- Comment on All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases, Which May Explain The Company’s Apprehension Towards A Launch 5 months ago:
I know you probably mean one of those serving-sized cereal boxes, but the mental image of you pulling out a family-sized box of cereal from some portal-to-Narnia pocket in your pants is fucking hilarious to me.
- Comment on children 6 months ago:
Feel that. I distinctly remember forgetting how to spell “of” and wanting to write “uv”.
- Comment on People who dont particularly care for or celebrate Christmas, Whats your favorite Christmas song? 1 year ago:
I celebrate Christmas (not as festive as some people but still) but I generally am apathetic to Christmas music at best. That being said, Carol of the Bells by Transiberian Orchestra still kicks ass and I would say it is the one Christmas song that I would actively and willingly listen to.
- Comment on Windows 12 May Require a Subscription 1 year ago:
As someone who switched to Linux primarily because of Windows 11’s never ending BS (bugs, resource mismanagement, etc) and the inevitably end of Windows 10, I can confirm that Windows 10 will be my last.