- Comment on What's the deal with buying single cans out of a multipack at a bottle shop? (Australia) 1 year ago:
I learned this when I was buying beer, walked into a free-standing display, and somehow exploded one of the cans I was carrying. The cashier put the remaining three in a box to clean up and sell later.
- Comment on An Ensign Dies Inside: A story in pictures 1 year ago:
That’s not a good look for Pulaski - just standing there like she’s guarding the door or waiting for an order.
- Comment on xEdit for Starfield Progress is proving ... challenging? 1 year ago:
adopting The Forge for rendering and animation
Interesting. Your comment is the first mention I’ve seen of that. Their page on global illumination is interesting. On the one hand, their little trailer shows the system displaying more detail than Starfield does, but on the other hand in their last screenshot they failed to build the lighting the same way as the reference photo.
- Comment on Alright, where do I begin? 1 year ago:
TNG had some movies (bald guy on the poster) and they were written by people who didn’t like the show for people who didn’t watch the show. You have to turn your brain off, but they’re well-directed.
LOL I’m stealing this to use as my IRL description of those films. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is.
- Comment on Watching Futurama as a Star Trek fan 1 year ago:
It looks like they also made it look Roman as a reference to Bread and Circuses.
- Comment on Annotations for *Star Trek: Lower Decks* 4x06: “Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place” (SPOILERS) 1 year ago:
The arrangement of the music in the restaurant felt more TMP than TNG.
- Comment on So why don't npcs have a daily cycle? None of them sleeo or eat! 1 year ago:
NPCs appear to operate according to the local time of the cell they’re in. So they sleep on UT in your ship in space and Jemison time (local hour == 125 UT minutes) in the Lodge. The game doesn’t appear to have any issue with this whatsoever.
Vendors, and many quest-related NPCs never seem to sleep or eat. It looks like some of this was done to decrease player frustration. Now we never have to wait for shops to open and we never have to worry if we arrived to confront a corporate exec while they’re out or sleeping. It simplifies the work the designers have to do too. They could have designed around this, but might have considered it a low priority to have night-shift workers or different kiosk rules.
Meanwhile the members of Constellation use their bedrooms (except Cora who seems to wander the basement at night), and that guy living on disability in Cydonia keeps going to back to bed without asking me for the next book. Muria from the GalBank lobby in New Atlantis likes to go sit at the outdoor TerraBrew all night and have a non-conversation with the diplomat lady.
- Comment on The Galaxy Class Starship 1 year ago:
CBS killed it, but some (all?) of them are working with OTOY and the Roddenberry Archive now. They had a site up a few months ago where you could walk around the bridge of nearly every iteration of every Enterprise. There were about 30 of them, including speculative designs for some early concepts for the Enterprise.
They haven’t said anything about making a full-scale Ent-D yet, but several of their videos on YouTube show glimpses of a full-scale 1701 refit.
- Comment on The toy that every little girl wanted growing up. 1 year ago:
- Comment on I exaggerated 1 year ago:
Why didn’t you use the way they spoke in the film? Valeris: “A lie?” Spock: “An exaggeration.”