- Comment on See-Through Windows Make Clean Electricity From Raindrops 6 months ago:
Honestly, if this was all it did I’d want it. Our house is south facing and the front of the house gets very hot in summer. Windows that effectively limited the amount of heat that could come through would help a lot - even if, as you say, it doesn’t actively cool
- Comment on Meta to broaden hate speech policy to remove more posts targeting 'Zionists' 7 months ago:
You mentioned Judaism. You think Zionism had nothing to do with Judaism? You think dehumanising anyone - including Zionists is ok?
- Comment on Meta to broaden hate speech policy to remove more posts targeting 'Zionists' 7 months ago:
You think that dehumanising, calling for harm or denials of Jewish existence aren’t anti-semitism?
- Comment on Meta to broaden hate speech policy to remove more posts targeting 'Zionists' 7 months ago:
shown that the term tends to be used to refer to Jews and Israelis, with dehumanising comparisons, calls to harm, or denials of existence,"
This is not confusing the two - this is specifically targeting anti-semitism
- Comment on "BeReal." FOSS alternative? Yes please! 9 months ago:
You’re often old? But what about the rest of the time?
- Comment on The Man Who Killed Google Search 10 months ago:
I couldn’t be bothered to read all (or even much) much of this, but it really doesn’t feel like Google search is dead…
- Comment on A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions 11 months ago:
No, but Munich did something similar a while back. Different German town, similar headlines.
- Comment on A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions 11 months ago:
deja vu…
- Comment on Dracula the Undead for Atari Lynx 11 months ago:
I do now.
- Comment on I hear phrases like "half-past", "quarter til", and "quarter after" way less often since digital clocks have became more commonplace. 11 months ago:
I’m 46 and for as long as I can remember I’ve used “half past” and “quarter to” etc. Even during the years when I used a digital watch I transferred to do this now often than not. I’ll use it with my Kuga as well and they understand and often do the same.
- Comment on Pooping in the handicap stall in a public bathroom is like taking the corner office in your workplace 1 year ago:
Unless you’re actually disabled…
- Comment on 1 year ago:
It’s looks more like they’re focused audio rather than bone conducting.
- Comment on Everyone makes incest jokes about Adam and Eve and their children but they never mention that there was another woman named Lilith (Adam's first wife) who would have added variance to the gene pool. 1 year ago:
This is probably a result of the Hebrew literary practice of narrating a story once in poetic language and then again in prose. So it’s the same man and woman being created, just retold in a different style.
- Comment on Tucker Carlson interview with Putin to test EU law regulating tech companies 1 year ago:
Minor point, but Wales isn’t in the EU.
- Comment on The universe runs on capitalism 1 year ago:
Not certain, but I’m fairly sure you could pay for more children.
- Comment on Frustrated by the constraints of Earth, a team of California scientists took tumor research to space—and may have discovered a ‘kill switch’ for cancer 1 year ago:
I feel like we’re told about some sort of “kill switch” or silver bullet for cancer every couple of years. Hopefully one of these days it’ll actually beat fruit. Maybe even this time?
- Comment on ‘There is no such thing as a real picture,’ says Samsung exec. 1 year ago:
The hardware being very poor was the killer for me. Unless they improve starter specs or allow you to upgrade hardware I won’t ever buy another one.
- Comment on ‘There is no such thing as a real picture,’ says Samsung exec. 1 year ago:
I answered above replying to another post.
- Comment on ‘There is no such thing as a real picture,’ says Samsung exec. 1 year ago:
Low end hardware made the user experience frustrating and the overall performance was poor. It’s annoying because the concept is good, but a phone that’s supposed to be your “long term phone” shouldn’t be painful to use after only months. It’s certainly very repairable - or seemed to be. I didn’t actually have to ever repair mine, but if I’m going to deliberately have a phone for a long time then I need it to stay off with specs that mean it’ll still perform after three or four years.
- Comment on ‘There is no such thing as a real picture,’ says Samsung exec. 1 year ago:
Unless you’re happy with a very mediocre phone - please don’t. I very much applaud the idea behind fairphone, but the years I had my fairphone 3 were full of frustration.
- Comment on Asking Palestinians to say that Israel has a right to exist is like asking Native Americans to say the USA has a right to exist. What about Israel exists and has the right to continue to exist? 1 year ago:
Thanks for the clarification. I think it’s still fair to say that the original question is simply wrong/misleading. Palestinians are equivalent to native americans - or, if they are, so are Jews.
- Comment on Asking Palestinians to say that Israel has a right to exist is like asking Native Americans to say the USA has a right to exist. What about Israel exists and has the right to continue to exist? 1 year ago:
This question showed a fundamental misunderstanding. Before the establishment of the modern Israeli state, most of the Arabs living in the region were actually of Egyptian or Jordanian descent. There was no Palestinian people group until after that so as to identify the displaced Arabs as one group.
Jewish people, however, have lived in and been associated with the land for thousands of years. Palestinians are categorically not the same as native Americans.
There must be a separate, sovereign Palestinian state - because that would be most just and fair. There must also, however, be a sovereign Israeli state because of the historical ties to the land and the fact that for millennia the Jewish people have been persecuted wherever they go. I honestly don’t know why, but they have.
- Comment on If you could play one game for the first time all over again, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Hollow Knight
- Comment on If Jesus is the son of God and Satan is the oposite of God, a literal antichrist would be Satan's father, which would God since God gave life to Satan 1 year ago:
As pointed out above “Christ” is a title, not his name. His dad wasn’t called Joseph Christ.
- Comment on The only difference between a humane and an inhumane death, is whether or not it leaves a mess. 1 year ago:
As we know it, to be killed painlessly, is to be killed instantly
This is not necessarily true. There are ways to fall asleep and never wake up. Not instant, but painless.
- Comment on Star Trek transporters 1 year ago:
Or, since we’re getting philosophical anyway, are you some sort of spiritual entity inhabiting your body and experiencing the physical world through it?
BTW - if that’s the case then the transporter in the original question is definitely a death machine.
- Comment on Just because Americans love Google doesn't make it a monopoly. Biden lawsuit goes too far. 1 year ago:
No - being a monopoly makes it a monopoly…
- Comment on SanDisk's Name is Now Mud 1 year ago:
It took my sleep deprived brain far too long (less than a second, but still) to realise this wasn’t a genuine name change.
- Comment on Microsoft released the first version of QuickBASIC on August 18, 1985 on a single 5.25-inch 360 KB floppy disk 1 year ago:
Ah memories! I wrote the project for my GCSE computer studies on this. I also wrote my friends project for 20 quid since our teacher was rubbish and hadn’t actually taught anyone to program. Most of the other kids figured it out, but my friend was clueless and didn’t want to completely fail the subject.