- Comment on geography 11 months ago:
It’s a little inaccurate, Denmark is south of of Norway and Sweden, not south of Finland.
- Comment on Gaslighting 11 months ago:
Nobody claimed they’re genetically manipulated humans. They’re organic but man-made, and apparently it’s very hard to tell the difference to a real human except through emotional responses.
- Comment on Why is it dangerous to chain power dividers? 11 months ago:
OP is talking about extension cords with multiple outlets/sockets, that’s not a power divider, the connected devices will draw as much power as they need. The fear with that is you might overload the socket, and it could start burning. But that should only happen if the circuit breakers aren’t matched to the wire cross section area, meaning the wires can get too hot.
An actual power divider is something you’ll use in RF systems, it literally divides power, the simplest form would be a T-junction and at the other connectors you only get half the power (obviously), so it appears attenuated by 3dB. Let’s say you feed the system with 0dBm (1mW) and you want 0dBm at each output you need to amplify by 3dB somewhere and make sure your circuits support that. Using multiple power dividers is not uncommon if you want for example to feed multiple antennas with the same signal.
- Comment on Why is it dangerous to chain power dividers? 11 months ago:
Power dividers are RF components, they divide power (and in reverse they’re power combiners), if you chain 10 power dividers you get around 30dB attenuation.
For extension cords with multiple sockets read the other replies.
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
I’m countering with a lave-linge which is masculine, now where’s the boomer joke?
- Comment on Backdoors that let cops decrypt messages violate human rights, EU court says 1 year ago:
The ECHR is not an EU court, it’s a Council of Europe court, different organisation.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yeah, but in TOS we also see what happens if you forget a book about chicago gangsters on a developing planet.
- Comment on Discovery returns to screens April 4th 1 year ago:
We deserve a show set in an alternate universe where Tuvix wasn’t murdered.
- Comment on Discovery returns to screens April 4th 1 year ago:
It was a really odd choice considering the mirror universe is one of Star Trek’s classic choices for filler episodes next to time travel and holo deck shenanigans.
- Comment on Discovery returns to screens April 4th 1 year ago:
You want them to go to the mirror universe AGAIN?!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Never had any problems. Did you used to log into an account, maybe that makes a difference?
- Comment on Commercials Are Streaming’s New Norm, and Creators Aren’t Happy: “It’s Almost Worse Than Broadcast” 1 year ago:
Streaming services aren’t much better, they regularly didn’t have what I wanted to watch and I’m not subscribing to more than one. Now I’m subscribing to none and watch what I want instead of what Netflix has available.
- Comment on Fake news, fake penis... 1 year ago:
What’s the point of having a Horga’hn if you don’t display it.
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
How many feet do you have now, enough to be safe from a nuclear blast?
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
Same, guess we’ll die.
- Comment on Odo flavored. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
I don’t have a PhD in zombiology but zombies will bite you wherever they can. Depending on what kind of zombies we’re talking about a bite alone might turn you or not. So body armor could be useful for some kinds of zombies and utterly useless for others.
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
Body armor, first aid kit, machete, water purifier.
If you choose anything that requires fuel or electricity/batteries you’re fucked.
- Comment on Chad Pacific 1 year ago:
Might just be the angle of the light.
- Comment on He did though. 1 year ago:
Maybe some countries’ patent offices don’t take their job serious, but in general there are loads of things you can patent. For example basically anything naturally occuring is not generally patentable, but you can patent methods for synthesising or extracting naturally occuring things.
- Comment on He did though. 1 year ago:
As long as the tits aren’t used for commercial purposes you don’t need a license. Anyway, I doubt that in Europe you could patent any naturally occuring molecules in any kind of milk.
- Comment on Real Love 1 year ago:
I’m stealing this.
- Comment on The Pentagon is moving toward letting AI weapons autonomously decide to kill humans 1 year ago:
Great, so I guess the future of terrorism will be fueled by people learning programming and figuring out how to make emps so they can send the murder robots back to where they came from.
Eh, they could’ve done that without AI for like two decades now. I suppose the drones would crashland in a rather destructive way due to the EMP, which might also fry some of the electronics rendering the drone useless without access to replacement components.
- Comment on The only thing that matters 1 year ago:
advancing the state of science and knowledge
I mean they did, and then they used it to build arms.
- Comment on The only thing that matters 1 year ago:
politicians suddenly got very worried about actual scientific competitiveness and winning a competitive race on something other than bombs.
They just feared possible military applications and didn’t want to fall behind.
- Comment on Wow. I would unironically watch this 1 year ago:
Are shuttles baby spaceships?
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
He uses his own http server called gatling and an LDAP server instead of a database.
- Comment on The sequel we never got 1 year ago:
- Comment on NASA Getting Ready to Launch Wooden Satellite 1 year ago:
Why not?
- Comment on abandonware empires 1 year ago:
Matlab is ugly because it’s so backwards compatible. And it only is backwards compatible until someone decides to use it to interface with external hardware that you need a specific version of some library for.