- Comment on YouTube devs be like 3 months ago:
YouTube is free, accessible and innovative, though? That meme doesn’t make a lot of sense.
- Comment on New mobile features are sh*t these days 4 months ago:
Can you give an example of an app not working “as well”? Do your emails get wrangled or anything?
- Comment on Ubisoft's Board is Launching an Investigation Into The Company Struggles 5 months ago:
Nah, this is about money. They’ll definitely find a group of underpaid employees to fire.
- Comment on Instagram makes all teen accounts private - npr 5 months ago:
developing AI tools
We tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas. AI to the rescue!
- Comment on Instagram makes all teen accounts private - npr 5 months ago:
Thank god they’re filtering out the bad no-no words! Finally teens won’t be using naughty and scary words any longer because forbidding words that make us sad and upset is a sensible and smart thing to do! Fuck these shitty networks policing every aspect of speech with a humongous camel dick!
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 6 months ago:
I wouldn’t want to that. I’m calling for a strike ✊
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 6 months ago:
Pei said in the email, telling employees who are worried about flexibility that “this is a company for grown ups.”
During the next pandemic, do employees get to refuse working from home on the basis of being grown ups?
- Comment on ong why did no one tell me about this 😤 7 months ago:
“shit”, the word is “shit”, kids
- Comment on And wouldn't you know it, he's unavailable this weekend for my uncle's funeral. 7 months ago:
Dude, don’t bury your uncle of he isn’t dead. That’s extremely impolite!
- Comment on Trump pledges to scrap offshore wind projects on ‘day one’ of presidency 9 months ago:
It’s actually really smart that he’ll do all these things “on day one”. Leaves the rest of the term free for golfing.
- Comment on POV: you try to sleep with the new Airbnb guest, but the door is closed 10 months ago:
The real POV would be a closed bedroom door.
- Comment on Reddit has reportedly signed over its content to train AI models 1 year ago:
Pretty sure they just didn’t migrate to the new data structure and didn’t actually delete the raw data. They’re effectively deleted for users but not for Reddit.
- Comment on It's true, look it up. 1 year ago:
The context is OP doesn’t know how to save a picture without making a screenshot.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook's total pay drops to $63 million for 2023. 1 year ago:
I would but I’m afraid my android phone is not on the list of compatible devices 😞
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook's total pay drops to $63 million for 2023. 1 year ago:
Poor guy. Better start a gofundme right now.
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
“My computer is broken, it won’t turn on!”
“Are you sure it’s plugged in?”
“You think I’m stupid? Of course it’s plugged in! It’s broken!”
“Sometimes the plug isn’t in all the way and then it won’t work.”
“I know how to plug in a plug, it just won’t turn on because it is b-r-o-k-e-n!”
“Are you sure the plug is all the way in?”
“It’s all the way in. My computer is broken!”
“Im coming down there and if the plug isnt all the way in, I’ll be pissed and mock you.”
Goes down there and plugs the plug all the way in
Computer starts
- Comment on The White Buffalo 1 year ago:
You don’t need to cool anything down. It’s a comment section on the internet, let people say what they want to say, that’s my approach at least. This disclaimer feels like a “it’s just a prank, bro” so you can deflect criticism. I’m sure commenters are aware where they’re commenting, no need to explain the obvious. And if someone comments how the meme is unfunny or anything not favourable, you don’t have to hide behind your disclaimer.
- Comment on The White Buffalo 1 year ago:
Don’t shitpost if you can’t handle the comments. Nobody needs that useless disclaimer. People will comment whatever they want without checking in with you first. As they should.
- Comment on New cars bought in the UK must be zero emission by 2035 1 year ago:
2030 is only six years away. Watch drivers lose all sensitivity about the environment when they are required to buy a more expensive car that doesn’t go as far as their old one and is way less convenient on long distances. I believe you’re a bit optimistic about people’s willingness to change. Everyone is all for saving the environment until they have to personally chip in.
Plus, you know, lobbies. Executives might lose money. Money!! Absolutely can’t have that.
- Comment on New cars bought in the UK must be zero emission by 2035 1 year ago:
Not sure I agree. Drivers are a significant voting bloc in any election. It’ll always pay off to placate them.
- Comment on New cars bought in the UK must be zero emission by 2035 1 year ago:
Right up until 2030 when they push it back to 2045.
