- Comment on Celebrate Pokémon Emerald’s 20th with Stunning Art ROM Hack 5 months ago:
And Hatsune Miku (part of farfetch’d)
- Comment on Men over 30, what do you keep in your bedside nightstand? 9 months ago:
I had/have a similar setup. My one cat I’ve had for years never knocks anything down but now I also have a kitten and he occasionally feels the need to clear that ledge off. Typically when I’m in bed. It is kind of funny just hearing the pill bottles slide for a bit then fall out of nowhere.
I don’t keep very much up there now. Only stuff he shows very little interest in pushing over.
- Comment on Winning the Gold Cup on Mario Kart 64 as Yoshi 10 months ago:
That’s roughly what is was for the SNES game. Probably N64 too but I don’t recall.
- Comment on CFCs 11 months ago:
Yeah I would imagine poor/lazy planning or they either thought their tools would be replaced by then and/or that computers were just a fad so there’s no way they’d be used in the year 2000.
- Comment on AI companies are violating a basic social contract of the web and and ignoring robots.txt 1 year ago:
Only if you’re already rich or in the right social circles though. Everyone else gets fined/jail time of course.
- Comment on Police departments are using AI to review bodycam footage, and police unions are not happy about it 1 year ago:
I think that poster is right in this context. It gets abbreviated and used as a defense of there just being “a few bad apples” and they they just drop/ignore the reset of the phrase.
- Comment on greenland for the win 1 year ago:
This comment from another post of the same article has some good counter points on why this probably isn’t as bad as it sounds.
- Comment on A gel injected into the scrotum could be the next male contraceptive 1 year ago:
There’s no harm in condom + anything else considering all the horror stories of condoms accidentally/intentionally not working.
This gives another option that sounds pretty easy and not very invasive for anyone.
- Comment on Why didn't SBF flee? 1 year ago:
I haven’t really followed this too closely so good chance I am misremembering or just wrong here.
Didn’t he essential steal from everyone using FTX since customers are likely not going to get much back after the portion for taxes and whatever else is taken out first?
That would include a lot of rich people but probably a lot of average people and irresponsible/poor people as well.
- Comment on Lucid dream startup says engineers can write code in their sleep. Work may never be the same 1 year ago:
Well if i could work well sleeping and then live my life while awake that’d be pretty sweet.
Doubt that’s what a lot of company owners would want but that is maybe the only plus side of this.
- Comment on Here's what a random person on the internet thought of Lords Of The Realm 2 1 year ago:
Same here, one of my childhood habits that I had never beat and forget existed but played a lot… I’ve gone back and beat a lot, seems like this might be the next.
- Comment on Microsoft hires ex-OpenAI leaders Sam Altman and Greg Brockman to lead new AI team | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
Some people just want power and recognition which you don’t get if you just travel and enjoy life.
I could also so it being pretty exciting being at the forefront of a new technology and wanting to put all the things you’ve learned or been researching to use vs just quitting and feeling like you’re wasting that time you’ve put in. Probably doesn’t feel like a job if this is the case.
- Comment on Peasants with aeroplanes. - Lemmit 1 year ago:
Looks more like Rex Lee (who played Lloyd Lee on Entourage). Kind of don’t think it’s either of them.
- Comment on ‘Climate villain’: scientists say Rupert Murdoch wielded his media empire to sow confusion and doubt 1 year ago:
People too busy working multiple jobs because they’re drowning in debt I think is a lot more common of an issues. The way things have become allow very little time for critical thinking not.
Plus the whole issues of schools being underfunded. A lot of kids probably aren’t even learning critical thinking skills or even being taught the importance of them. Anytime pre-workforce or secondary education is spent enjoying life while they still can (at least that’s what I was told at that age to do).