- Comment on Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? 6 months ago:
BattleBlock Theater is a good action platformer that has coop.
Escape Room Simulator is a good 3d puzzle game that can be played coop as well.
- Comment on Kate Mulgrew told Rick Berman she wanted a gay character on the Voyager bridge 8 months ago:
I think their are two bridge crew members where it could have been interesting if either was gay.
The first is Tovok. Having a Vulcan show its illogical to deny attraction to the same sex would be fun. The downside here is how reserved the character is, so it likely wouldn’t come up all that often in the show.
The second is Harry Kim. It would have been fun for him to be interested in Tom but Tom has no interest in him that way. We’d get a few episodes, may even a season of Harry pining for him before giving up and ending up best friends. Then we get Tom trying to set Harry up with people.
I don’t even think either of these would have changed things much overall.
- Comment on US races to develop AI-powered, GPS-free fighter jets, outpacing China 9 months ago:
Do you want skynet? Because this is how we get skynet.
- Comment on Nowadays, on certain games and game launchers, you can play the game before its fully downloaded. How is possible? 1 year ago:
It will depend on how the game is packaged. On your two examples that let you play before finishing download the clients will have multiple downloads that will prioritize everything needed to play early content. This will allow you to play for a bit and by the time you are far enough into the game the rest should have downloaded.
I am not entirely sure how steam manages downloads but I suspect it compresses the whole game as a single download and decompresses and installs it once the download is done. This would mean that nothing is playable until the entire game has been downloaded. It’s something they could potentially change with their download process but not many developers would take advantage of it so it’s likely a low priority thing.
- Comment on [VERGE] Microsoft to stop forcing Windows 11 users into Edge in EU countries 1 year ago:
Great! Now how about the rest of the world.
- Comment on is gone [update from the team] 1 year ago:
I also joined and it came down between and Guess I got lucky!