- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
I played Humankind as well, but I like the execution in Civ better (despite the bugs and unfinished ui). Butt yes, the idea want original at all.
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
If you have never played Civ before it would be a good time to start with Civ 5 or maybe even Civ 3. They are cheap and quite polished.
In my opinion (having played Civ since the first game, yes I’m old), Civ 7 is quite ok in it’s foundations, but it’s clearly released too early and like the other parts before it’s mainly a game about optimizing numbers, not so much about strategy.
Biggest turn off for me is the introduction of “rogue like” mechanics that give you to play certain characters and nations in a certain way to access others. Why would I want to have that crap in a strategy game?
- Comment on I make games and this literally happened to me this morning 5 months ago:
Funnily I saw the playthrough of your game in YouTube and it really looks like a labour of love. As the guy who did the playthrough suggested, still need to buy it as a thank you.
Or is that another game with a red button? The maker of the game I’m thinking about wrote a comment on YouTube
- Comment on Do you still play couch coop nowadays? Which games do you recommend? 6 months ago:
Totally agree. Just finished it. My SO and I had a blast playing it - highly recommended!