- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 6 months ago:
Why is so much of memes nowadays just people claiming to be better then everyone else? I had assumed the trek fans were less of snobs than this. Not only does this insult fellow trek fans but metal fans in the process. If this community is the only thing holding lemmy togther, i guess i don’t need to be on the internet anymore.
- Comment on Apple refuses to relax its iron grip on iPhones in Europe 1 year ago:
Who cares, if you dont like apple dont buy apple. the only way apple effects me is these annoying articles.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
the stoner is probably the happiest out of all three.
- Comment on NVIDIA CEO Huang urges faster AI development—to make it safer 1 year ago:
why do CEOs never say “lets take our time to avoid making mistakes and insure quality”?
- Comment on Its diving speed during flight is more than 300 km (186 miles) per hour, making it not only the world’s fastest bird but also the world’s fastest animal. 1 year ago:
falling is cheating.
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
nevermind then. guess i dont care.
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
oh, i guess most of the times of heard indie, it was refering to small studios, where as i have never heard anyone call a large studio indie even if they are. thanks for the correction.
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
why is nobody here saying what the game is an alternative for or what ki d of game play to expect?
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
what are these alternitives for?
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
so aren’t all indies small? and the non-american thing is just taste.
Why cant you just say you only like either:
- non american games.
- small studios.
- Comment on Sundar Pichai argues in court that Google isn’t evil, it’s just a business 1 year ago:
It takes a lot of people (souls) for a business to exist.
- Comment on Sundar Pichai argues in court that Google isn’t evil, it’s just a business 1 year ago:
Who/Where are these people that believe that? I have heard people say shareholders only care about profits, but I have never heard anyone say it was a law to maximize them. Regardless, they do love profits more than anyone or anything at any company. Companies also like to keep their shareholders happy. Evil comes about becuase of these.
- Comment on Really? 1 year ago:
Are you telling me people in the same party, of a 2 party system, can have some differing opinions? crazy thought.
- Comment on What is the Israel thing going on? 1 year ago:
i think its worth looking further back in time too.
- Comment on Yes, a Pigeon is Faster for Data Transfer than Gigabit Fiber Internet 1 year ago:
i guess im confused why 3 TB was chossen. what is this representing. Most people are not transfering 3 TB on a regular basis, 100 GB is a large transfer for common cases. who is this information for? who should be looking into pigeons/jets for regular multi-TB data transfers. just sounds like pigeon propaganda to me.
- Comment on Yes, a Pigeon is Faster for Data Transfer than Gigabit Fiber Internet 1 year ago:
its like they choose 3 TB because they knew it was the smallest amount that would lose. lets make it a real re-match and go back to transfering 4 GB.