- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Last night, my wife and I ordered Chinese for Valentine’s Day. Cost $100. Tried to tip the delivery guy a $20, and he turned it down lol. He then gave my cat a temptations treat, out of a freshly opened bag he had in his pocket. Dude was amazing!
- Comment on Good morning I choose violence. 1 year ago:
I put some gel drops on my eyes, and could have sworn it was the Orcs Must Die logo
- Comment on Virtual Girlfriend 1 year ago:
Matters little, word order does.
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Normally I’d agree, but the glass just gets real cold when it’s -40 outside. Condensation freezes on it.
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
I still get frost on the inside of my double paned windows up here in the great white north. No joke, windows are engineered to hell here
- Comment on I had some that looked exactly like this 1 year ago:
Right? To be fair, they used some of the nicest portables I’ve ever seen. Two portables to a class, windows, a semi permanent foundation, plumbing, HVAC hookup, networking, the works. I had to install WAPs in the drop tile, and it was not the worst thing I’ve had to do there.
- Comment on I had some that looked exactly like this 1 year ago:
In our town, one of the schools was just built 5 years ago. They built it without classrooms. Not a single one. They had a gym, common areas, admin offices, IT infrastructure (office with a server room became the councillors office and the IT guy needs to ask permission to use it lol), bathrooms and library. They designed it so it could be made entirely with portables. From the onset.
- Comment on Real committed 1 year ago:
My guy, can you point out the part that is not appropriate? Is it the hearts? I’m genuinely confused.
- Comment on A gel injected into the scrotum could be the next male contraceptive 1 year ago:
Not sure, this seems to be exactly what vasalgel is. At first, I thought the innovation was that they just squirt this stuff into your sack and call it a day, and that would have been different. But nope! Same injection site too. Maybe it’s more effective or something.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th unless you pay extra for ad-free 1 year ago:
Servarr Suite. Netflix interface, piracy backend. Operates over Usenet. Can handle movies, tv, music and ebooks. I’ve been told there are viable workarounds for televised sports, specifically F1.
- Comment on Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout 1 year ago:
Change needs to be made somewhere. Gas isn’t the answer, so sticking with it… Kinda stupid. The “saves on maintenance” part is actually a really big deal that was just glossed over. You don’t need oil changes. You don’t have a transmission. You don’t need radiator fluid. With regenerative braking, you’re not wearing down brake pads anywhere near as much. Not to mention the gas emissions reduction. These are all highly toxic materials that are not being consumed and distributed into the atmosphere. And which mines are being operated in third world countries? If you’re referring to lithium, the largest producers are Australia, the USA, Chile and China. You know, some of the wealthiest countries on the planet… And Chile.
Understandably, hand waving “public transit” as the answer does make sense. Designing urban centres in such a way to make public transit preferable makes sense. The problem is that these changes are slow. In 20 years, you’ll have a few new suburbs built with these practices in mind. The majority of everything else will still be the same, because it’s not feasible to bulldoze existing infrastructure to replace it. It’ll need to be aged out, and climate change isn’t gonna stop for 100 years and wait for us to get our road placement juuuuuust right. Further, adding more public transit is expensive, with a high up front cost, plus a high maintenance cost ongoing. Unless you dump enough money into it such that it completely replaces the need for private vehicles, there will always be private vehicles regardless.
But the greatest benefit to EV is the pollution is centralized. Making vehicles will always suck for the environment, full stop, but EVs allow the production and majority of the pollution to occur at a relatively small number of places, which can be contained much easier.
To be absolutely clear, I don’t disagree with your point, but the answer won’t come overnight, and we’re on a time crunch. We need lots of innovation, and early adoption of incremental gains. One day, public transit and better cities will be part of the solution. But until then, we need solutions, and this is the direction to progress.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
Not when they roll out manifest v3
- Comment on ChatGPT, how do I use OCR in Word? 1 year ago:
Ah shit. It lost me at painting the QR code by hand.
- Comment on Google CEO Sundar Pichai Warns Android Users Not to Sideload Apps 1 year ago:
Dude, just today I made 10 lbs of spicy bacon mac and cheese. This shit is so lit it gives the sun a run for it’s money.
- Comment on Blueberry milkshakes 1 year ago:
It’s catch and release, not life long milking. Granted, the survival rate isn’t as high as I’d like (70-90% apparently), but I do also appreciate having safe injectable medicines. All things considered, with a species bias, I’d prefer dozens of humans live at the expense of a… Not crab. Unfortunate though it may be. I can’t also help but notice you’ve anthropomorphised them a bit. I’m certain these creatures respond to negative stimulus, but attributing fear and life long trauma seems to be giving their intelligence a bit of an unfounded boost.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
And some fucks in Alberta want the US system because “I never get sick! My taxes are paying for someone else to be sick!”
- Comment on So wholsum 🙏🙏🙏 1 year ago:
You didn’t need to be a dick, you know. You chose that for yourself.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase. 1 year ago:
Basically in store credit, and it’s totally legal
- Comment on Do any of you use Raspberry Pi’s ? 1 year ago:
I’ve got an original Pi running PiHole, I’ve got a Pi4 running my Plex + Servarr Suite, and a Pi2 B running a LAMPP stack and dev environment.
- Comment on I hate how everything requires you to download a shitty proprietary data harvesting app nowadays when everything can be done just fine without an app. 1 year ago:
I work on the enterprise apps team at my university. We’d dump that so hard you’d think we were using it to get liftoff. Definitely complain. Also, it’s not inclusive to students without smart devices (they exist!).
If they do still have the option for manual use (with ID card scanners), there are a number of membership card / ID card wallets that are free on most platforms. You can just type the barcode into the app, and it’ll make a virtual card that can be scanned. Same convenience, no physical plastic. If you’re not offended by Google products, Google Wallet works pretty well. Or Stocard, but I’m not sure what level of tracking they implement. Granted, you’re still installing an app, but you get to pick your poison a bit, instead of being railroaded into Facebook shenanigans.
- Comment on But my WiFi is just fine! 1 year ago:
Real talk though, I own that router and it’s awesome. Can’t say the wifi signal is much different than any other router I’ve owned, but it’s got loads of awesome features I use for hosting stuff. DDNS support plus Let’s Encrypt plus OpenVPN support in one box. Very handy.
- Comment on Apple reduces raises given to retail employees after weak iPhone quarter 1 year ago:
My dude, essential is an antonym for expendable. Literally opposites. By definitions of both words, something cannot by both expendable and essential. But logic aside, calling a person essential to the point of denying their own safety to perform their job, but saying they can be replaced at any minute is frankly cruel.
- Comment on Apple reduces raises given to retail employees after weak iPhone quarter 1 year ago:
Two years ago, they were “essential”, and the idea of them getting any kind of benefit to prevent harm was unthinkable. Shafted at both ends of the spectrum.
- Comment on Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out 1 year ago:
It’s good on paper, so long as a critical number of them aren’t bad actors. You kinda got the same problem with US politics at the moment. It works until it doesn’t, like everything else.
- Comment on Unity deleted these terms, don't let them get out 1 year ago:
Technically that’s what a board of directors is for. They are the ones who can axe a CEO and hire another.