- Comment on Cybertruck's Many Recalls Make It Worse Than 91 Percent of All 2024 Vehicles 3 months ago:
Aren’t most of these “recalls” just software updates?
- Comment on Tesla’s Share of U.S. Electric Car Market Falls Below 50% 7 months ago:
Charging network and autopilot.
- Comment on YOU. 9 months ago:
Higher file size uploads and streams.
- Comment on Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers 10 months ago:
Using it for 8 years, never gonna stop
- Comment on Akira Toriyama, the Creator of Dragon Ball, Dead at 68 11 months ago:
This fucks with me emotionally. The man is my childhood. The rush of wanting to get back home as soon as possible to watch Dragonball Z on toonami. He made those hard times bearable.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
I mean I have compared it and bots are still relentless on forums.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Is there any guarantee that they won’t?
Ridiculous argument. There are no guarantees in this world besides death. Your favorite website can and will eventually go down yet that doesn’t mean I won’t use something even though I know it’s temporary.
I don’t know the exotic logic you rely on. But I can search forum posts from Google or DuckDuckGo without ever registering
There are forums that hide their built-in search feature for registered users only because it causes too much to run those queries for unregistered users.
You are attacking a strawman. The target you choose to prove your point is Reddit? The company that screwed its entire userbase in order to cut off their competitors from data access - which is the reason why they don’t work well with searches? People don’t like Discord for the same reasons as Reddit. Both are silos meant to lock users in.
I used Reddit as an example to show how bad google searches are yes. Your attempt at whataboutism is not appreciated. Good try.
This is laughably inaccurate. So, you’re just making up facts now? I do web searches on technical problems and search engines perform very well. Your claim doesn’t stand up in an actual test.
I mean we’re both using personal anecdotes. I’m giving you a perspective where it is not the case. Hard to digest, I know. And yes I stand by using Stack Overflow’s search instead of relying on Google for example. You don’t get terrible bloated results plagued by ads and clickbait. You’re quite literally wasting your time using search engines.
There is a reason why Discord is not searchable online - it’s a silo by design
I don’t think you understand how expensive it is to keep websites available to be indexed by search engines. The sheer amount of bot traffic making large volumes of requests makes running things much more expensive than they need to be especially if your product is free and without ads. Sure it’s a silo by design but that lack of public availability is what makes it cheap to run with the extra features I get to enjoy.
Even if you have reasons to believe that the current management has no reasons to do so, they will get acquired by someone else lacking the same sensibilities. You should be completely blind to not see this play out again and again and again
Yes and I literally don’t care. It’s the best platform for the role it fills currently and I’ll simply move on to the next thing just like everything else in life. I’ll keep enjoying it like I have for the past 8 years and not cry about it.
You’re making up nonsense again. May be it’s not important to you. But they are important to FOSS projects and their users.
All you have to do is ask around in the community everyone migrates to and that’s it. It’s a tiny annoyance and that’s genuinely my perspective. You get bothered by it sure, but I legitimately don’t care if Discord sped up development for most of the projects lifespan.
The statistics of this entire discussion doesn’t agree with your statement. But let’s forget that for now. You’re not crying about making an account or stability of the platform because you’re foolish enough to believe in those. You don’t have the insight required to observe what’s happening all around you. I can’t wait for the day to come back and say ‘I told you so’. Because it will happen. Nowhere in history has it happened in any other way.
By the way I already know it will happen but you are projecting some caricature in your mind onto me. Do yourself a favor and don’t respond.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
It’s been 8 years and they’ve done nothing and still haven’t. The criticism that you have to make an account to use a search feature which many forums already do makes no sense. My uploads from the day discord released are still there.
There were many times I couldn’t find a Reddit thread using a web search whereas I could immediately find it using reddits built-in search. Most of the search engines aren’t actually that good because there is too much noise in most web browser results these days.
If you know the exact website or app where the discourse for your topic is happening then 99% of the time you have far better results just using that websites built in search instead of the trash results modern browsers give you.
May I remind you that situation you’re describing already happened countless times since the days of free forum boards and irc channels going down. Yet we’ve always managed to keep things going. Things shutting down and information needing to be found again is not a big deal.