- Comment on Why It's Okay That Someone Hasn't Played Your Favorite Game 1 year ago:
Don’t miss next week’s article “Why You Need an Internet Article to Tell You What Is And Isn’t Okay”
- Comment on There's no money for education and health care but they'll always find some for war. 1 year ago:
It’s not a black and white dichotomy to recognize a binary choice. You either work for a weapons manufacturer or you don’t, there’s simply no nuance there. It’s a personal choice you make to either do it or not. There’s no in-between, there’s no half-working for a weapons manufacturer. You do it or you don’t and it’s a choice you have. It might not be an easy choice and one option might have huge advantages but it’s still a choice between one thing or the other. This does not mean that all things are a choice between one thing or the other, just that this one situation is.
Unfortunately in the real world, where I work does not matter. The company will survive without me. The lowest-level cogs are completely disposable.
Again, for the third time, yes. The machine will exist whether I work there or not. That is not my point. I am not trying to dismantle the machine by choosing not to work there. I am expressing my disdain of working there. Can you please stop arguing why I can’t dismantle the machine? I am not trying to dismantle the machine. I am trying to express my unwillingness to work for a weapons manufacturer. Will the weapons manufacturer keep existing even though I choose not to work there? Yes. Will I choose to work for a weapons manufacturer which will exist regardless of me working there? No.
The reality of that means that if I don’t work here, somebody else will. My morals and ethics now put myself and my family at a disadvantage.
We are in agreement as that’s what I’ve been saying since my first comment. You made a choice between more money working for a weapons manufacturer and less money working for someone else. You chose more money and I find that choice reprehensible. You have lots of arguments why the choice is justified. I don’t think those are sufficiently convincing arguments for me personally to work for a weapons manufacturer. I am not a cog in a machine, I am a person with agency and I choose not to be a cog in this particular machine. You are a person with agency as well, by the way. You are not forced or coerced to work for your employer. You made a choice to do so and now you are justifying your choice to a person who wouldn’t make that choice.
The American dream was mistold. It’s not work hard and live a great life. The truth is, it’s swallow your pride to survive, or watch other people do it instead. The more of your pride you’re willing to swallow, the better you survive. Thats all there is to it.
I survive alright not working for a weapons manufacturer. Other people, also not working for a weapons manufacturer, make more money than I do. They might have a more stressful job than I do or bring better education to the table. I can live with that. I can rest easy, knowing that my work does not contribute to a massive pile of dead kids, though. That’s worth something, too, for me personally. Not for everyone, obviously, and I’m not trying to tell anyone how to live. I really am only expressing how I feel about this choice. I’m no preacher and my life is not a template for anyone else’s life. But I’m in a forum where people express themselves, expressing myself.
And where else should I go to support my family? Let’s look at the biggest employers in my region. Essentially it comes down to four pillars…”kill children”, “encourage addiction”, “boil the oceans”, or “sell slave-manufactured goods for insane profits”.
I sense a hint of black and white dichotomy here. I can only hope for your sake that the reality isn’t as dire as this sounds. I don’t know where you live so I can hardly refute what you’re saying. If that’s the actual choice you have, I would consider moving elsewhere if I were in your shoes but that’s easy to say, of course. Maybe I’d consider starting my own business, I really don’t know. In truth, I can’t tell if in the same circumstance I wouldn’t make the same choice as you. I probably wouldn’t try to palliate my choice by proclaiming the necessity of weapons manufacturing in order to keep the USPS in business, though. In any case, I’d keep looking for a less morally reprehensible job. That was a really bad argument if you consider how civil aviation exists and is used for mail throughout the world.
Absolutely, shit needs to change. But your bottom-up approach, attacking me personally, viewing me as your enemy because of the way I provide for my family, is not the way to do it.
I apologize if anything I said gave you the impression that I view you as my enemy or that I’m trying to attack you in any way. I’ve been trying hard to phrase what I’m saying to not be insulting or down-putting because I have no reason to insult you or put you down. I’m only trying to express my thoughts and feelings and none of them are hostile against you, honestly. I do not wish you harm or anything bad, really. If anything, I’m hoping you reconsider your choice of employer even though it is absolutely your prerogative and not my place to do so. I’m also somewhat realistic about my ability to change anybody’s mind on the internet.
