance to completely new levels.
- Comment on iPhone owners say the latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes 9 months ago:
I think that already happened and was called “The Fappening”. You can still find it with Google.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
Money. It’s much better if you can sell the same thing over and over again.
- Comment on Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction 9 months ago:
Apart from all the online tools there are also offline website builders like blocs (macOS/iPad - but there are similar tools for Windows as well) that let you design your website and will spit out the files you then just need to upload to any provider of your liking. It’s basically a WYSIWYG static site generator.
- Comment on Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction 9 months ago:
Sounds like GitHub Pages.
Apart from that, I like GRAV for small website projects. It works completely without a database (or in other words: it uses the filesystem as the database that it basically is) and backups/restores are simple copying everything to the right place.
- Comment on Does anyone else find that 4G+ on O2 is awful? 9 months ago:
I’ve started on EE PAYG at £15 per 30 days(!) (because I didn’t want to hold back with using data when out and about) and 2 months later got a call from them and they offered me a post-paid contract at a great price. I’m now paying £12.70 pcm for the same plus the benefits from being in a contract.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch Is Removing Integration for X, Formerly Twitter 9 months ago:
Maybe they delete enough code to be able to give us a third “theme”.
- Comment on Does anyone use https://presearch.com/ 9 months ago:
There’s also another SearX-like one called websurfx - albeit still in its early days.
- Comment on Does anyone use https://presearch.com/ 9 months ago:
I‘ve tested Presearch like 2 years ago and even back then it already had these “PRE tokens” you could earn by using it and get more by gambling/betting on search terms.
- Comment on Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two 9 months ago:
“See it, say it, —” - “Shot it!”
- Comment on The Verge shows how Google search is useless 10 months ago:
I don’t know. Just noticed that their normal Russian web search redirects to “Dzen”, whereas images.yandex.ru is still showing as “Yandex”.
- Comment on The Verge shows how Google search is useless 10 months ago:
For reverse image search, Google is also becoming more and more useless. I usually also look on Yandex to identify fake profiles using photos of other people.
- Comment on The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake 10 months ago:
This isn’t Nokia. It’s HMD. They just paid to be allowed to slap the “Nokia” label on their devices and shape them like those old Nokia phones.
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 10 months ago:
Strongbox is, too?
- Comment on Is anyone using PixelFed? How is your experience so far? 10 months ago:
Instagram for geeks. My geeky followers follow me there, the normal people are still on Instagram where I post the same.
- Comment on Google Feed alternative 10 months ago:
I’m on macOS and iOS and love News Explorer. It syncs my reading progress to all other devices and also has a nice reader mode that pulls the article from the website in full. Apart from that it’s pretty bare-bones, but does exactly what I want.
- Comment on Is it that difficult to run Mastodon over Docker? 10 months ago:
Instead of the full-blown Mastodon, you should also look at #GoToSocial which is compatible and pretty light-weight. (Doesn’t come with a web UI, so you need to use client apps.)
- Comment on ‘Huge disappointment’ as UK delays bottle deposit plan and excludes glass 10 months ago:
Is your entire argument about homeless people only about sticky puddles?
It’s about incentivising bad habits, e.g. homeless people sifting through rubbish bins. People leaving empty bottles out in the street where they get blown around from the wind. Or arguments like “pensioners can just go and collect empty bottles if they want more money”.
Because sorting like that is very inefficient, expensive, imperfect.
The attitude of wanting to just throw everything in one pile and want someone else to deal with it, is so early 20th century.
It’s 2024. Automatic trash sorting machines are a thing - and they have a very high efficiency of up to 99.99%. Making people pay an extra deposit for plastic bottles (even just simple water) and forcing them to keep the empty bottle full of air until it is returned to a machine where it is then shredded to pieces is so late 20th century. (On a sidenote: In Germany alone, the companies producing these bottles “earn” 180M Euros every year just from bottles that got lost/weren’t brought back to a machine - or not accepted (unreadable/missing label, deformed bottle, etc.).)
I mean, nobody is stopping you from e.g. separating used teabags into organic materials, metal staple and paper label, if you are into these kind of things. But please don’t force other people to do the same.
People like you are the reason deposits exist at all. If everyone could be trusted to their part there would be no need for a deposit.