If anything I’ve seen more information lost by people hosting things themselves than the 8 years discord has kept things running smooth. So many niche communities on public forums, irc channels, etc, all self hosted and gone. Yes I and most of the world are willing to not cry about making an account for that guaranteed stability.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
I follow a niche community and the recent bans for their board is all spam bots even in 2024. I don’t want to put up with that nonsense and discord actively tries to curb that so the choice is easy.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Discord has a search feature 🤦
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
That’s quite a blanket statement when things like Steam exist.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Yup. I am not giving up that convenience for a tiny fractional minority.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Moderation is a requirement with anything involving people so I don’t see that as a discord specific problem. If anything it’s easier than a forum since I don’t have to deal with spam bots myself for the most part.
The channel wipe thing is fair. You’re right about that.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Justin a server, find your answer, and leave. Why is that so scary for you? You don’t even have to interact with anyone.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
At the end of the day all of the reasons you stated maybe <1% of people care about and most of the points have nothing to do with the chatting features itself. If I’m honest it’s basically paranoia and fear for the insanely low chance something goes slightly wrong. It’s like refusing to leave your house because you can spontaneously get struck by lightning. 🤷
Whatever solution you’re using I would bet most people would find incredibly annoying to use from a usability perspective. As it would lack the 8 years worth of features and QoL discord introduced.
So we have a philosophical difference and that’s that.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
- Messages, files, images, and videos are saved and searchable to anyone who joins a discord server since its inception. Some of my servers are from 2016 and all 100k messages up to this day are still there with each and every file untouched whenever I search for something.
That alone is the primary objective selling point of discord. For the subjective stuff it’s:
- Conversations are easy to follow in busy channels because of the ability to respond to specific messages and also start a thread.
- Extreme customization with a permissions system that makes each server quick to setup and very flexible for your use case.
- Unique channels that also have very customizable permissions
- Integrated screen sharing and voice chat
- Emojis, reactions, etc.
- Works on every single device I use without a single problem from my personal experience.
…And this isn’t even including the bots that make it even easier to use or the custom clients.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
- Comment on Skyrocketing bluesky engagement since opening to the public 1 year ago:
That’s not how that worked
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
That’s fair. I agree it should have an option to use a different identity per server while having your account centralized only on their service.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Half this thread is mad discord saves messages and the other half is mad that discord doesn’t save messages. You can’t make this shit up lmao.
I’ll eat all the downvotes but objectively discord is the best chatting service available to the public for discussion. Blows irc out of the water easily. The only point I’ll concede on is the phone number bullshit but otherwise I’d take it over anything else.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Nobody besides you can see your phone number. How on Earth does it make you doxxable?
- Comment on I don't even know where to buy wine coolers anymore. Did I type that out loud? 1 year ago:
Chris Handsome
- Comment on As Bobby Kotick leaves Microsoft and Activision for good, an ex-employee describes how he once threatened to "have an employee killed" 1 year ago:
Good riddance. Shame he gets a golden parachute
- Comment on ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
We both know that’s not what I was talking about
- Comment on ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
I was just so used to it I became inured to it but revisiting it after several months away it was impossible to not notice.
- Comment on ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
It is different. I had cause to go back a week or two ago to look for an old post of mine and I did have a bit of a poke about in my old subs too. It was like a war zone. Blatant no fucks given racism, incel level women hating, transphobia and ableism of the most vitriolic kind. And these weren’t just the massive general subs, some of them were niche interest subs where I felt I belonged at the time. Has it changed to become like that since June or was I just so used to it before that that I’d never noticed how toxic it was? Did I just used to shrug and say to myself ‘well, that’s just reddit’. Literally everyone seemed angry and hateful.
Am I taking crazy pills or something? Subs and users get put down HARD over that sort of stuff (See r/politicalcompassmemes). I haven’t seen content like that unless I actively searched for that sort of stuff due to morbid curiosity. Would you mind sharing the subreddit/posts in question? Not to deny what you’re saying but I find it hard to empathize without any evidence.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
Yep my thoughts as well. People getting riled up over posts with zero evidence.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
You can’t just write an essay like that and not tell us what terms you used for your searches
- Comment on Israel grants Intel $3.2 billion for new $25 billion chip plant 1 year ago:
And that’s why I’m forever AMD
- Comment on Frequently 1 year ago:
For some people that’s just how dating works out