- Comment on Why can't code be uncompiled? 11 months ago:
Here is a real world example of someone doing some reverse engineering of compiled code. Might help you understand what is possible, and some of the processes. nee.lv/…/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70…
- Comment on Cool SQL editor and database manager that I found today, licensed under GPL 3 1 year ago:
Each electron app has its own Chromium runtime. With the prevalence of electron apps, the result is multiple instances of chromium running on your machine. Chromium isn’t light weight. On top of that, there is the philosophical aspect. Do we really need to be shipping an entire browser for the purpose of creating a UI? That being said I understand why so many electron apps are created. HTML/JS/CSS are powerful and easy to use (IMO) and cross platform. I just try to avoid them and use alternatives to electron.
- Comment on Cool SQL editor and database manager that I found today, licensed under GPL 3 1 year ago:
For real. Wouldn’t even consider it
- Comment on Android isn't cool with teenagers, and that's a big problem 1 year ago:
Definitely not humanity’s biggest problem. Chromium becoming the de facto browser creates a situation where one entity controls standards and influences how the web operates, impacting user choice and freedom, and reduces incentives for privacy and security updates.
This already happened once with IE.
I only use Firefox on desktop, but I doubt it will be a relevant choice much longer.
- Comment on Android isn't cool with teenagers, and that's a big problem 1 year ago:
I see it as a good thing. Apple is not without faults, but anything that keeps Google from harvesting more data is a win for humanity. The Safari browser is the only thing stopping Google’s browser monopoly. Unfortunately it is forced, and 99% of Apple users probably have no clue they are holding up the last line of defense.
- Comment on What Are You Playing This Week? August 21, 2023 edition 1 year ago:
Vampire Survivors multiplayer on PC