- Comment on It's been 30 years and I still can't get over the fact that the French word for "potatoes" is "ground apples." Have The French never had an apple? 4 months ago:
italian tomatoes have entered the chat and agree with their golden apples.
- Comment on Designing a new printer 6 months ago:
My personal hatred of Core XY not withstanding that sounds like an awesome idea. Belt printer? Maybe at a 45 degree slant to avoid support and overhang issues?
- Comment on What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024? 6 months ago:
DMG Gameboy Kirby Dreamland. My youngest loves it and it’s REALLY hard to lose so he doesn’t need a ton of help.
- Comment on [Question] Can You Uncut A STL? 6 months ago:
if the file is small enough you can throw it in tinkercad and merge it. Cura will let you print it as one file if you let it but you have to set it correctly.
- Comment on DIY hot / bath tub in shed? 8 months ago:
First and foremost please please please remember water is F***ING heavy. I know it sounds stupid to say but it’s so easy to forget how fast it adds up. Is your shed wood floored? What is it sitting on?
Would you be comfortable grabbing a 50cm diameter boulder and placing (Not dropping) it on the floor and not have it buckle let alone break?
If yes then you might be alright.
is the outlet 110? Check the fuse and not how many amps it’s rated for.
If it’s just you and you have at least 20 amps I would seriously consider one of those inflatable hot tubs.
You can get one from anywhere between $200 and $600 and they will work for that wattage AND distribute the water weight enough you won’t crack a concrete base, even a not too thin one.
If you are thinking of a cast iron tub or something similar maybe with higher walls or smaller footprint as the shed isn’t big enough for a hot tub then you need to seriously worry about that it will be sitting on.
Finally dumping the water once in a blue moon with 2 squirts of soap isn’t great but it will do minimal damage but 2 or 3 times per week is a LOT of water that will concentrate in a small area and if you plan on washing at all that adds to a lot more soap and detergents then you realize concentrating in your lawn.
Consider doing some filtering before you dump. Charcoal or sand to start and that will help quite a bit. It’ll mean very slow drain but you don’t really are about that do you?
- Comment on Why does my printer suck so much? 11 months ago:
Bit of both really. Ok, the bed tramming is normal, even GREAT printers need it done every few weeks or so. The physics and mechanical properties of how the bed is held down mean changes in temperatures and normal shifts even in an ACed house mean they loosen naturally a little every day and after a few weeks they will be bad enough someone who likes a really level bed will need to clear them again. After a few months any bed that isn’t welded down is going to need to be redone.
Z offset and bed auto level follow from that. You need to redo them when you do the tramming anyway.
I would say run your printer more often but that won’t fix it. You’re running against physics and nothing can stop that. Maybe you can store up prints for say 6 months and then do them all in a week or so and you only have to do this once?
- Comment on The word Unicorn is uni-corn, as in one corn(horn). That means we could also use bicorn, tricorn, etc. 1 year ago:
“It was a Unicorn in the same way nanny Ogg was a Unident.”
- Comment on 3D printer for someone who rarely prints 1 year ago:
Sorry about the late response, OK, brackets and cases for microcontrollers are actually great on a select mini. I agree with others that a Bambu would serve you great AND give you MUCH better finish etc… but the footprint of that thing is about twice that of the mini. I know of at least two prototype printers that are smaller BUT they are prototypes with all the faff that involves including troubleshooting them every time you move them.
Good luck.
- Comment on 3D printer for someone who rarely prints 1 year ago:
How “not use it very often” are we talking about? The critical thing for any printer is first and foremost bed leveling. If you get something like an MP select mini The footprint is about 30cm^3. You can absolutely throw it in a box and just pull it out whenever BUT you will need about 30 minutes to relevel the bed just perfect and potentially run a test print. That said, this machine also only prints a 10cm^3 and it will handle PETG IF it’s been modded otherwise it’s PLA and that’s it.
Which segue nicely into my next question: What will you be printing? Models and minis? Functional parts? Random statues you find online of waifus? (Only slightly kidding)
This matters a LOT.
For the first: The mini will sorta work but not be great with details. Fort the second plan on a printer that can handle PETG at least. For the latter, you want to look into a resin printer. They WILL fit into a closet when emptied and cleaned BUT the cleaning process is both lengthy, tedious and potentially noxious and requires quite a bit of space so I didn’t even mention them in the first part.
- Comment on Any handheld consoles with parental controls? Mainly looking for timed sessions 1 year ago:
How techy are you and what level of handheld are you willing to get them? Retropie comes with a built in shutdown timer and you can set up cron jobs remotely to shut down after a time or even at certain times. Down side: You need to know how to set them up AND you are not going to get a machine that runs the latest and greatest.
You could go all out and get them a steam deck and set up crons but that’s strictly local to the machine.
- Comment on On the bright side, I didn't kill my BLtouch. 1 year ago:
The piece probably left the build plate and stuck to the nozzle, got pushed in and melted. OP got lucky and it didn’t hit anything hard and cause his leveller to break.