- Comment on Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer! 4 months ago:
You assumed I was saying a thing because I was a racist. I explained why I wasn’t. And you just refuse to believe me. That says so much more about you than it does about me, and I’m pretty tired of explaining it to you. Consider the conversation over.
- Comment on Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer! 4 months ago:
I don’t suppose you can elaborate on what makes a main character bad without using the word woke?
Your words. Maybe you didn’t explicitly accuse me of racism. But you did the Joe Rogan “just asking the question” thing of proposing a question and already implying the answer you presupposed.
- Comment on Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer! 4 months ago:
It is equally baffling to me that because you don’t understand why I have an opinion, it must be because I’m a racist.
I’m kinda done trying to explain to you why I have an opinion. It’s not that I haven’t explained it well enough. It’s that you refuse to believe me.
- Comment on Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer! 4 months ago:
My dude, I am literally praising the writing they did on DS9 and LD with Sisko and Freeman. Two people of color who are in charge.
I am not criticizing Disco or the writers for the existence of the characters. I think it is very cool that there’s a woman of color running the ship. And that the mushroom engineer has a loving marriage with his doctor husband. And that they picked up a cool enby person with a ghost boyfriend who plays the cello.
I am not criticizing the existence of these characters. I am criticizing the execution.
I am saying that the writing was bad, the plots made no sense, and the characters’ motivations were all over the place. And yeah, the main character thing was bothersome. Not very Star Trek. The show about an ensemble cast doing space stuff.
- Comment on Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer! 4 months ago:
If one person says hey we should do this thing, and everyone else says no we shouldn’t based on the information we have, and it turns out that the one person was right because of things nobody knew at the time, that’s a boring plot device. When it happened multiple times, and then kinda all the time, I stopped watching.
Kirk and Sisko sometimes disagreed with their crews. Sometimes they were wrong. Burnham was always right. And it got old.
- Comment on Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer! 4 months ago:
Don’t worry, I’m not the type of person you think I am. I have queer friends. My partner’s a bi she/they. I drive a Prius. I’m gonna vote for the woman of color here in a few weeks. Pretty cool of you to make that assumption, though.
I actually really liked Disco S1 and kinda S2. But the whole “one special person across time and space” thing got kinda old. One person is always right. No matter what. That and the Discovery-is-special-ex-machina Burn alongside the ridiculous constantly-reconfiguring-geometry ships made me lose interest. I hear half the Disco bridge crew had like zero character development in the last season, and they just didn’t even bother having Detmer there for a lot of it.
Strange New Worlds? Lower Decks? Hell yeah. Perfect Star Trek. 10/10. Disco and Picard? Trying too hard to make “prestige TV” and ending up forgetting why Star Trek is good: ensemble casts working together.
- Comment on Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer! 4 months ago:
Counterpoint: Star Trek with a “main character” is no good. Recent shows make that pretty clear.
- Comment on Should I distill IPA (isopropanol alcohol) at home for 3D-printing? 6 months ago:
I sort of feel bad about raining on the parade of the person distilling isopropanol in his garage earlier, but it really is dangerous.
But most of us chemists also need to be reminded of it. To the point that someone had to write a paper whose entire point is “don’t distill isopropanol”.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Please, don’t do this thing.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
The issue with isopropanol peroxide formation is that exposing it to air – even when just using it, like when you’re cleaning parts – starts the process. The air in the head space of your containers is also enough to form them over time. You don’t necessarily need to see solids in the containers for it to be dangerous, since they’ll crystallize out as you concentrate the solution during distillation.
It’s also a numbers game. It probably won’t explode the first time you do it. But there’s a chance each time. Do it enough, and you’ll have an incident.
There are chemical reductants that can clear peroxides. For industrial scale isopropanol distillation, I’m not sure what they use. It may be that they just never distill down to the point that peroxides concentrate to a dangerous level.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
I love EnF. But I assure you, organic peroxide formers are scarier.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
No no no no no.
I’m a chemist. Organic chemistry PhD, now a process chemist in the industry. I do this for a living. Do not distill isopropanol that’s been exposed to air for any meaningful length of time.
Isopropanol slowly reacts with oxygen in the air to generate peroxides that, when you concentrate them down, EXPLODE. Source. Sorry, not an open access journal. But please take my word for it.
Unless you have a way of confirming the peroxide levels in your isopropanol are near zero, do not concentrate it down by distillation. You’ll blow up your glassware, which will probably expose what you’re distilling to your heat source, which will generate a secondary fireball.
PLEASE do not do this.
