I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I do B2B hardware and software projects. I hate sales and advertising but I will post something I’m working on about once a week on my personal LinkedIn. It’s amazing how many customers reference that stuff when I have my first meeting.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on Abusive Parents 1 year ago:
This was my mom. Lots of therapy and 20 years later I’m good now. One major thing I do differently as a parent is apologize to my kids when I screw up.
If you do something against the rules then you have an appropriate punishment. Yelling and berating is never an appropriate punishment. If yell at my kid because I’m mad I always apologize. Hopefully it will lessen their therapy bills.
- Comment on Why is the legal system so expensive? 1 year ago:
There are not a lot of incentives to make things easier/cheaper. Changing government processes is slow and hard. Take immigration. It is currently a long and hard process to legally immigrate to US unless you fall into certain categories. I’ve heard politicians on both sides say my entire life that we need to improve the process for legal immigration yet little has been done.
- Comment on If the body's natural temperature is about 98 degrees (F), why does it still feel really hot when the ambient temperature is 98F? 1 year ago:
Uh… I never wondered that till now.
- Comment on Some Apple users say its parental controls aren't working properly. A CEO who has 4 kids called it 'frustrating.' 1 year ago:
Yup. Not to mention we have a Roku, iPhone, Chromebook, and Switch we have to manage, with three kids profiles on each.
Another thing, I have a 13 year old and a lot of apps (like YouTube) have little kid and adult.
When I was a kid and had cable there were lots of content edited for mass consumption. You could turn on TBS and watch an R movie edited down to somewhere between PG and PG-13. No one is editing down all this content now.
- Comment on Some Apple users say its parental controls aren't working properly. A CEO who has 4 kids called it 'frustrating.' 1 year ago:
I have three kids. I am very present. I work from home and I’m constantly monitoring what they are using . Parental controls are a nightmare.
There are apps that are rated as ages 4+ but they have chat features.
There are apps you’ve ok’d them to use but requires the parents PIN every time they open it.
Screen limits randomly reset themselves. A lot of times that means you have allowed something that limit blocked and now you have to ok it again.
Imagine being out with three friends and you need to know everything they are doing on their phone and have to enter a password on it every 15 min.