Dad, physics teacher, musician, and sailor. Originally from the subtropics now living in the New England Tropics.
- Comment on Why is Horizon: An American Saga flopping in theaters? 7 months ago:
It’s made for people of a certain age, and those people don’t go to the movies much I think.
- Comment on If you're selected for jury duty (US), should you give up your anonymous social media accounts? 10 months ago:
Nobody was being asked for their social media credentials, it’s not like you have to give them full access. What happened was that the attorneys looked the jurors up and went through their old posts, all stuff that was publicly available. One of the jurors they dismissed posted a picture of people celebrating Biden’s election win, and that was enough to show that they were biased.
- Comment on Is there a word for the phenomena where everyone benefits from design decisions made to help vulnerable populations? 11 months ago:
In the disability advocacy community, we like to say that accessibility is for everyone!
- Comment on What is a good, healthy, unhurtful, socially positive way to express anger? 1 year ago:
Have you considered playing the drums?
- Comment on What kind of a gift can you give your teacher out of respect, but that doesn’t get mistaken for romance? 1 year ago:
As a teacher, I treasure all of the heart-felt notes and letters students have left me over the years. If you want to give something that shows them how important they are to you, write them a letter.
- Comment on What's the best way to read a book in a dark room? 1 year ago:
Can’t beat an audiobook in that case!
- Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
The things I wish I learned better in school are things like trig, which would be nice because I’ve developed a little interest in things like machining
I see that you’ve watched some videos, and you should definitely continue that. I teach HS physics, but I never took an actual trig class because of an administrative quirk. I thought I had this huge gap in trig but eventually I realized that there’s just not that much. You can definitely teach yourself trig!
Khan Academy is great, but the secret sauce is in really trying to understand WHY you get some of these problems wrong. If you really spend some time trying to find each mistake, and thinking about what exactly makes it a mistake, you’ll be all set.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
My washing machine’s making this weird string of beeps?
Oh I got this. You have to put it into diagnostic mode, and then it will flash lights at you, giving you the error codes in binary. I’m not kidding!
For more info you can lift up the top of the machine by unscrewing some screws on the back. There are lots of screws on the back, but only three or four of them attach the top. If you lift the top up you can push the drum back and then slide your hand into the space between the drum and the frame. There’s a ziplock bag in there with the service manual, and it’ll tell you how to spin the knob to enter diagnostic mode. On my Maytag I have to spin the knob R, R, L, R, not to quick, not too slow.
I was blown away when I learned this all. I was having a problem with my clothes not drying, but still the components seemed to be working. I was getting a specific error about one component, but when I tested it it was fine. In my case the problem was where the wires from that component plugged into the control board–it was just slightly loose! So I pushed it in and everything is nominal.
- Comment on Honest question: what was Hamas' long-game with respect to kidnapping Israelis? Did they think Israel would just negotiate rather than retaliate? 1 year ago:
I’m sorry but this is simply not correct. Some people in the Israeli government in the past have agreed to a 2-state solution, but extremist Israelis kept revolting. Yitzhak Rabim was literally assassinated by an extremist Israeli for signing and supporting the Oslo accords.
Most Israelis and Arabs recognize the need for a 2 state solution, but the Israeli government is not on board right now. And whoever makes any kind of moves in that direction gets pushed out pretty quickly.
- Comment on In The Empire Strikes Back, why does Han significantly outrank Luke? 1 year ago:
Han brought a fast gunship to the party. That counts for something!
- Comment on What search engines really have exact match? 1 year ago:
This thread has me all kinds of confused. If you want the search to look for only exact matches, you have to put the phrase into quotations. This is really basic knowledge, but I don’t see anyone actually discussing that. If you don’t use quotations, then you’ll get lots of different variations of the keywords, instead of the exact match. That works for lots of different search engines, and even searching through documents sometimes, depending on the program/app.
- Comment on What's the Best Non-Alcoholic Alternative to an Ice Cold Beer at the End of the Day? 1 year ago:
I had a really cold can of hop water and it was so so good! Lagunitas makes some, but there are other brands that probably taste similar. It was so good and so refreshing!
- Comment on YSK that YouTube shadow bans people (for a time) + implications to creators 1 year ago:
I cringed when one creator mentioned giving up on her degree to focus on youtube. I mean, sure she’s making bank right now. But who knows how long that’ll last.
Unlike their YT career, that degree course will probably be there in five years. It’ll be more expensive, but it’s not gone forever or anything like that. For some opportunities you really have to strike while the iron is hot. For the record, I’m a HS teacher and I’ve had the “so you want to be a YouTuber for a living” conversation with countless students over the years, including with my own child. But for someone who’s starting to get some traction, and wants to take time off of school to see where it leads them, I think it’s an understandable move.
- Comment on Shouldn't the hosts of instances have public information/profile available about how they will run their instances and use your information? 1 year ago:
Ruud, the administration of, has a ton of stuff written publicly, and does all awesome job of communicating with us in this instance. So if you want to find out more about him you can definitely do that.