- Comment on Enemies of glory have no honor 6 months ago:
I bet she drinks prune juice
- Comment on 2024-07-18 downtime 7 months ago:
- Comment on The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling 8 months ago:
I don’t think articles like this help that situation. “Plastic isn’t actually recyclable” is a pretty dangerous mind virus that’s basically already running rampant.
Pyrolysis isn’t perfect. But it is absolutely better than throwing plastic in a landfill, and can handle otherwise impossible-to-recycle mixed feedstocks.
The process I worked on recycled PET while leaving the other materials in the mix untouched, ready to go through a different specialized process. That was kind of the whole point of it. Those sorts of technologies are harder in the sense that the tech is more sophisticated, but realistically doesn’t cost more to run once you have it going. The future isn’t all doom and gloom. That’s why I hate these “don’t bother recycling” articles.
- Comment on The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling 8 months ago:
There are alternatives to pyrolysis that are slowly coming online. They have their drawbacks – it’s certainly easier to chuck a bunch of mixed plastic into a reactor and heat it up until something happens – but they’re real.
I worked on one of them for a few years. It’s pretty cool! They’re currently building a pilot plant to demonstrate the technology at scale.
- Comment on lipids 10 months ago:
I had to stare out a window for a little bit after this one.
- Comment on evangelism 10 months ago:
Alternate take: this is the same sort of mark self-sorting that scam artists use.
A reasonable person isn’t gonna reply to a typo-ridden email from a Nigerian prince. But those few who do are going to be easy to get everything from.
Imagine you’re an executive at the company your dad founded. You’re an idiot. Everyone knows you’re an idiot. But you think you’re smart. This guy is willing to consult with you about how your company will use AI (for a modest fee, of course). You don’t understand AI, but you think you do, and you just need someone to help with the details. And everyone has to nod their heads and agree to pay him because they’re afraid of getting fired.
You don’t have to fool everyone.
- Comment on Shit posting but 3d this time 10 months ago:
I’m late to the party but I use a WhamBam build surface on my Ender 3 V2. Absolutely a game changer. Wipe it down with high-percent isopropanol or acetone between prints and it works every time. Sticks like glue when hot and just pops off with zero effort once it cools down.
Not affiliated, just love the thing.…/235-x-235-kit-with-pre-insta…
- Comment on Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works 11 months ago:
It’s not AI, it’s PISS. Plagiarized information synthesis software.
- Comment on Apple will allow users to download apps directly from a developer’s website, in latest EU App Store rule change 11 months ago:
Non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and governments are exempt from the fee. The full policy is here:
If you don’t plan to charge for it, you can also just publish through the existing App Store infrastructure, where there is no fee.
(I’m not being an apologist. There are so, so many shitty things about Apple’s implementation here, but this isn’t one. I believe the EU should blast Apple as hard as legally possible for the rest of their implementation which is intentionally terrible.)
- Comment on New York Times takedown domino effect hits nearly 2000 Wordle clones 11 months ago:
Oh, right – I definitely scrubbed the tracking stuff too. I wonder if that’s how all the clones were being found?
- Comment on New York Times takedown domino effect hits nearly 2000 Wordle clones 11 months ago:
I cloned the original website (it’s just a bunch of JavaScript) once the NYT deal went through and still self-host it. I changed a bunch of the UI text, specifically removing all the references to “Wordle,” and I think it’s just me and my friends that use it. Still works!
- Comment on Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024 1 year ago:
NetNewsWire on iOS and the Mac. Pretty great, and it’s FOSS to boot. Still working on a decent front end on other OSes, the web client is okay-fine but could be better.
- Comment on Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024 1 year ago:
I went with a self-hosted FreshRSS instance, it has its issues but it works well with the client apps I use.
- Comment on DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT PAIN [1000th post. Holy shit.] 1 year ago:
- Comment on For the American people of the Federation, today is voting day. 1 year ago:
Typical hexbear user
Either you’re creating anti democratic propaganda or you’re consuming and regurgitating it. Fuck off.
- Comment on What do you call the next major American holiday which will occur on Monday, October 9th? - 1 year ago:
I think the point is that even by the standards of his time, he was horrible. And that was an era where a common legal execution method was strapping you to a wagon wheel and beating you to death over the course of an hour. He was horrible compared even to that.
- Comment on What else do you think they do during those long haul warps? 1 year ago:
The best moment of this best moment is the split second where he reads his line off of the prompt, cannot believe what he is about to say, and then goes ahead and says it in the best way humanly possible. And that’s the take they used.
- Comment on I designed a printable drywall mount. 1 year ago:
Neat! How much do you figure it can hold up?