- Comment on Science is Magic 6 months ago:
The rules for magic and the rules of existence in most fictional universes are significantly more defined (and, arguably, more solid) than the rules for science and existence in this world.
Even the brush off of “Its magic. I don’t have to explain it,” at least indicates that SOMEONE understands the effect and its relative existence.
If you find 5 people who say that they fully understand a single branch of science then I’d bet all of my money in my pocket that you found them in a padded recovery room sans shoe laces.
- Comment on Anime pfps rise up 11 months ago:
Gamers are the true indigenous people.
We were typing in games printed in magazines and hand written from friends.
- Submitted 1 year ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 33 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I believe that a lot of issues lile this would be solved with legalized sex work and the destigmaization of mental health treatments.
- Comment on Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get 'Comfortable' Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off 1 year ago:
I’d rather remain comfortable not buying games from Ubisoft and EA.
I refuse to waste a single dollar on every game from both companies, since we were all bent over and continue to get bent over because they just don’t care about anything but making more money.
A good example from Ubisoft is the handling of the Driver series. They kept on releasing the games in the series in a near unplayable state before when most people had dial up.
A good example with EA was the failed DRM with Spore. They only let you install the game 3 times, which glitched out to the point where people had to turn to piracy (warez and crackz) to play a game they paid for.
We vote with every dollar spent, which gives me hope when people rally around good companies that do the right thing.
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
“There is no point in reinventing the wheel” is my favorite saying when it comes to things like this.
If something has been done over and over again, there is no point in doing it yourself from scratch. It wastes time, money, and effort that could be spent on creating something new.
Humanity’s greatest strength is being able to add to the previous generation’s knowledge base, too!
If we had to relearn how to do the same things in the same way, in every generation, we would still be in the stone age…
When I manage folks, I expect them to steal if its already been done and especially if it’s been done to death.
- Comment on A Googler who just resigned after 18 years reflects on the decline of the company he loved 1 year ago:
This is exactly why I look at companies and corporations with a side-eye of doubt when they claim to have some sort of “do not be evil” motto baked into thier company culture.
It doesn’t matter if a gigantic company has a hundred philanthropy focused CEOs, all ot takes is one greedy or evil one to destroy a company’s dogma
After the investors, managers, and profiteers taste easy money, they will continue to demand to be fed that blood flavored stew.
Once that happens, they either need to be lobotomized or put down for the good of all lest those who are not in the know continue to put money into the frothing imitation it has become.
- Comment on Over half of all tech industry workers view AI as overrated 1 year ago:
That is like saying that the screwdriver is the most over-rated tool in the tool box.
Each tool has a place and a usage. AI is just another tool in toolbox that is used to get things done.
- Comment on Gonna be a great day! 1 year ago:
All cryptocurrency isn’t stiricrly based off of magic and mysterious bitcoin code.
Even if there was code that made the coin erase itself, it would have been found and fixed (or abandoned for a new and better blockchain coin a’la Ethereum or Monero).
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED announced 1 year ago:
I’m using my steam deck right now as a gaming PC while moving across America.
It works really well. I got a dock from Amazon that gives me the ports to plug in my gaming mouse and keyboard. I can do HDMI out to the hotel TV or, better yet, lead out one USB-c cord to a fantastic portable monitor.
I only ran into two minor issues. The first is getting enough juice to the steam deck and heat. Both can be easily solved with a good fast charging station and better air flow (I use this tiny hyper fan and have had zero issues in 90 degree Florida winter weather).
Of note, I dual boot with Windows 11. It’s a bloated mess of an operating system, but I want to use certain mods and programs that windows only.
The best way to get the most out of the Windows environment is to run a debloater admin tool, which removes unnecessary programs on Windows 10+ systems. The difference between the performance is shocking, making it pretty much required for usage.
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
You’re VERY wrong.
There is difference between the two as they are two completely seperate things.
I am a disability advocate, and I took many courses in college on this subject while getting my doctorate.
Drug dependence is typically defined as what causes tolerance and withdrawal. The physical effects of the need of medicine. Everything from diabetes meds, like insulin, to blood pressure medicine, to even cold medicine could be in that category.
It’s why a person shouldn’t use nose spray but for 2–3 days as you become dependent on it, causing you to need to consume it to be able to breathe out of your nose. (FYI: It’s a VERY bad idea to become dependent on nose spray as it SUCKS for a few days getting off of it.)
Addiction is a mental component. It is a neurological state of being. Some things are more addictive than others, with things that change the neurological state being more addictive than those that don’t.
For example, sex, roller coasters, and YouTube shorts can affect your brain chemistry in the same way that METH can!
TL;DR - Addiction is a neurological condition, while dependence is when a body depends on a substance medicinally.
The number of people who suffer horrifically because of the misconceptions of addiction VS dependence is sickening.
We NEED to remove this stigma of taking proper medication to increase the quality of life of the disabled.
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
Pain medication IS medicine!
There is no point in suffering.
Just because you are dependent on a medicine, does not mean you are an addict.
