- Comment on Giveaway! Win your Steam Copy of the 'Captain’s Edition' of Star Trek: Resurgence! 9 months ago:
I'm definitely curious to see how it ties into the ST:Resurgence comic from last year! Plus the cameos!
- Comment on high energy 10 months ago:
"Banging the boss"
- Comment on Net neutrality is back as FCC votes to regulate internet providers 10 months ago:
Sadly, the average person has no idea what this is or what it means
- Comment on [DS9] Runabout Entering The Gamma Quadrant | 4K 10 months ago:
The Star Trek version of throwing a hot dog down a hallway
- Comment on The Fifth Helmsman 10 months ago:
That's the benefit of top notch practical effects, and going off-the-wall bonkers with the interpretation of future, as opposed to "200 years from now except contemporary styles and slang"
- Comment on “Untitled Star Trek Origin Story” film officially added to Paramount Pictures' 2025-2026 lineup. 10 months ago:
Oh good, because if there's one thing Star Trek needs it's another origin story /s
- Comment on ‘Section 31’ Movie Director Says It’s A “Different” Star Trek + New Character Details Revealed 11 months ago:
and likened the tone to the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.
Oh good, a light-hearted romp where half the characters act like idiots, that's exactly what a Star Trek movie about a clandestine blackops organization.
- Comment on Which one are you? 11 months ago:
Or like me and you're not a brand-whore you're a "I'm too goddamn broke which one is the cheap"
- Comment on The traffic 11 months ago:
Them: Don't talk to me until I've had my morning coffee
Also them: I'd like a venti skinny mocha caramel frappachino with an extra pump of vanilla and no whipped cream.
- Comment on If only 11 months ago:
Ah one of those types where they HAVE to buy a Chevy truck...and the dirtiest it ever gets is when it rains.
- Comment on Love to do this 1 year ago:
On my way to work there is a stretch of road about 1.5 miles in length that's 35mph. The traffic lights there are notoriously shore because it intersects with major 5 lane streets. Every single morning there are people who blow past me at 55+ to cut in front...and sit one single car length closer at the red light.
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
It also gives people a sense of deep satisfaction believing they know some dark hidden secret nobody else does... regardless of how absurd it is
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
It's something you can only believe if you refuse to actually spend more than 5 seconds looking into it.
You hit the nail right on the head there. They seem to confusecritical thinking with reading a conspiracy theory and immediately accepting it as fact
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Or you could buy an extension cord from such brands as HUANCHAIN, Mifaso, YISHU, POWRUI or Addtam and maybe it will ship in 4 to 5 days
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yeah I learned that a long time ago. Was looking for a new knife...
Amazon - $14.99 with Free Prime Shipping.
Sellers A & B - $9.99 with $5.00 shipping
Seller C - $4.99 with $10 shipping
- Comment on Nightcrawling crossover 1 year ago:
It would be an epic episode of IASIP if Frank finds out he has a long lost twin brother. They find out because Mac and Charlie are just chilling in the bar, Arnold walks in and they literally think it's Frank. Mac and Charlie can't tell Frank and Arnold apart while Dennis and Dee claim it's the twin-gene that they can tell.
Throughout the episode it gets increasingly frustrating for Charlie and Mac because they'll be intending to talk to Frank but at Arnold instead and Frank/Arnold has to keep pointing out who is who.
Dennis: "This is retarded, how can you not clearly tell the difference between the 2 of them. They look nothing alike!"
Dee: "Yeeaah uh Charlie, Frank is like half the height of his brother. How are you not seeing this?!"
Mac: "Half the height? I mean, maybe Frank is slouching a little bit. Stand straight up Frank..."
[Frank stands more upright, which to the viewer is barely noticeable"
Mac and Charlie start yelling at the same time.
Mac: "They're clones! There is no other way those 2 are clones!"
- Comment on [Politics] Have phobia, will travel 1 year ago:
Other old people...they get free top notch healthcare for life while saying healthcare isn't a right
- Comment on [Politics] Have phobia, will travel 1 year ago:
From the party that screams and whines about how everyone else is taking their freedoms, they sure do love to to take away everyone else's freedoms
- Comment on When your crush walks into class but you're homeschooled... 1 year ago:
When you scream about any minor inconvenience is taking away your freedoms, while simultaneously support a failed nation whose entire existed resolved around taking the freedoms away from an entire race of people
- Comment on The Piss Rule 1 year ago:
Or the Ad Buddies from Maniac.
- Comment on Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early 1 year ago:
I haven't watched past S2 of Lower Decks, but if you like slapstick humor busting at the seems with fanservice and callbacks then you might like it.