- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
You mean, someone who asks what people could do to end violence are bad people?
And people who support violence are good people?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Well, 172 nations on Earth see it like this:
Israel is a friendly state in hostile neighbourhood…
Hamas and Hisbollah are terrorist organisations.
Or least they were. Nowadays we better speak in past tense about them. This bites you, doesn’t it?
I’d rather take my ban in some hate-spreader Community with pride when justice in the real world rules over terrorism.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I am just posting facts with which 90% of all people on Earth agree:
Hamas is an internationally recognized terrorist organisation.
Israel is a friendly state.
Or to be precise: It was. Nowadays it is mostly history. This bites you, doesn’t it?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Reddit rarely bans. VERY rarely.
And NEVER for comments.
Sure, they delete like hell. Posting something in r/news is harder than landing on the moon, same goes for r/noncredibledefence and other Reddits.
But Lemmy is going bonkers, many high-profile Communities are held under an iron thumb like the moderators are all paid by the Axis-of-Evil (Russia, Iran, North-Korea).
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Thanks for joining my side. As you can see this wasn’t the post which led to the ban.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Well, thanks for driving the discussion offtopic. Reported.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Please do so. I must say that my activity on Lemmy has already dropped dramatically but I still open it once a month or so and read all messages in the communities I moderate.
- Comment on In this house we share the bananas 9 months ago:
Orangs do that. One Orang is collecting food and giving to to another Orang building a bed from leaves.
Why? Because the first Orang is better at collecting food and the second at building beds.
- Comment on In this house we share the bananas 9 months ago:
Actually all higher primates do capitalism. Bonobos pay with food for sex, Chipanzees pay with support for a higher rank, Orangs pay with food for other orangs making them a bad out of leaves. I suggest to read Barterverse: Galactic Economics 1: Happy Existence
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
Enter German and Gendering: You can not say Programmer to address all Programmers in the room. You have to call them Programmerin und Programmer or Programmer:in or Programmende. And yes, most of these words aren’t even German but if you don’t use them you are a Grammar Nazi.
- Comment on Sometimes, homeopathic medicine works! 1 year ago:
This is exactly how it started in Germany in the 1930ths:
Old people dreaming of the Empire - which by the way did very little for them - and not really into politics. They just wanted a change.
And then voted for their own hangman.
Best argument a relative told me why he voted for Hitler: “I thought he was a funny guy with excellent dark humor. I didn’t knew he wasn’t joking.”
- Comment on The pirates are back - Anew study from the European Union’s Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) suggest that online piracy has increased for the first time in years. In fact, piracy rates have bee... 1 year ago:
2015: Share your Netflix between four people, everyone pays $4 per month, have access to 80% of all online content. The interface is shit but you keep up with it because it is cheap.
2023: You pay $20 for Netflix, pay $15 for Disney, pay $15 for Hulu, pay $10 for Amazon Prime, $15 for Discovery, $15 for Paramount, $15 for Youtube, have access to 50% of all online content. The interface is still shit and you wonder why you pay for that shit.
Joe Average: 🏴☠️😎🏴☠️😎🏴☠️😎🏴☠️😎🏴☠️😎🏴☠️ and the interface is easier than ever.
My 2013 Highest-End Smart-TV barely works with Youtube and no longer with anything else. But Burning Series still works marvellous. Another thing: “Consuming” pirated content is not “illegal” in Germany. It is a violation of private property which the rights owner can sue in a civil court. But as long as you don’t use P2P services where you also upload - which would indeed be a fellony - he can not detect what you do and can not take any action against you - so One-Click-Hosters and Warez-Streaming is totally safe. And if the rights owner could find out about you he could at most send you a cease-and-desist-order with a one-time-fee of at max $100 because it is a minor incident. As far as I know there was never a user of Warez-Streaming who paid anything.
The only bad thing: DNS is nowadays filtered at the big Telcos and Providers which means I have to change the DNS inside my Routers to Cloudflare and Google. Which are a lot faster anyway.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
Who buys his kids an product from Apple or Nintendo is most likely also torturing cute cats in his basement. And enjoys it.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
I say the time of Torents is OVER. Today Streaming-Warez-Sites are the Kick.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
You know, what you can not find on EBay you can find on PBay. Or whatever warez site you prefer.
- Comment on Judge in US v. Google trial didn’t know if Firefox is a browser or search engine 1 year ago:
For reruns in Argentina, nothing beats Disney’s Zorro. It’s a full-on revered classic here.
Wow, I remember that one too from my child hood. The German TV played it once, the Austrian TV played it like over and over again. Don’t ask me why but the Austrian TV was always miles better than the German TV. Living close to the border allowed us to watch both, sometimes even the Swiss TV which was usually attrocious.
- Comment on Judge in US v. Google trial didn’t know if Firefox is a browser or search engine 1 year ago:
Well, in the 1970/1980 there actually were still a lot of black and white movies on TV. “The Streets of San Francisco” “Kojak” “Dragnet” not to mention the endless reruns of Stan and Laurel.