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- Comment on Over 500 World of Warcraft developers at Blizzard have voted to form Microsoft’s biggest wall-to-wall union 7 months ago:
Yes. Microsoft owns Activision Blizzard, as of Oct 2023
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
Unfortunately, that isn’t feasible in the current system. In first past the post every vote is damage control at best.
We need ranked choice voting everywhere before people will even consider a third party.
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
Spotify has almost every song on the planet
Until a contract negotiation with UMG goes south and they lose half the catalog overnight. See what’s happening on tiktok right now for a good example of this.
I understand the convenience draw, but I’m not a fan of continually paying for content that can disappear at any moment.