In the same way I could say that people like me are the reason rubbish sorting facilities exist and people there have jobs? If everyone could be trusted to their part, there would be no need for these jobs. ¯\(ツ)/¯
- Comment on Building my Homelab! 10 months ago:
You can create dashboards with only the useful data you need!
While dashboards are nice to look at, I very much prefer to just configure Zabbix to only notify me in case of actual problems and leave me alone the rest of the time. 😉 Also, Zabbix has capabilities to show graphs and create dashboards as well. No need for Grafana here.
- Comment on ‘Huge disappointment’ as UK delays bottle deposit plan and excludes glass 10 months ago:
It’s not like anyone gets hurt by a homeless person that looks down a bin. Does it matter if someone empties a bottle on the pavement? It’s a few centilitres at max and it’s better than throwing the bottles in the bin.
It’s sad that this is necessary and assumed “normal”. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to step into some sticky puddle of something the second I take my eyes off the pavement.
Aren’t your machines printing out coupons with unique barcodes? If not, that’s incredibly stupid.
They do! But in several shops the return machines were added without being connected to their payment system. Probably because of incompatibility. And people figured out how the barcodes are encoded.
The point of the system is primarily to stop people from throwing the bottles and cans in the trash. So that’s where all the bottles are in London.
The trash can be sorted. So why not make it a problem of the rubbish companies to properly sort the plastics and getting them recycled?
I’m living in the UK for a year now and I totally love the fact that I can just buy a bottle to drink somewhere and once finished get rid of it without wasting 25p or carrying that empty bottle around all day. Or that I can squish bottles at home before they go into the recycling bin outside.
As somebody that only shops for groceries every few weeks, I absolutely hated the several bags of empty plastic bottles we had to find room for, drive to the supermarket and then spend 20 minutes queuing for and feeding them one by one into the machine.
- Comment on ‘Huge disappointment’ as UK delays bottle deposit plan and excludes glass 10 months ago:
The deposit scheme in Germany is a huge cash cow as people pay for the deposit but then never return the container or the container gets destroyed, label comes off and gets rejected by the machine, etc.
And as you said, people leave empty bottles around public bins for homeless people to collect. However, this slowly became an accepted method of “income” for them and you see them checking every rubbish bin for empty bottles. (If a bottle isn’t quite empty, they’ll empty it onto the pavement.) And there are even territorial fights.
Also, lots of fraud with fake deposit coupons (you deposit the bottles in a machine, machine prints a coupon and you take that coupon to the till where you get your money - people now find someone with a label printer and print fake coupons to cash in).
And I loathe having to carry an empty plastic bottle around all day when I’m not near any place to return it. You can’t even squish it as then the machine won’t accept it. Which also means you’re taking huge bags of air to the store every few weeks.
I don’t see any issues with empty bottles and cans around London. Definitely not more than in Berlin. So I can only assume this scheme was proposed so that a few people can fill their pockets with the expected money. As always.
- Comment on Should I or should I not use a VLAN? I have trouble understanding the benefits for home use 10 months ago:
If you want to learn about VLANs and spend some time setting everything up (and more time each time a new device joins your network) then you should go for it.
I for myself decided it’s not worth it for my little home network and instead just use a /16 net and group devices into different ranges. E.g. computers are xxx.xxx.1.yyy, phones are .2.yyy, etc. All unknown devices get a .99.yyy from the DHCP, so they are easily identified.
All public facing stuff is in some Docker container, so there’s at least a small hurdle should something/someone get access.
Cameras are mirrored into Apple HomeKit via Home Assistant, so I can use Apple Home to watch them from afar. Or VPN into my home network.
- Comment on Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by Brexit, report warns 10 months ago:
Because everything bad that happens since Brexit definitely ALWAYS was caused by Brexit? Even when other European countries face similar challenges?
- Comment on Drug shortages, now normal in UK, made worse by Brexit, report warns 10 months ago:
Yep, e.g. here’s the list of current shortages for Germany:
- Comment on Recommendation for outgoing-only SMTP server 10 months ago:
ssmtp is also my go-to for this. Or dma (DragonFly Mail Agent) if available.
- Comment on WeatherStar 4000+ Emulator 10 months ago: