- Comment on Can trump make it so I can sell my citizenship for 5 million dollars? 3 days ago:
Like everything else he puts his name on.
- Comment on nope don’t like it 3 weeks ago:
handerpants are real and you cant tell me otherwise
- Comment on The Philippine vice president publicly threatens to have the president assassinated 3 months ago:
3rd party bogo for power
- Comment on If only 😫 4 months ago:
nsfw pls
- Comment on The Elon / Trump interview on X started with an immediate tech disaster 6 months ago:
how many russian twitter bots in one place does it take to crash twitter?
- Comment on Still saying sweet things to each other after all these years... 8 months ago:
People aren’t original. See: New ___
- Comment on Bethesda's Todd Howard clarifies the fate of Shady Sands in the Fallout TV show timeline 10 months ago:
nah just a clown in a todd howard suit
- Comment on I hate my mind 1 year ago:
Thing is the animated hand in the Adam’s family. The Lego “thing” is a detached Lego hand
- Comment on Twitch allowing more nudity after disproportionately banning female streamers | Twitch confirmed its policy banning nudity was sexist. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence 1 year ago:
Now, the world don’t move to the beat of just one drum, What might be right for you, may not be right for some. -different strokes
- Comment on We were warned. 1 year ago:
Until you fumble out dr pecker
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
Yeah, I’ve been reading your replies.
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
Maybe they aren’t good at expressing themselves but it makes sense with my point of view where as taking your viewpoint it’s just nonsense. Maybe they had a point of view where it makes sense. Where they are coming from it makes the comment make sense where if we follow yours we just think everyone else is an idiot with no room for fault of your own. That’s fine if you are always right but you are not, as with everyone.
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
The subject became “stupid shit teachers say that is not applicable in the real world” and in that context the subject never changed. They were probably told “you won’t have a calculator in your pocket all the time” as well as “don’t using the internet(google and Wikipedia) as sources” which was very common to be told around the time when they would have been in school. I’m not attacking you I just think you misunderstood as everyone is possible of doing.
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
I feel like you misread. I think they meant Wikipedia and google not allowed for sources.
- Comment on Grilled Cheese or something.. 1 year ago:
grill cheese
- Comment on What if we kissed at the salmon ATM? 1 year ago:
its at least more structured than the previous method of “take a salmon leave a salmon”
- Comment on Inquest begins for Selesa Tafaifa who said 'I can’t breathe' before dying with a spit hood over her head in Queensland prison 1 year ago:
yeah but they get a free paid vacation and for killing people a lot of the time so… these dogs are given a treat every time they shit on the rug and we wonder why the floor is covered in shit
- Comment on British soldier took her own life after sexual harassment from boss, says army 1 year ago:
yeah brother those children should be in factories getting mangled
- Comment on Break some rules 1 year ago:
i thought you did it because it gives a closer shave
- Comment on What is "attention", really? 1 year ago:
man dies crossing street