- Comment on Am I supposed to ask stupid questions here, or *not* ask stupid questions? 8 months ago:
not any more
- Comment on WTF Happened In 1971? 9 months ago:
Propaganda site. You are supposed to superficially read the graphs' titles and notice the big arrow, then uncritically accept the narrative that something happened around 1971.
When you see a personal blog site or social media post with a graph or graphs on it, stop and think.
First, are these real and accurate graphs? What is their source? Look up the same info on reputable sites that track these numbers to verify.
Second, notice attempts to manipulate. All those big arrows pointing to 1971 as if they mean something. In most cases there isn't even an inflection point or other notable feature of the data at 1971, but the arrow makes you think there is if you don't look closely. - Comment on How did we get humans on the moon in 1969 and are still struggling to get the Starship rocket to launch properly? 9 months ago:
I agree, but I'm afraid these days they'd just farm it out to a private business instead of doing it themselves with the goal of doing it right like they did in the 60's. Today they'd overpay some billionaire hugely for worse results because greed for profit = overcharging and substandard parts and oversight.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Fair point.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
"a strong progressive president ... like Ronald Reagan."
wtf? Progressive?!!!?! Reagan?!??!?!!? am I living in the Bizarro World now? Does no one know any history any more? It wasn't even that long ago that Reagan and Thatcher ruined the world. Please educate yourself. Reagan busted the unions, deregulated industry, massively slashed taxes on the wealthy, and ushered in the era of escalating income inequality that continues to this day and destroyed the middle class (it was a thing we had for a brief period after WWI up until Reaganomics).
If you think Regan was some great president because of that oversimplified account you copy/pasted about an incident with Israel then you'd better rethink how you come to conclusions about shit. Educate yourself -- and rethink your conclusions about Biden while you're at it. Life is more complicated than your propaganda sources would have you believe.
Here's a couple links about your hero Reagan.
https://www.salon.com/2014/04/19/reaganomics_killed_americas_middle_class_partner/ - Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Unless this is sarcasm, please get real. I can't believe how many people actually think POTUS is some kind of emperor who just has to decree what they want and the other countries' leaders obey. You think he just has to tell Netanyahu "Stop" and he stops? Surely you're not that naive.
- Comment on So many expensive homes 1 year ago:
“Investors” (big, small, whatever) are selling homes at those prices (or renting, or VRBOing) because there are customers ready to buy the next available unit.
The "investors" are the buyers/customers, and they aren't reselling these houses--they're renting them out. It's mostly corporations increasingly doing over the last 15 years or so (I think it started around the 2008 financial crisis). They have the capital to do it and so regular people are being priced out more and more as this practice keeps driving up prices.
It didn't used to be this way. Even in my "cheap" area, when I bought my house back in 2005 all but one house on my block were owner-occupied. Now, more than half the houses are rentals because whenever one came up for sale it was bought by a rental company. This is a serious crisis that needs to be addressed.