Also, again, I don’t have any “bottom-up approach” as, again, I’m not trying to dismantle the war machinery.
I am not going to address your next few paragraphs because I believe you wrote them in anger over something I formulated in a way you perceived as an insult. I apologize for that. I do not mean to insult you. We disagree on this one thing while I’m sure we could find many more things we agree on. I’m trying to respectfully disagree because I do not disrespect you for the one choice I know you made that I don’t agree with.
- Comment on There's no money for education and health care but they'll always find some for war. 1 year ago:
I feel like you’re ignoring what I’m saying when you just repeat the same arguments I already addressed. I’m not trying to dismantle the war industry, I don’t want to participate in it. I have no illusions about how intertwined almost everything in the US is with the military and “defense”. None of this makes working in and for that machinery any more palatable for me.
It boils down to a very personal choice I’m sure didn’t actually involve all those thoughts. It’s the choice between making more money in a job in the war industry or making less money outside of it.
- Comment on There's no money for education and health care but they'll always find some for war. 1 year ago:
You obviously struggle with the moral implications of your job and put a lot of thought in justifying it to yourself but I’m sorry, those justification just don’t work for me.
War pays the bill
No doubt about that. That doesn’t make actively participating any better, though. Or that other companies do it too. You make it sound like a war machine is a necessary evil in order to get civil science funded which is just absolute delusion stemming from the things you were taught about war, violence and “defense”. Take a look outside the US for an abundance of examples of civil science funded by civil industries or even governments. If Boeing can’t survive without facilitating child murder maybe we should ask ourselves if we really need Boeing that much, no? Jobs disappear all the time for much worse reasons. You imagine the USPS crumbling if it weren’t for the war industry? How do you imagine countries with less than a $766b budget (the majority of countries) receive their mail? Don’t get me wrong but it sounds like the propaganda worked really well on you and you never thought to question it.
World peace is a terrific goal
There’s a whole spectrum between actively participating in the war machine and world peace.
It’s one thing to selfishly think of this for myself
And it’s a very convenient way to justify putting money above your morals, I imagine.
“But if we don’t kill them, they’ll kill us”
And maybe if you stop giving them reasons to want to kill you they would stop wanting to kill you. Maybe if the US stepped back to think about what they use their “defense” industry for they would actually use it for defense once and save one or two white children. Again, there’s a whole spectrum between actively participating in the war machine and completely dismantling the war machine and proclaiming world peace, something I have in no way suggested or implied but which you keep bringing up on order to paint my disdain of working for a “defense” company as naïve.
I’m not trying to give you a hard time but please understand that I probably won’t be convinced by the justifications you made for yourself. In the end, I will keep believing that money matters more for you than the morality of your actions because all the justifications aside, this is what your actions lay bare.
- Comment on There's no money for education and health care but they'll always find some for war. 1 year ago:
Oh, now I get it, your employer has to facilitate killing children, so they can do cool science stuff! Wow, that’s instantly so much better! The kids will be so happy when they hear that!
Damn, if only somehow could figure out how to do cool science stuff without all the dead children, though. Maybe you could do some cool science stuff on that maybe? Like soonish?
- Comment on There's no money for education and health care but they'll always find some for war. 1 year ago:
It’s not so much “how I see it” as it is “how it is” and you don’t seem to deny that.
I understood that you prefer not to work on the child-killing devices the first time. Nonetheless all the other “cool science markets” still help your employer make those child-killing devices.
While the sausage will keep being made, I can actively choose not to be the butcher and I’m having a hard time respecting people gushing about their work on the non-butchering side of the same company.
- Comment on There's no money for education and health care but they'll always find some for war. 1 year ago:
“I mean, I know my work contributes to some of the worst atrocities of mankind but they give me a lot of money and benefits for forgetting that I actively contribute in facilitating the slaughter of children which makes it easier to swallow. Also I get to work from home a lot! ❤️”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
okay SO, yeah, well, anyway, okay like, there’s this HILARIOUS RIVELRY going on between those two teachers I no and it’s all written DOWN in scientifatic PAPERS that are publicly available for anyone but I won’t LINK them because shirley my badly spelt TALE of what happened sprinkled with RANDOM capitalized WORDS is much more HILARIOUS than anybody readings it FOR themselves
- Comment on another 30 hour tutorial 1 year ago:
How many variations of this joke do we really need, though?