The shell cracked. I emerged. How it will end is anyone’s guess.
- Comment on Google Is Stuffing Annoying Ads Into Its Terrible AI Search Feature 5 months ago:
Done with Google. Now paying $5 a month to use Worth it.
- Comment on Don't forget! 11 months ago:
Stab stab stabby stab stability stab.
- Comment on What web services do you subscribe to? 11 months ago:
Kagi, Sider, YouTube Premium.
- Comment on Beware: beyond lies an infinite, timeless void from which there is no escape. 11 months ago:
You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension—a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas.
- Comment on have you been doing crime? 1 year ago:
I will no longer be doing. I will don’t.
- Comment on Make signing up complicated and difficult to discourage people from signing up. What's that practice called? 1 year ago:
Positive denial.
- Comment on Light-Speed Spaceships Would Have Trouble Phoning Home 1 year ago:
Subspace interference.
- Comment on Belching in a gopher 1 year ago:
Bucket list item achieved.
- Comment on Have another meme 1 year ago:
This week on Triple D, things you never put in your mouth…
- Comment on It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway. 1 year ago:
Agreed. The “Sphinx” sentence is the cooler of the two. I’ve been using it for a long time. My personal twist: the last word becomes “vowel,” not “vow.” For me, easier on the ears.
- Comment on Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year 1 year ago:
So how will Apple craft this announcement in a way that avoids showing some kind of submission to the will and desires of the Android juggernaut? Let me guess… Anyone texting in from hardware other than an iPhone will still get the funky balloon color, eh?
- Comment on get off my nuts 1 year ago:
Sir, to the best of my knowledge, I’m not on your nuts.
- Comment on I known 1 year ago:
All your knowns are belong to us.
- Comment on Taking self-appreciation to the next level 1 year ago:
Thank Me very much.
- Comment on First live birth of a #chimeric monkey using embryonic stem cell lines 1 year ago:
I can only imagine that at some point in the future humans will be on deck for such modifications. Brave New World, eh?
- Comment on First live birth of a #chimeric monkey using embryonic stem cell lines 1 year ago:
An a.i. clarification of the article’s summary: Researchers proved that stem cells from mammals can turn into any cell type like cells from an early embryo. These are called naive stem cells. They’ve shown naive stem cells work great in rodents, but not as well in primates since the donor cells don’t match the host embryo. So they tried different conditions to produce naive stem cells from monkeys and got better at growing chimeric embryos. A chimeric monkey is one that has cells from two different embryos combined together. They created an aborted fetus and live chimeric monkey with high donor cell numbers. Testing showed the donor cells integrated into many tissues (including sex organs and placenta) of the chimeric monkeys, up to 90%. This is a big deal for researching naive stem cells and genetically modifying primates.
- Comment on Wise words indeed. 1 year ago:
I admire a man who speaks the truth, plainly.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
So, I’m sitting here in the “library,” where I do most of my best reading, holding my mobile device in my left hand and scrolling with my right thumb. I’m trying to imagine how this would work with a widescreen foldable device, kind of like a tablet, TBH. I just can’t see it. Holding a standard normal phone is super easy, a firm grip on both sides. A foldable would require some extra gymnastics… I don’t get this “really got to have it” feeling.
- Comment on Godzilla making friends with Cthulhu in a coffee house 1 year ago:
Well that’s fine, but I want to know what they were drinking.
- Comment on YouTube cracking on ad blockers. 1 year ago:
Yep. That’s why I also pay for it. It’s a reasonable price for a valued service. Moaners gotta moan.
- Comment on Most trustable hair shampoo company? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Youtube ads finally got me 1 year ago:
I didn’t go anywhere. I spend a lot of time on YouTube and enjoy the service immensely. Also, YouTube Music is my main streaming source. And yeah, I pay for both, every month. It’s worth it to me. YMMV.
- Comment on Gay in 2007 1 year ago:
Honestly, I think he’s morose but identifies as gay.
- Comment on Sad 60s Bride Meets the La Choy Dragon 1 year ago:
Most def.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 4 comments
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Uh… #unpopularopinion
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
I live for the pull-through. Wanna see me lose my shit? Be there as someone pulls into a space (which offers a clean pull-through) AND DOESN’T PULL-THROUGH. It takes every kilo of self control for me not to walk up to the window, rap on the glass and yell “DA FUCKSAMATTA WIT U?” I have passions.
- Comment on Twitter’s rebrand to X may actually be happening soon 1 year ago:
Wait, what?