- Comment on risky abbreviations 4 months ago:
I’ll just leave this reference on copper nanotubes right here.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
And the editor in me thinks it works better as “these wounds in my ass, they will not heal”
- Comment on I'm so sorry 6 months ago:
Mmmm, McDonald’s
- Comment on CBT 8 months ago:
I’ve found both CBT and DBT helpful.
- Comment on xkcd #2907: Schwa 11 months ago:
*schwa for “uh” * That’s all I needed to turn an incomprehensible explanation to “oh! Got it!”
- Comment on Taylor Swift getting to the trade center. 1 year ago:
You’re already aging yourself with the Simpsons reference!
- Comment on Taylor Swift getting to the trade center. 1 year ago:
You win
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
google has been crap as long as I can remember.
Eh what’s that sonny? I member when the term “Google” meant sumpin! *Stomps off angrily waving his cane *
- Comment on ASD jab: Chinese scientists reach milestone in revolutionary gene therapy for autism 1 year ago:
Do you include folks with level 3 non verbal autism with greater epilepsy frequency and self harm in the group that doesn’t need a therapy?
- Comment on I realized why I like friendships with lesbians 1 year ago:
Is there the other version for straight men with lesbian friends, ie OP?
- Comment on So uhh.. how often should I be washing me towels? 1 year ago:
Me at 8 weeks wondering what all the fuss is about.
- Comment on So uhh.. how often should I be washing me towels? 1 year ago:
3/4 c Stain Solver per load for the most cost effective solution. Has the most borax percent by weight. We order the 50lb ton and it lasts months. I’m not a shill, I promise! If we don’t use it for every load, our hard Colorado River water makes the laundry smell like ass.
- Comment on What does going to a mental institution do for you? 1 year ago:
I’m trying to think about a good medical analogy for what therapists and psychiatrists (that both prescribe meds and do therapy).
The best analogy I can come up with is thinking about mental health in 2 categories, and using medical treatment as an analogy like a previous user mentioned. You can have low level mental health issues where a little therapy is needed to reset your approach maybe using therapy every couple weeks for 6 months. Or you can have a serious condition that results in a threat to your or others life. That that doesn’t have to be death, it could be serious illness or physical injury.
It’s like the difference between someone needing a physical trainer at the gym to get back into shape, where you can white knuckle the process on your own but it’s WAY more efficient to get outside guidance. That example is someone with low level mental health problems. Then there’s the severe stroke victim in a coma for 3 months, this person will NOT benefit from a physical trainer, they need a medically trained physical therapist. This example is someone suicidal and non socially functional with MDD, or bipolar disorder that is cutting themselves, and other severe mental health issues. They need significant help, maybe PHP, or skilled weekly or even twice weekly therapy. And an individual can process through both low level and extreme states over the decades.
- Comment on What does going to a mental institution do for you? 1 year ago:
This is the best description of what short term hospitalization is like. The severe car accident analogy is great. In patient hospitalization is like being in the ICU to stabilize, and then you have to do the thousands of hours of physical therapy afterwards to get back to full functionally. I’ve been in a US PHP program twice in the last 25 years and the second time in 2007 started with 11 days of in patient hospitalization after a suicide attempt. The folks that hate in patient hospitalization most likely are early in their mental health journey (2000-3000 hours of various therapies, workshops, and PHP for me so far).
Being early in your mental health awareness makes the lack of control in an in patient hospitalization terrifying.
For me the 11 days were a godsend, and I needed the doc to stabilize me on my new meds. They weren’t going to release me until they’re saw me improve on the SSRIs and that took 11 days. I was then put into an outpatient program for 3 months. I will say the outpatient programs and my workshops are where I did the heavy lifting wrt emotional learning, learning CBT and DBT, etc. Those two PHP stints laid the foundation for my recovery.
- Comment on How to deal with annoying co-worker 1 year ago:
Sorry, I don’t know how complex your team’s role is, but in our environment of oncology research this individual is not improving their behavior, is disruptive, and using your niceness. The folks on the spectrum that I’ve worked with do not react with kicked puppy face, instead they’re profoundly grateful for the social guidance and try to improve. This guy honestly sounds a little manipulative.
- Comment on xkcd #2846: Daylight Saving Choice 1 year ago:
You must appreciate China, they’re all on one time zone.
- Comment on I asked Microsoft's image creator to create "Godzilla in a 512k Mac game" and while this is not what I asked for, I can't help but be impressed. 1 year ago:
Someone create a cowboy Godzilla on horseback herding cattle?
- Comment on Like clockwork 1 year ago:
Thank you for a legit belly laugh.
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
Tesla autopark backs the car in.