- Comment on If Orange Dickhead dies before taking his oath again will we party like it's 1999? 3 months ago:
It would be easier for other republicans to Shane him and hold him accountable. Trump is immune to those things in a way nobody else is. The cult of personality doesn’t just shift to JD Vance.
- Comment on Stone Based Stripper Names Ranked 6 months ago:
Jasper’s pretty popular, eh?
- Comment on If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully? 10 months ago:
I’m moving into a retirement community. Get in there early enough and they have to take care of you until you die. But before that point, retirement communities are like dorms without having to worry about grades or getting pregnant. Lotta syphilis, though, I hear.
- Comment on Radiatori 1 year ago:
- Comment on Radiatori 1 year ago:
Yeah, those are all pasta. Spaghetti is all the long noodles. They even make rice spaghettis!
- Comment on Does the USPS, FedEx and UPS give a crap about weed shipments since Hemp sprayed with th same terpenes and looks the same as weed has been shipped legally for 9 years now? 1 year ago:
There’s also an exception if they can’t read the delivery address; they have the authority to open the package to try to determine delivery address. So make sure your label can get a little wet and still be readable.
- Comment on Do the people in Reniassance festivals pccurring in Brotain also speak with faked British accents, or do they ise faked French/Iralian accents? 1 year ago:
The Renaissance is not “sone homogeneous past”, it’s a pretty specific time period, the 15th and 16th centuries.
- Comment on Do the people in Reniassance festivals pccurring in Brotain also speak with faked British accents, or do they ise faked French/Iralian accents? 1 year ago:
Word on the street is that American English is actually closer to the English spoken by the British when they first landed and colonized the Americas. After the war they went back to their lil island and forgot how to pronounce their Rs.
- Comment on How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults) 1 year ago:
Maybe you just don’t know the definition of “irony”. People use it improperly all the time. I don’t think anything in that song by Alanis Morissette is actually ironic.
Personally, I don’t think there’s ever an excuse for cheating; academically it really only harms the cheater. People in college offered me a lot of money to do their work for them. I never accepted, but I also never tattled on them. Grades honestly, really, don’t matter in the long run.
- Comment on How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults) 1 year ago:
That’s not irony, it’s karma? Consequences? Definitely not irony, though.
- Comment on Why aren't they using drones and more automation? 1 year ago:
No, it’s TNG because of all the purple sparkly stuff, big hair, and jazz music. It’s very representative of late 80s early 90s adult contemporary aesthetic, which makes sense because that’s when it’s from. TOS is some other kind of retro fruturism.
- Comment on Why aren't they using drones and more automation? 1 year ago:
This drives my husband insane. He can’t figure out why anyone bothers to walk anywhere. Why do they still use bathrooms when you can just transport the pee from your bladder into the replicator recombinator or whatever?! I assume the transporters must use an amount of energy that makes it inefficient to use for every little thing.
- Comment on Why aren't they using drones and more automation? 1 year ago:
I call TNG “Adult Contemporary Futurism”
- Comment on Why aren't they using drones and more automation? 1 year ago:
There was an episode of TNG where a “passenger” got onto ship’s comms and was contacting Picard on the bridge. When Picard told the guy that the comms were reserved for ship’s business, the guy asked why they weren’t restricted, if that was the case. Picard said that was unnecessary as people in Star Fleet generally just…behave themselves.
- Comment on Period tracking app options? 1 year ago:
That’s just if it’s unlocked with your thumbprint, since, if you’re being arrested the cops get your thumbprint anyway, but if it’s a password or phrase, you have the right to remain silent.
- Comment on Period tracking app options? 1 year ago:
This is the lord’s work made real right here. Bless you.