- Submitted 9 months ago to games@lemmy.world | 1 comment
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I thought the thumbnail gave context. shrug
- Submitted 1 year ago to games@lemmy.world | 0 comments
- Comment on What, Exactly, Is Xbox Thinking? 1 year ago:
I do too, but if you could go back a year or 2 and buy a PS5 knowing this would happen, wouldn’t you?
- Comment on What, Exactly, Is Xbox Thinking? 1 year ago:
Yes. Basically, our investment is tanking and it sucks. If I could go back, I’d just have bought a PS5. Oh well. It’s better for everyone else I guess
- Comment on What, Exactly, Is Xbox Thinking? 1 year ago:
I don’t get this take. Good will doesn’t keep the platform alive. If you want Xbox to survive they need good exclusive games. Otherwise it’s already over. No one buys the hardware, and then no one buys gamepass. Sony is out selling 2:1 right now. Want to guess what that looks like if people can play everything on a PlayStation?
- Comment on I convince my wife to try vampire survivors 1 year ago:
It’s a good time. You alternate who levels up, and only one person can have each item type. Couch co-op only though
- Submitted 1 year ago to games@lemmy.world | 2 comments
- Comment on What, Exactly, Is Xbox Thinking? 1 year ago:
We’re upset because we would have just bought a PS5 if they were going to do this. Otherwise, I’m happy for the PS folks.
- Submitted 1 year ago to games@lemmy.world | 0 comments
- Comment on 41% of fediverse instances have blocked threads so far!!! 1 year ago:
No one has articulated it well. It’s all just “meta bad”. Can’t we just defederate if they pull some crap and be no worse off than we are now?
- Comment on I know it's an old game, but did you think the lobby was the first level? 1 year ago:
Hey, thanks! We really appreciate it. We’ve thought about playing with viewers during a live stream, but haven’t quite figured out the logistics yet. If we ever do that you’re welcome to join us
- Comment on I know it's an old game, but did you think the lobby was the first level? 1 year ago:
Yeah, definitely a weird design choice. Great game though. We’re working our way through as much as we can before the second one comes out next year
- Comment on I know it's an old game, but did you think the lobby was the first level? 1 year ago:
Yeah that’s a recording issue. I was recording my wife’s screen, but I was hosting. I had to bring up the menu and pick start. I feel dumb.
- Submitted 1 year ago to games@lemmy.world | 6 comments
- Comment on Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin 1 year ago:
Why do you think? He’s a right wing fascist asshole
- Comment on Downed Russian Shahed Drone Was Found With a Ukrainian SIM Card: Think Tank 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t be so sure if they have to use Ukraine’s cell network, but possibly
- Comment on Microsoft Xbox Rewards app is being shut down from December 1 year ago:
Aren’t they just removing the rewards app? You can still do rewards through the Xbox app
- Comment on Remember when Target blamed theft for closing stores? It's all lies. 1 year ago:
Really getting sick of seeing people circle jerk over headlines from opinion pieces. Wasn’t this supposed to be better than reddit?
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
I get it, but whatever is being done in the PC ecosystem isn’t really solving the problem either. The last bastion of cheating in the console space is 3rd party controllers. Banning them is going to be way more effective than any anti cheat software.
If I was using an unapproved controller I’d probably be pissed, but how big is that market outside of people cheating? Aren’t most 3rd party controllers approved devices anyways?
- Comment on New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe 1 year ago:
Mask off moment for this guy
- Comment on New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe 1 year ago:
Every shot after the first has knocked me on my ass for 24 hours minimum. Pro vax here. This is a real thing
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
If they can get rid of Cronus devices, I’m fine with it honestly
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
Microsoft does make a special controller for people with disabilities. Still sucks for people with custom setups. The cheating in fps games is out of control though
- Comment on Linus Torvalds releases Linux 6.6 after running out of excuses for further work 1 year ago:
Lol, downvote this guy for pointing out that it might not make sense for your company to pay for your personal projects
- Comment on Foundry Workers Melt Down Charlottesville’s Divisive Robert E. Lee Statue 1 year ago:
Christ, cry about it more
- Comment on What is going to happen when people realize climate change is rolling in? 1 year ago:
You’re second two points are terrible pieces of advice
- Comment on Has HP printers always been this bad? 1 year ago:
Brother inkjet really aren’t better than HP. I have one and the scanner doesn’t work if the ink is out. And it reports no ink waaaay too early. I can trick it into printing longer and almost double the life of the cartridges.
Maybe brother laser jet is better? I’m sure hp laser is too though
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
Ah, thought you were saying people could move there as an alternative
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
Isn’t free Pandora the exact same thing?