Sapient liberation now.
- Comment on How to escape from surveillance when watching television? 1 week ago:
Most public libraries delete identifiable records as soon as you’ve returned the materials, post-Patriot Act. Your librarian should be able to tell you how long your local system keeps your data. Public librarians, on the whole, fucking hate government surveillance.
Source: I am a former public librarian.
- Comment on VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it 1 year ago:
Mine’s so bad I can’t even play FPSs without getting sick, but being very open about that means I hear from a lot of people with less severe systems who will power through their nausea for short sessions with friends to avoid embarassment, which is why I think the way I do.
- Comment on Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes 1 year ago:
They already do that in most jurisdictions. Solve the root problem, and the surface problem will be fixed. Only fix the surface, and…well, it’s like weeding dandelions.
- Comment on The Best Thing About Amazon Was Never Going to Last | If shopping on the site feels different now, that’s because it is 1 year ago:
I can live with the burden of that knowledge. 😉
- Comment on The Best Thing About Amazon Was Never Going to Last | If shopping on the site feels different now, that’s because it is 1 year ago:
This has been a big problem in beauty products particularly, I know. People having sudden reactions to a cream they’ve used for years, because it’s actually a counterfeit.
- Comment on Why the internet make it hard for people to self-promote 1 year ago:
I’m guessing OP means it’s harder now than before the corporate siloing of the social web, not harder than handing out business cards on the street.
- Comment on Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform 1 year ago:
Oh look, MORE enshittification.
- Comment on Drinks company appoints AI robot as 'experimental CEO' - The humanoid-robot CEO of a drinks company says it doesn't have weekends and is 'always on 24/7' 1 year ago:
Honestly, I’m on the side of the oppressed worker, even the robot worker.
- Comment on Facebook accused of not showing insurance ads to women and older people in violation of civil rights laws 1 year ago:
Would you feel differently if they weren’t showing real estate ads for homes in largely white communities to PoC? Because that’s the same principle, given that that’s why the law was made. I’m not upset that we’re enforcing nondiscrimination law; we don’t do it enough.
- Comment on VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it 1 year ago:
Simulation sickness is real, and more common than most gamers (a population that tends to self-select for people without that trait) think. This prevalence doesn’t surprise me at all. It’s not severe for everyone. You might not notice if a friend had it, except that they might play fewer video games with you. (They might not, some people are fine unless in full VR.) People aren’t generally keen on going “You know that thing that you like doing and that I’ve seen 5-year-olds do on the internet? I can’t do it, it makes me vom.” It doesn’t exactly feel cool.
- Comment on An NYPD security robot will be patrolling the Times Square subway station 1 year ago:
People are going to draw so many dicks on that boi.
- Comment on Does a food being like 'high in B6 vitamins' or whatever actually mean anything or make anyone feel tangibly different? 1 year ago:
I have the same mutations. In me they caused severe depression for almost 20 years. Started megadosing l-methylfolate, and I wanted to live again practically overnight. So yeah, it can def make you feel different.
- Comment on What is the ratio of women to men at Lemmy? 1 year ago:
People don’t generally change their gender on a whim, so that doesn’t make the info less useful. (Even if it did, trans people are like 2% of the population, so it would still apply for everyone else. Men and women have different perspectives and life experiences because the world treats them differently. Do you thing knowing the age, race, or country demographics would be pointless, too?
- Comment on How social media killed the protest — For a certain kind of activist, politics has been reduced to pure performance 1 year ago:
At a point where we ignore people who set themselves on fire in protest, it’s hard to argue that nonviolent protest by itself accomplishes much anymore, soo…🤷🏼♀️
- Comment on Calif. passes strongest right-to-repair bill yet, requiring 7 years of parts 1 year ago:
Because capitalism’s the dominant economic system, and thus deeply related to most people’s problems? Don’t like it? I’m sure there are right-leaning Lemmy instances that rarely talk about capitalism.
- Comment on Calif. passes strongest right-to-repair bill yet, requiring 7 years of parts 1 year ago:
Only like 5 countries have a GDP bigger than California, it’s where the world’s dominant media comes from, and is home to many of the US’s big tech companies. If companies are that stupid, competitors should step in to offer alternatives pretty quickly.
- Comment on Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes 1 year ago:
This, like cancel culture, is a direct result of a justice system that pretty much never delivers justice to the victims of the rich and the powerful. Fixing that is the only thing that can stop this escalating cultural phenomenon.
- Comment on The $100tn path to net zero 1 year ago:
We haven’t tried shit. We’ve continued to operate as if there are no limits to the biosphere. I’m very aware of the situation, which is the only reason I don’t reject geoengineering out of hand. Mao thought ecoengineering by killing all the sparrows would increase crop yields. It did not end well. I simply don’t want that on a global scale.
- Comment on Totalitarianism. What are the good things about it? 1 year ago:
Individuals don’t have to make their own decisions. A lot of people see that as a positive.
- Comment on Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man? 1 year ago:
An event isn’t an activity. And yes, if an event I loved turned into a meeting place for those people, I’d find a new event.
If Elon Musk and I both enjoyed cycling, for instance, fine. That doesn’t put me in the same space as him. Which is fundamentally different than going to a weeklong party he’s attending. Have your fun, just don’t pretend it’s revolutionary or creating a better world.
- Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? 1 year ago:
You said I know “fuck all” about therapy after reading and comprehending a comment where I said I’d spent years in therapy, and I’m the one with a reading comprehension problem? Sure, buddy.
- Comment on The $100tn path to net zero 1 year ago:
Yes, if everything else fails. But continuing our current rate of consumption and assuming geoengineering will save us (which, let’s be real, is the intention of most geoengineering supporters) is insane. I don’t oppose developing the tech. I oppose using it until we’ve tried everything else.
- Comment on NYC police have spent millions on a tech company that claims it can use AI to monitor social media and predict future criminals 1 year ago:
My point remains. You’re advising people to leave social media voluntarily while not doing so yourself.
- Comment on NYC police have spent millions on a tech company that claims it can use AI to monitor social media and predict future criminals 1 year ago:
Yet you’re still here…
- Comment on Just because Americans love Google doesn't make it a monopoly. Biden lawsuit goes too far. 1 year ago:
She got voted out of her political position because she was too conservative for her district, now she’s an official shill.
- Comment on The $100tn path to net zero 1 year ago:
Do you know how easy geoengineering is to fuck up? And how global and severe the consequences are if we do? Plus, geoengineering is the kind of thing one country, or a billionaire moron on a private island, could do, and kill us all. I’m not saying there’s no place for geoengineering, only that the only reasonable place for it is after pretty much everything else has failed. We really don’t need or want The Year Without A Summer on repeat for decades.
- Comment on Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man? 1 year ago:
Who drowned?
- Comment on Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man? 1 year ago:
Well, I guess we strongly disagree.
- Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? 1 year ago:
Clearly, you didn’t read my post. Hard to spend years in therapy and not know fuck-all about it. I never said don’t go to therapy. I said don’t expect miracles. Therapy is good, but it’s not a solution to structural issues.
- Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? 1 year ago:
That’s good and healthy. All I’m saying is that therapy won’t fix the problems underlying this. It can be useful in processing, but I’m tired of people acting like therapy will solve structural problems.