- Comment on Brave 5 months ago:
Pretty slim pickings there, but I can’t especially disagree. The point of the question really was to allow the poster to explain a very specific implication they made.
- Comment on Brave 5 months ago:
Yep. And I’m not against going to basic lynx when needed. But the person I responded to made a very specific implication, and I’d like their opinion.
- Comment on Brave 5 months ago:
What do non-trumpets but still privacy focused people in your circles use?
- Comment on Does the USPS, FedEx and UPS give a crap about weed shipments since Hemp sprayed with th same terpenes and looks the same as weed has been shipped legally for 9 years now? 1 year ago:
Could be worse. They could have picked Orlando.
- Comment on Insurance Company Flew a Drone to Take Photos of Man's House and Canceled His Policy 1 year ago:
IANALAIANYL. In the days before the internet, I had a family member who worked for an insurance company. Buried deep in the contract was language that allowed agents of said insurance company to come on the property at any time. Her job basically was to go to people’s houses and walk around taking photos, usually at policy start or in the case of a claim - before and after. If anybody harassed her, they were at risk of having their home insurance dropped. This was Miami in the 1980s fwiw.