- Comment on Loyalty 7 months ago:
It’s the cheapest sugar option in the us, so it goes in everything that’s not a “premium” brand, and even then it might still have it in there.
- Comment on Washington's Lottery AI site turned user photo into porn 11 months ago:
Idk, Mynorthwest is mostly dull local news fare with a some good event coverage. KIRO is that branch and its okay, its center right, it certianly isn’t the cinclair broadcasting station, thats komo 4. 710 sports is more center left but its sports. 770 KTTH where this article seems to be coming from is obviously garbage reactionary conservative radio, but that’s what makes money in radio.
- Comment on Two nights of broken sleep can make people feel years older, finds study 11 months ago:
Well, I thought I was maturing, but your right, it’s probably the lack of sleep.
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
Is that in Ireland?
- Comment on No tip 11 months ago:
I love punishing low wage workers while making statements on how the system should change.
“Oh, you thought you could take a day off this week to help an elderly parent make it to a doctor appointment? Nah, get fucked. You can’t afford to that and buy groceries.”
- Comment on Hey, the A.I said it not me. 1 year ago:
While I’m over here looking like a potato bug
- Comment on It's hard to believe 1 year ago:
No their the birds eggs. Little known fact.
- Comment on It's hard to believe 1 year ago:
On the map only to be excluded from the circle
- Comment on hmm 1 year ago:
Thinking of kids as extensions of yourself is narcissistic as fuck.
- Comment on The only thing that matters 1 year ago:
You’re right, investment in infrastructure has rebounded, but its easy to ignore the hard fought battles and just be cynical. But also things aren’t perfect and our priorities can be better. For me that’s investments in health care for all and making higher ed cheaper.
Two years ago, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (“BIL”) into law. The BIL directs $1.2 trillion of federal funds towards transportation, energy, and climate infrastructure projects, most of which is distributed via state and local governments
- Comment on rabbit 1 year ago:
Seems to me it more taking shots at people. It might be unexpected, but I wouldnt think degrading people to be humor. Just kinda mean spirited.
- Comment on rabbit 1 year ago:
Wouldn’t call it a good one. In fact, i wouldn’t call it a joke at all. I’d just call it racist.
- Comment on rabbit 1 year ago:
Wow, that’s just jarringly racist.
- Comment on Generous trick or treating 1 year ago:
But it’s actually a trick because it’s really insulation they’re trying to get you to put your hands in.
- Comment on [HN] A new basic taste joins sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami 1 year ago:
What is it? I can’t read.
- Comment on Doesnt compare to what goes down in ligma! 1 year ago:
What’s ligma?
- Comment on Nearly 500 smartphone brands have left the market since 2017 1 year ago:
Just went to their website and it’s looks very very cheesy. It does not look like a major company or even a serious one tbh. Sad because the One M8 was probably the best phone I’d ever owned.
- Comment on NSA Orders Employees to Spy “With Dignity and Respect” 1 year ago:
This had the same energy as the beatings will continue until morale improves
- Comment on When did Christians get involved in politics in USA? I was watching young Turks clip on youtube. There was an exmuslim guy he said pat Robertson forced Christians into politics. So when was it? 1 year ago:
Behind the Bastards really is great. I do wish Robert Evans did step all over his guests so often and allow them opportunities to chime in. The Kissenger episodes are real bangers though. Funny guests who can keep up and even add to the deep dive.