- Comment on Facebook Puts a Price on Privacy in EU, EEA and Switzerland: It’s 9.99€ a Month + 6€ for Each Extra Account 1 year ago:
Everyone should be using the Facebook addon “Facebook Purity” if they are still using the platform. I’ve been using it for over a decade and I can’t stand using Facebook without it…
Not only does it work better than most adblocks, but you can completely move, remove, and restyle features.
It’s the only way of working with that platform is not harmful to one’s sanity.
- Comment on Mint is shutting down, and it’s pushing users toward Credit Karma 1 year ago:
It’s too bad it’s not the US mint. It might help inflation.
- Comment on Firefox lost users during “failed” Yahoo search deal, says Mozilla CEO 1 year ago:
Where’s Jeeves when we need him? I’d ask him but…
- Comment on YouTube's Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge 1 year ago:
It wouldn’t shock me if they removed ublock origin from the chrome store
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
Unless it’s something that you are a super uber fan, avoid buying a game before it comes out.
It saves a lot of heartaches and headaches.
Plus, in today’s world… why pre order? It’s not like a game will run out of copies…
- Comment on How much does it really matter to use firefox? 1 year ago:
That’s the same reason I don’t complain about having to pay taxes for schools, even if I don’t have a child in school right now.
- Comment on FCC to propose a minimum 100mbps to qualify as broadband, with a future goal of 1gbps 1 year ago:
I did telecom work about 5 years ago
It was shocking the amount of area that depends on a low-quality copper wire infrastructure.
I don’t know if that changed in 5 years, but companies are going to have a hard time getting that replaced nationwide
- Comment on That Voyager is one clean burning starship though, I’ll tell you what. 1 year ago:
I wonder if killbots would be better than the Jem’hadar. Certainly a Jem’killbot cyborg would be better than both.
I’m sure the Dominion put that to the test at some point.
Though with the power of the dominion, it wouldn’t shock me if they invented the borg that way and the time shenanigans happened
- Comment on I mean when the option is Leeola Root *everything*... 1 year ago:
It sounds like it would be a net-positive energy wise if they installed holographic emitters in the mess hall. Not only could they have one less person eating resources BUT they can greatly improve crew moral.
Then they can have a rotating roster of the best cooks, swapping between cultures or even cram all of that knowledge into a single hologram a’la the EMH.
While cooking is a complex chemistry exhibit that requires a lot of talent, it shouldn’t take anywhere close to the amount of processing power an EMH does. It just doesn’t need to know tens of thousands of procedures on dozens of alien species.
At most, it needs to know the equivalent of ‘not to overly kneed biscuits’ and ‘it’s a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake’
- Comment on That Voyager is one clean burning starship though, I’ll tell you what. 1 year ago:
I could see Janeway being based and using it that way
It could also solve the need for clones of the Vorta. The Dominion could just pop another one out of the buffer and not have to depend on cloning facilities.
- Comment on Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ 1 year ago:
What’s next? Company stores? They already have company housing…
Eventually Musk is going to have them buying ‘X cookies’ and ‘X cereal’ so that they don’t have to pay them real money.
- Comment on That Voyager is one clean burning starship though, I’ll tell you what. 1 year ago:
I didn’t realize that Allison Pregler was still making videos post Channel Awesome fiasco. I always liked her movie and show reviews back in the day. Thanks for the recommend!
I can see now that I am VERY clearly wrong in every way on the Tuvix topic…
- Comment on That Voyager is one clean burning starship though, I’ll tell you what. 1 year ago:
If only they could recreate the transporter accident that makes a perfect copy of a person. Then all that has to happen is to take the clone and split it before it realizes anything.
That way EVERYONE could exist together.
- Comment on Living in a van instead of an old-fashioned house 1 year ago:
I have a friend who does “Van life”
He’s disabled, so he gets a little money in. He uses that income to rent out a parking lot space if he’s in the city or camping space in the country.
From the sounds of it, camping spaces are the best as they have hygiene facilities open most of the year.
- Comment on Tested: Windows 11 Pro's On-By-Default Encryption Slows SSDs Up to 45% 1 year ago:
That is a life changing program up there with 7zip, gimp, and notepad++
Its hard to find a better paid replacement
- Comment on ‘Nothing is changing’ — Reddit is denying a report from The Washington Post that it might force users to log in to see content if it can’t reach deals with AI companies 1 year ago:
It would be pure foolishness to trust Reddit and its management.
In the future, they will be seen by all in a somewhat similar light of failure emitted by Twitter
- Comment on What are good places to frequently check / 'be' on the internet besides lemmy / reddit / social media? 1 year ago:
Fark.com is a really great news agitator and community
It’s similar but different to Lemmy and Reddit in many significant and interesting ways
- Comment on Any idea what Google are doing? Is this because I dont use Chrome (use Firefox)? I've no adblockers. 1 year ago:
It has non-ad settings, like intro, outro, recap, etc.
Be sure to check your settings, as not just adverts are on by default.
If it’s not that, make sure to “thumbs down” the skip when it pops up as that helps the system as a whole.